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Kathie v Vhoorl

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Posts posted by Kathie v Vhoorl

  1. AvatarForm, the skintones used here were not difficult at all. I used Reaper Master Paints. Basecoated with rosey skin shadow then washed with GW Sepia wash to add a slightly different shade to it. Then I came back and highlighted with the same rosey skin shadow, then used rosey skin then rosey skin highlight and a final rosey skin highliht mixed with a tiny amount of white. Very simple recipe, just have to keep paints watered down about 1 part water to 2 parts paint.

  2. The game-cave is moving right along. I just finished taping it off for the first coat of paint!!!!!!! Yayyy!!!! It has been slow going with just 3 of us on it. Me, Nemissary(when chemotherapy leaves him enough strength) and our best buddy Avatard.

    I have some pics that I will post when I can get a better size pic up along with larger pics of the Showgirls I just posted.

  3. Ok... My desktop and laptop have both crashed and I am now using an old computer that was in the closet amd hopelessly outdated. I finally managed to get some pics uploaded, but they came out strangely small. Oh well, at least I'm back on the interwebs after a few weeks of no computers at all.

    I did a Showgirls commission and I hope everyone likes it. This is my first try at such colorful painting. I left the bases a very simple laquered wood look, because anything else may make the model too confusing with all these colors. Let me know what you think. I hope the person that wanted these, likes them. They are in the mail as of yesterday morning.










  4. The work on the Game-cave has been moving along ever so slowly. We are doing it all ourselves and we have zero construction experience. this will be my sectioned off Paint-Zone, complete with gate to keep the noise familiar away from sharp, stabby blades etc. The work is tiring, but fun even though all the angles are off by a little no matter what Nemissary and I do.



  5. Thanks Nathan! I just finished up.. ,with the exception of a few eyeballs, The Perdita Crew for a friend. This was time critical and I did the crew in 2 days, in between everything else I had to do. I did not go out on a limb with any neat techniques or anything, just made sure they would fit as a cohesive unit and my friend said he wanted them to be in the desert! Must be desert. Let me know what you think.





    ..and here is a teaser WIP of my game garage... it will be the untilmate game-cave when finished.


  6. Thanks!

    Kds54: I use alot of different brushes because I have a hard time finding good ones also. I have some GW, some Winsor Newton Master brushes and some Vallejo brushes. I have heard that Kolinsky series 7 are the top notch brushes, but I have not found any locally and I think they may be very expensive (maybe 12-20$ a brush I guess). I use standard brushes and detail brushes mostly.

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