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Dark Alleycat

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Posts posted by Dark Alleycat

  1. Not every model in the wyrd range has gigantic breasts,and let me tell you...gigantic breasts happen in real life all the time,just like small ones.

    as for the "ideal" woman,that body shape changes consistently. I think people might be confusing the "fit" concept with the "active" concept.

    As far as excessive,a couple of them might qualify,but by no means all. Sonnia isnt,the female guild guard isnt. The showgirls arent. Rusty alyce certainly isnt.

  2. I still say witchling stalkers are king. Scout and hunter means they move fast,and can shoot anything no matter where they hide. Magic resistant does some help. magic weapons on a four point model is insanely good as well. Add in the explosion they get when they die. Also consider that they can remove tokens and effects on your models with a spell,and interrupt other peoples spells. this includes poison,paralyzed,slow.

  3. We have plenty of options to deal with...just about every model out there...if you look at it. And with a few dips into outcasts,we can even deal with them. So what has you feeling sore huh? poison on your models from being channeled with zoraida's totem? shrug it off,any ortega can do it. Any witchling stalker can flat out remove it. Same goes with poison,blight,burning,all those negative tokens.

    Alps...they can be a pain...but the thing to remember about dreamer crews...is they are glass cannons. We have death marshals with slow to die. We have witchlings that blow up when we die. And those Alps? very squishy. So you put a pair of witchlign stalkers together,and keep them together. Work in small close cells.An Alp bomb left next to Sonnia is dead and gone that turn,period. You know he is going to drop the bomb that turn,activate inferno. Watch him either not toss down the bomb,or make the mistake of thinking killing her gets rid of it and thus making sure everything around her explodes,usually including LCB. You can even sucker them in with putting a stalker or two by her to ensure it. Austringers can pick off their daydream transport capability without exposing themselves to counter fire.

    Pandora got you down? Well,If a boy named sue works the way he is described,its gonna be a gigantic middle finger to pandora. Otherwise,you just keep the stalkers near her without attacking her,giving her a negative flip on any spell she wants to do. Then you chain blasts off the stalker into pandy's face and rip her a new one.

    Kirai? Go ahead...bring a kirai surrounded by Seishin against Criid. We call that asian stir fry. and when they all die at once,she doesnt get to transfer damage to them. Oh yeah,and magic gives not a damn about them being spirits. Not to mention,the stalkers carry magic weapons for 4 points. And they explode and hurt whatever killed them.

    You got trouble with the Lelu/Lillitu combo? Bring a lawyer.hell bring two. Hit both the lelu's with the "you aint friendly" anymore bit. And watch your opponents 28 points worth of models just melt away. Stalkers to mess up their lures,and with them,you gotta make sure to break the first one to prevent them from chain casting it. You got Austringers that can hit from as far away as they can lure,and do it without line of sight. You can use Criid's flame walls to block line of sight to get close. Sammy can ricochet bullets of sorrows and still hit Pandora. You can chain blasts as well,Santiago has this lovely 4 damage in a 6 inch pulse ability.

    My point? we got plenty of wonderful options for dealing with just about any problem we can come across. We have the best option for cheap foot soldiers in the game. 4 points for hunter,scout,magic resistant,magic weapon,decent gun and great melee. Oh and if you kill them,you take 2 damage to the face.Or we have defensive 4 point models that can make entire lines of attack inmpassable to non spirits. We have shooters that can hit people no matter where they hide,and without exposing themselves to return fire. We have some of the best sheer damage dealing capability in the game.we have 3 point models (watchers) that are more manueverable objective takers then anything but the dreamer himself. AND they can remove terrifying..i mean really...how cool is that?

    And as long as we stick to affordable models,chances are good we even will outnumber our opponents. and if we dont,well...kill a couple of them to get that activation advantage.

    Now,I realize this all is given from Criid's viewpoint..But hey..their is a reason the rest of the guild calls us when they have to deal with a magic using threat....because flat out we are the best at what we do.

    So go ahead,pop up a situation and a problem and we can all take it apart with a good way to counter it.

  4. The important thing is to catch perdita when she is low on cards,since you should be able to easily outactivate her due to more cheaper models. then you use the hanged "1/2 wounds and no heals" It takes a bit of prep,but worst comes to worse,name a ability a model of yours can use twice in a turn to almost guarentee perdita burns a soulstone each time? And if it does work,you can absolutely guarentee that she will burn soulstones to prevent losing half her wounds and being unable to heal. Two Onyro,10 points,and you can pretty easily make her burn 4 soulstones in a single turn,and thats if she doesnt do anything else with them.

  5. Light fast models,heavy hitting models.

    Yeah go Friekorps

    von Schill makes a good,mobile as hell,strong and deadly leader.

    The librarian can keep everyone alive around her,and if near Von Schill will become near unkillable.

    The Specialist and Trapper are both hellaciously fun.

    The Friekorpsmen are some of the top 4pt models in the game.

    Throw in Taelor for a magic weapon,heavy melee beatstick.

    Or Johan or Convict Gunslinger.

    they will give you a good way to deal with most things. They do have a bit of a low minimum damage,but great statlines,immunity to blasts and armor that prevents 1-2 damage against everything.

    Alternately,get the Viktorias.Get Von Schill as a minion. Get some Ronin and maybe a boy named Sue when he is reelased and you are good to go.

  6. Playing Seamus,the board is your playground. Period. The thing I have found that works very well for me,is to allways pair your belle's with another model. So you have a Crooked man,a Punk zombie and a Convict gunslinger as your combat potential. You pair a belle with each one,and you use the belle to bring your target to your killer and then you take them out. a Crooked man,punk zombie and belle makes a wonderful set up. you make them walk over the shafted marker,right into the melee of the punk zombie. they are paralyzed or allready softened up,and the zombie rips them a new one.

    Also remember that the shafted marker only activates when you end a movement. So you can put them on a model that has allready activated that you dont want charged.

    Onyro and Hanged also make for a very very good option. the first time you field an Onyro against the Ortegas,watch their jaw drop i guarentee. "What do you mean Perdita is now affected by willpower duels? Why is that hanged looking at me so hungrily?"

  7. Ok,so now this came up in a game yesterday evening. And it really did manage to change the way the game went.

    So Lady Justice was 2 and a half inches from Sonnia. She Activates,and then casts Sword Style. Sonnia drops a Tome and uses advanced counterspell to counter it. Now obviously this caused a lot of consternation from the Lady Justice player. Now,this was based on the wording from the mini rule book,which states that spells that target you have a range of C and Sonnia's Advanced Counterspell states If you or a model within 3 inches is the target of a spell,you can discard two cards or 1 tome to counterspell it.

    This prevented the Lady J player from getting Onslaught,and turning Sonnia into finely chopped paste. So...did we play it right?

  8. I have found that adding Taelor and the Convict Gunslinger,and dropping one of the two Freikorpsmen works beautifully at 35 points. This gives you a solid gun/melee unit and a rock solid melee arsestomper. You could also accomplisht he same thing by making vikkies your master,take von schill as a 9 point henchman,add in the librarian at 7,the Trapper at 6,the Specialist at 5 and that would leave you with 8ss,and a really strong crew. Either way would work well.

  9. Alleycat nods to Lydia. "Like i said,if we can grab it along the way then so be it. Otherwise I come back afterwards and retrieve it.Princess Hayzel's cat eh? That will make things interesting. It will be in a More secure area,one protected against magics. It will be closer to the Inquisitor's area...but we can still manage it."

  10. Alleycat hefts the bag and nods before turning back to Lydia. "Hope you don't mind a small bit of side business while we are there. Its likely they would keep the 'born related things together anyways." He wasn't thrilled about this turn of events,but business was business and regardless of that,he hadn't been sure that anything other then agreeing to the strange Neverborn's demands would have brought Lydia back. Seeing the look in Lydia's eyes,Alleycat smiles "While I appreciate a good bit of mayhem as much as the next guy,stopping to wring his neck would likely draw too much attention. And as a personal favor,could you avoid killing him until after I have delivered the artifact he wanted. It never looks good when a client ends up dead before a contract is fulfilled."

  11. Alleycat sighed softly "Well,then there is two options.The first one,is that you return Lydia,and pay me to recover this artifact for you And either I get it while im in there,or I come back at a later time to collect it. The second option,is that I put bullets into you that will hurt you. And trust me on this,I have some that will." As he says this,he pulls out a small box colored black and removes a silver pepperbox derringer. "Make your choice,and make it quickly"

  12. Alleycat slipped into the shadows,considering his options. Once inside,he might be able to brazen his way past interior guards,but the outside guards tended to want to see things like writs and other paperwork that he wouldn't be able to produce on such short notice. The bullets he had chosen were non lethal to humans,though they would drop them in their tracks for 8 hours,another little gift from Sonnia,given with a promise that if he had to engage Guild members in the future to try and use them instead. However none of his guns were quiet enough for this without a little help.

    He could allways try taking them in hand to hand,but he couldn't be sure he could take all three silently without raising alarm. So he would have to use his own talents.Calling on his own talents was draining,but it was neccessary. When he had gone through the breach on a prison transport,his entire car had gone utterly silent for a period of a hour and ever since then he could call the quiet inside him to cover an area about 5 feet around him with concentration although he could silence parts of his body with very little effort,such as what he regularly used to make his footsteps silent.

    As he focused on the quiet,the two mechanical arms at his back unwound and unleashed 3 quick shots into the patrolling guardsman who crumpled to the ground. As Lydia hurried up,clearly worried over the Guardsman,Alleycat stepped beside her. "They are fine,will be sleeping for the next 6 hours or so." Quickly dragging them out of sight into their guard house he smiled at Lydia. "Lead on lass"

  13. Alleycat ran alongside Lydia, a wry grin on his face "I am going to assume that this cat is either a 'Born or a Arcanist familiar. I need to know which so I know which holding cell it will be in." In a momentary pause,Alleycat pulled out 2 largebore pistols and reloaded them from a red box.As he replaced them in the holsters at his hips,Lydia saw the flash of a emblem on the grips,a stylized FK. As he slipped them away,the whirring on his back intensified and the box unfolded,revealing itself to be two bronze and bone mechanical arms holding a pair of slimmed down Peacebringers,but instead of the normal steel the blades on the grips were of polished obsidian.

    After reloading them from the same box,Alleycat looked up to see Lydia staring at him coldly. "They generally don't let non-guild carry those."

    "Criid gave me those as part of a payment for removing a very dangerous magical abomination. The other two pistols were a gift from Von Schill after saving one of his Trappers from a Guild hanging party."After saying this,the two arms folded themselves back away into the small box and he turned to look at Lydia. "And I know my way around the holding cells. So you get us in,and I can likely find who we are looking for"

  14. Alleycat fell in step with Lydia,and the heavy footfalls from when he had approached behind Lydia ceased completely,his stride now almost eerily silent. Lydia's head snapped around to look at him as if to check he was still there. Alleycat grinned again "tis impolite to sneak up on a friend after all" though a twinkle in his eye showed that his estimation of Lydia's abilities had gone up a notch in the speed of her noticing. "Besides,its a piss poor excuse for a cat what can't walk silent when it needs to"

    Alleycat scanned the surroundings as they ran,the comparitively slow stride allowing him more then ample time to pay close attention to them,though he did notice that Lydia kept to it easily as well.

    In a casual tone he asks "So,who's plans are we disrupting tonight?" Seeing her eye him as if trying to determine how to answer,Alleycat smiles again. "Dont worry darlin,there are two reasons why it doesn't matter to me who it is. First,and most importantly,because of what Black said to me when we met. He has used that phrase before,when he wanted me to watch over someone while he couldn't.Secondly,even if it wasn't traditional pay,when I am bought i stay bought. So till morning or till I get you back to Absolution, you got my help"

  15. Sun Tzu's book is not just about warfare. and that is a point alot of people miss when they read it. It approaches warfare,as they would approach most other things,building a philosophy.

    And yes,I would agree that having a plan of action before the first model is placed on the board is key. Doing everything you can to control the tempo of the game is also key. But that is not something that can be done without reacting to the situation.

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