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Dark Alleycat

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Posts posted by Dark Alleycat

  1. Also bear in mind that you can,if you have the cards for it and enemies close together,do the inferno two times,and get a flame burst off with severe damage and hit models with the blast radius. Alternately if you can do it,using the inferno's damage portion to help get the 10 damage required.

    What i think would be hilarious,is having the situation where if you fulfill the requirements you automatically summoned the avatar,and then using the second inferno right before sonnia was going to die. Sonnia dies,the inferno action explodes causing the required 10 damage. by the rules,the avatar is immediately summoned because its late enough in the game that the requirements are met,and as part of the summoning it can discard a soulstone to do a healing flip,thus surviving Since that summoning interrupts whatever the model is doing at the time to complete the requirements.

    Thats the sort of thing that would be near impossible to pull off,but damn if it wouldnt be hilarious to see the expression on your opponents face.

  2. The problem is,that when he does what he has the possibility of doing,it can pretty much mean a game over for your opponent if things go poorly.

    As example,and this is in part what sparked off the discussion. I move up Santiago,Witchling and Convict Gunslinger. The board had the center of it being in a building where the objective was. Ryle gets pushed up and walks,opens fire on santiago. gets his chaingun dialed up to 11 and drops him down to one wound. turn ends. New turn,murphy gets initiative,Blasts Santiago to hell,Convict gunslinger to hell,and the witchling to hell in one activation.

    Now granted,Murphy was having insane luck on the flips. But not counting santiago,he annihilated 10 points worth of models in two shots.with a third shot available to take out anything without hard to kill on it. or in this case,finish off another 7 points of my crew,and the entirety of my front line assault forces.

    This is a model that cannot be turned against its user like Samuel can. It comes with Armor. it comes with a free push.and it comes with a gun,that if it gets a good flip,can kill any model in the game that doesn't have hard to kill in one shot. And on top of that,it can fire that gun 3 times.

    Its downside? Its not treated as a friendly model. and all this for 8 points.

    Now,if the extra damage flips were affected by things like Armor,hard to wound,defense flips...then it wouldn't be overpowered. If it had a chance on a flip to instead shoot the closest model instead for its activation...then it wouldn't be overpowered. Give its gun a variation of trigger happy instead of what it has now,so that if it flips a severe,it can make another attack. Or if 8 point models are supposed to be godlike,give Samuel immune to influence if led in a crew by Sonnia (call it overwhelming duty or something) and maybe ranged expert instead of rapid fire.

  3. I am looking for the following.

    Nephilim Soldier



    Nyss raptors & UA

    Nyss Legionnaires

    Nyss Swordsman & UA

    Blackfrost Shard


    Aiyanna and Holt

    Taryn de la Rovissi

    Horgenhold Forgeguard



    2 Chargers


    Ol Rowdy

    Stormblades & UA & WA


    Black 13th

    Arlan Strangeways

    What I have is



    Performer and Mannequin

    Dead justice Box set

    and my painting ability. It is up to very good tabletop standard,and my rates are very affordable. Here is a pic of some of my most recent work. and by affordable I mean 5-10 dollars for high tabletop quality. If your trading models for painting I give full retail value,otherwise will pay 50% retail cash for models.




  4. Well,I tend to use a core crew that can handle most objectives equally well,and then pop in a couple others depending on what the strategy shows.

    So for instance...



    2 Witchling Stalkers.


    To me,this combo presents the ability to deal with most situations. Santiago is a gun toting madman,able to dish out damage with the very best of them,able to assault or defend equally well,and is an exceptional objective peice.

    The witchlings,well they are fast,ignore terrain,great in melee and have magical weapons plus abilities to complement sonnia's anti magic.

    I generally choose the Austringer over Nino given his ability to hide far better then Nino does,being able to avoid melee combat better,and most of all being able to do much the same job,but without the gigantic bullseye on his head.

  5. Oh wonderful and whimsical mistress of mannequins,goddess of the arts of drawn humour,please bestow upon your humble devotee more of your blessed work featuring that most noble and snarky of subjects,Sonnia Criid.

    In nomine filum et acum et sancta adipiscing

    (In the name of the thread,and the seam,and the holy needle)

  6. A good way to do it,is to hold him back a bit,or give your opponent too many other things to worry about as well. Make him devote a large portion of resources to taking down sammy,which leaves the rest of his army to deal with your main force. Ive found one of the best things to do,is to keep him near Sonnia,or keep him guarding a location thats important to you or your opponent. Dont leave him all by his lonesome. Make sure that your opponent knows that he will have to devote some serious resources and will likely lose most if not all of those to try and kill samael. I find activating sammy later in the turn,and keeping a late activating nino or austringer or Taelor to support him works wonders. You could also use a Lawyer as a screen for him. Make sure that whoever is wanting to attack him,cant actually make strikes that round.

    Use him like Taelor actually...as a countercharge/response model. Use him as a big nasty "hey look at me,im big and bad,ignore those three witchling stalkers creeping up on you" distraction.

    After he activates,drop Flame wall in front of him,so that anything that charges him gets burned,perhaps fatally.

  7. The new Conan has a good amount of potential,and certainly far more accurate to the book's description. Arnold does a great barbarian,but Lean and Panther-like he is not (most common description of Conan)

    Anyways,I think that the clothing should make a bit more sense..Now,as an example..Taelor. Her fluff describes her as bawdy,and more then willing to flatten the skull of a guy who pisses her off. So,her dress reflects that,the scrap of cloth barely covering her nipples.

    and as far as it goes,I would actually say that Criid would be very likely to have makeup. As an example of why,when you take a look at photos of businesswomen,they tend to have subtle makeup but it is there. Given what she does,fighting in politics as well as in person,I think she would take that extra bit of time to present that image. Same with her clothing. Some females wouldnt use makeup,but I firmly believe some would.

    And ye gods I hate the desperate merc female sculpt...Im sorry,but the face looks off,the pose is..utterly ridiculous and would be physically painful to actually attempt.

  8. I dont think that you get to have the flaming bullets extra for the richochet shot,but im fairly sure the magic hunter would apply. But yes,Samael is without a doubt my favorite guild non master. He is a beast...and ever since he one shotted a Coryphee duet he has been an auto include any time I feel the need for a heavy hitter.

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