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Dark Alleycat

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Posts posted by Dark Alleycat

  1. I tried out the Vik's and Von schill combo.





    Von Schill

    two Viks

    Convict Gunslinger

    2 Freikorpman

    The great thing with this is that you can have the sword vik running around and stabbing things like crazy,with the gun vik buffing the sword vik and the librarian to heal if the sword vik gets wounded. And if you absolutely need to start doing their movement shenanigans you can pull the second one forward.

  2. Yes by all means come on down on Wednesday's and Saturdays. More people tend to show up on Saturday's then on Wednesday's but I would love to see more on both nights.

    And I would heavily recommend getting some demo games with Genetic. He is a good person to learn from. Coming from 40k is what I did as well,so remember to focus on completing objectives more then wiping out your opponents army. That is probably the biggest problem that we 40k players have from what I have seen.

    and I have the Sonnia Criid box set I could probably let you use to demo with on wednesday if Genetic doesnt.

  3. There is only two ways around the Alp bomb,and both require the dreamer player to make a mistake. So yea,playing Genetic it generally means it wont happen lol. IF and this is a big if,you can take out his daydreams when they are still on his side of the field..you can cut down on his mobility. IF you can cut down on his mobility,you can make it harder to get where he needs to be. The other option is if you have all ranged models,setting up overlapping fields of fire.

    Now,for these to work...as I said...your opponent has to screw up. So,if your facing the Alp Bomb,you have to be very aware of your threat range,the location of all of his Daydreams because they are the Dreamers ability to move around the board even faster. Pay close attention to the ways you have to increase your movement. The other,rather more amusing way of doing things...is incredibly dependant on terrain. If your game board has a lot of thin walls and things such as that,you can use that to set up on,leaving it harder for him to surround your models with the alps.

  4. Yeah..when Genetic runs something locally,I may just go around and ask opponents if they mind me using it,I will have the original model ready to present and replace if needed but would much rather use the Taranto. Though I do think part of why Genetic says I should use the original is because I haven't finished his base so I still have the original square base on him,and that will be changed in the next couple days lol.

  5. I think the best option would be using it on say....Pandora perhaps,then parking a stalker out of her reach with the anti magic lol. But I would agree...the magic bullets is a better option in just about every situation from what I can see.

  6. Next Neverborn subfaction with a kitten master

    Well...Hayzel did say she wanted me to become Neverborn...I suppose this would be one way to do it lol.

    I do think Spring Heeled Jack would be an awesome neverborn.

    +1 nimble,0 action to gain flight and no disengaging strikes.0 action to gain terrifying 12 but not instinctual. a glare to do WP-WP to paralyze a target.6-8 inch range. make it a spell though. give him a scalpel and make him decent in melee but not amazing.maybe cb 4-5. low damage but possibly critical strike or Flurry. Also possibly evasive 1 or 2 to help represent his insane agility.

  7. True,I think when i did that post I was half asleep lol. Yes if you greenstuff over it,you shouldn't have a problem. And Genetic,If you run a event and make me use the original CGS,I will instead play a dreamer crew and use my 80's metal album cover Lord Chompy bits. Purely to mess with you *grins*

  8. I would weigh in with Seamus. he is incredibly self sufficient,a few belles makes it even harder to escape jack's area of hurt.

    You use the Belle's to pull them into Jack,and you shoot from outside the range and you almost guarantee a cheatable damage flip and thus a severe damage.

    Plus between the belles and the hanged you can ensure your opponent will never outrun jack even with the fastest models.

  9. Something I have seen with the colette crew bases that alot of people have done that just looks amazing,is little things on the bases that you could conceivably see on a burlesque stage. I think my favorites were small roses,small lights, and in one case a couple fallen playing cards.

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