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Dark Alleycat

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Posts posted by Dark Alleycat

  1. Oh I don't underestimate the greenskins Murphy.Rami is quite nasty,and ophelia can do some quite significant damage. your slop haulers mean that they can heal quite a bit. I do however enjoy mightily hearing about them having horrible things happen to them due to willpower issues.

    But If you really want,I suppose I could bring out one of my other armies.

    Seamus perhaps. I mean...Ophelia is a little short for his tastes,but the copycat would probably think she was all sorts of awesome.

    8-10 lures a turn means ophelia could only resist for so long lol.

  2. you don't need a mask,Thanks to Seductive (+4-Mask when casting lure) the belle's have it cooked in allready. so you have an even or better chance against every model in the game but Zoraida and hollow waifs. Yes it requires an extra activation,but its certainly worth it.

    Cave in requires a 7+ and can be resisted. Shafted requires a 9+ but it doesn't give a resist.

    But remember,the question was about crooked men and what can make them better. To my mind there is nothing out there that can benefit a crooked man more then to be paired with a rotten belle.

    Gives you even more board control,a good melee combatant and a very tough melee combatant.

  3. Miss pack is a alternate sculpt nurse that was released...Gencon 2010 I believe. and apparently Wyrd continues to show its awesomeness by occassionally including said model into boxes ordered from the store.

    Just when I think you guys have hit the roof for being just flat out damn cool,you prove me wrong by going farther.

    On a completely unrelated note,I plan on purchasing Perdita from the wyrd store in the near future and I also normally play ressurectionists *whistles innocently*

  4. Genetic is quite right. Obey is a very powerful,and most importantly intimidating ability for your opponent to face.

    What follows is a movie quote.The statements,questions and comments contained within do not reflect upon the poster, wyrd forums or the game of Malifaux. Please do not read if you are going to drive or operate steam-based machinery or constructs. possible side effects include :giggling,maniacal laughing,lower jaw falling off,hands being replaced with claws,fever,brain swelling,rage issues and a serious case of the munchies. Should these symptoms persist,contact your physician or local Ressurectionist recycling center.

    But What do i know :P

    NOTHING!!! Absolutely NOTHING!!!!!

    You so STUPID!!!!

    -Kuni,UHF(the part where he is the game show host and the contestant goes for what is in the box)

  5. And yes get rising powers. Even if you aren't using model's from the second book,its good to have it so that you can get a good understanding of things you might encounter playing with others.

    And yes,I recommend the red chapel gang as well. Seamus and his belle's are a good resser gang. I would however get the convict gunslinger to go with him.

    Seamus,2 belles,2 punk zombies and the convict gunslinger.

    Lady Justice,Judge,3 Death Marshals,Guild austringer.

    That will give both armies a good mix of melee and ranged models. Seamus will give a idea of how you can control and manipulate the battlefield while being able to hold is own against lady J's forces.

    Lady Justice will show clearly how strong and nasty a Master can be in combat.

    Now another alternative to the Red chapel box set would be Lilith's box set. For that you would want to buy a pack of young nephilim but other then that you would be set.

  6. Lucy Lawless could do a good job I admit,but Carrie ann moss looks much better in leather.Both would certainly work however... But yeah totally kate beckinsale for Lady J.

    Michelle Rodriguez to play perdita. Danny Trejo to play...well whoever in the family he damn well wants lol. Though I think he would make an awesome Santiago. Francisco too for that matter. Oscar Jaenada would also make a great nino.

  7. It would be simple actually,there are plenty of sheer fabrics that appear solid but you can see through quite well. not to mention the fact that two eyeslots could be cut and then digitally added in the wrap up.

    Sonnia vs Ramos. Just because i think it would make for a great movie with some seriously awesome special effects. It would bounce between the labor riots and sabotaging and the board room and legal manuevering of the two.

    Lady Justice Vs McMourning. Wave on Wave of guild autopsies,finally culminating in a scalpel to greatsword fight in the middle of the Guild's morgue while a flesh construct used the judge as a club to bash around death marshals.

    Seamus Vs Colette. For sheer creepyness this one would be perfect, though it might have real difficulty to avoid going too far. Seamus is looking to add to his collection,and Collette's theater is the next stop on the list.

    Freikorps vs ...well anything really.Liam neeson as Von Schill,Oscar Jaenada as the Trapper.Terry Crews as the Specialist.Chris Evans as a Korpsman,Zoe Saldana as the Librarian. And Jason Statham as Bishop.

    Going against them...hmmm...Lilith and the nephilim.Carrie-ann Moss for Lilith...Because we know she looks amazing in skin tight leather.Julie Benz as Lilitu,Sean Patrick Flanery as Lelu. Rest of the nephilim would likely be just cgi enhanced without many lines. Steve Buscemi as the black blood shaman....just because I think it would be awesome.

  8. *shrugs* We get the job done. It might not allways be pretty. It usually wont be fast,but we get the job done lol.

    Now though I do want to try out some guild models for a while. So far Perdita and Sonnia are the next two on the list to try out. So if saturday you could bring the guild goodies I would be most appreciative.

    As for a game thursday I would love to,but unfortunately I cant =(

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