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Dark Alleycat

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Posts posted by Dark Alleycat

  1. The question would be...What can be done to limit the damage he can do in games where you need to have non-insignificant models to complete strategies.

    The first and most obvious thing would be to try and screen significant models with insignificant ones to prevent him from casting on them.

    Difficult at times but its a possibility. The downside to this is that you are required to keep the three or more models together,and prevent hamelin from moving around them. This becomes very difficult very quickly.

    Now another option is certain models are able to ignore WP duels,or to remove effects on themselves. Those would likely be the hardest models for Hamelin to deal with. I know he has a way to remove the immune to influence part If i remember correctly,but it requires him to lose a model. this could be a detriment depending on situation.

  2. 2) Ratcatchers who die in the blast damage don't summon rats as all deaths happen at the same time.

    And btw, this ain't theory craft - it's a match we've played out ;)

    Are you 100% sure about the deaths happening at the same time? If so then yes that would give a good way of dealing with things. I was under the impression that the models were killed one by one in a blast situation.

  3. Pockets,so I know for sure. how much range does hamelin have on his "make you insignificant" spell?

    I am basing most of my concerns on that ability,which I do know requires him to be somewhat close to make it happen.

    Now...from what I have seen in my game partnered with Hamelin,was that without the ratcatchers he had very low mobility without killing off his own models. I think honestly he was keeping that in reserve to use as a suprise.

    So really,you dont need to hit the rats,especially with them coming back. The targets I would say are Nix,for his +2 dmg to weak damage,the Ratcatchers for mobility and being able to keep swarms alive in a larger area. The stolen because they can keep him from dying.

  4. That's a fair shout - that would be a pretty poor match :(

    Personally I'd Soulstone up and chain blast damage onto him (I can't remember the name of the spell at the moment) and use witchling stalkers for their area damage when they die. Also, if need be consider throwing Jackdaw at him - terrifying->13 will see off most of his crew and you can stop him cheating and using soulstones (and if you want to be ultra mean you can target jackdaw with your blast spell to cheat up the damage output ;) )

    the big problem is that ALOT of gangs are smaller model counts. And Hamelin can shut down a small model gang pretty quickly. And make it that rather then playing to win,you are busting your ass to get a tie. in that situation,you have to declare your schemes,pull off both of them,and do your best to prevent hamelin from doing any schemes. That will make it a tie.

    As for hitting hamelin,the problem becomes...it doesn't matter if you kill him. he can come back. It does weaken him granted and that is a step in the right direction.

    I suppose the best way to sum up my feelings about Hamelin requires a reference to games workshop. That reference would be codex creeping. That in an effort to make new things unique and exciting,that they can end up being more powerful then they should be when compared to some of their counterparts.

    In a game,there should be a chance for any master to win against any other master with any of the strategies. Hamelin has the very easy ability to take that away,and at a larger distance then any other if I remember correctly.

  5. I understand where you're coming from, but you cant take the one ability in isolation. A lot of Masters have very powerful specific abilities (Pandora, Collette, Dreamer, Viks...)

    True...but I don't feel any of them have the ability to be so incredibly game changing as fate is meaningless can be.

    Pandora for instance..Incite and Pacify can be resisted,even if its difficult.

    The Viktorias dont even have any (0) actions.

    I dont have rising powers so I cant for sure say about the dreamer and collette. From what i remember the dreamer has some incredible (0) actions...But he can still have to do a triple negative flip.As long as Hamelin gets to activate,he gets to ignore negatives.

    That means he never has to cheat higher then equal when attacking to cheat in any card he wants. And chances are good that Hamelin will have a great supply of cards,due to rat base stats meaning that to avoid losing you have to cheat more often then not,and being able to hold onto the good cards he plays.

  6. I don't disagree that he's got some really unique skills which need a specific approach (but with some thought they can be countered) - my issue is when people make sweeping statements as gospel with little or no experience of the full dynamic of what they're talking about.

    Sarcasm aside, I think you just have to give it some thought as each Master would counter Hamelin in a very specific way (I know how I'd play with Perdita, Zoraida, Pandora, Cridd, Rasputina). And don't forget iirc he auto-loses Slaughter.

    Im not saying he cant be countered. Im saying that he has the very real and likely possibility of countering most strategies...no matter how good your opponent plays.Yes...he will almost certainly lose Slaughter..But say...against Freikorps. on an average 30 ss list I will have 6-7 models. That means in..even taking his time..3 turns,none of my troops can interact with game objectives that require non insignificant models to do it. and All of his models can. Now its a guarantee he will have more models then me to begin with so i would be doing a uphill battle to begin with.

    On a side note since im planning on picking up Criid as my next master,how would you beat him reliably with her? no sarcasm,one of the best players I know is starting hamelin and i am allready working on ways to stop him lol.

  7. So I have been on the boards for a month longer then WUWU,have worked out fewer masters then him (Seamus,Von schill).

    But none of that changes the fact that Hamelin has a couple abilities that can combine to make it very difficult to near impossible for many masters to complete game strategies.

    Now...other Master's can make models insignificant this is true. But no other master can then flat out ignore any model it makes insignificant. No other master can remove any thing beyond getting out of LoS to make it more difficult to accomplish.

    I would think that being able to cheat a card on any flip a master does would probably qualify as one of the most powerful out there. If you can think of one better,by all means say so.

    Now Pockets,If there are any holes in what I have pointed out...by all means be a ray of hope to those of us that don't play hamelin and point them out.

  8. He does have an easy time making things insignificant...you can't argue that pockets. The combination of allways being able to cheat any flip he makes no matter the circumstances,plus his ability to recycle high cards make it work that way.

    Combine that with the fact that many strategy require non insignificant models to do the actions that count for it.

    Now if you aren't playing a gang with a very high model count,you could very easily end up losing any chance to complete the games strategy.

  9. What Im trying to say is...yes..that combo can make for an incredibly difficult to kill duo. I wouldn't use the librarian as a tank to hold people in that manner,but it is something to remember.

    Also,dont ignore the librarian's other spells she can cast. the +2 DF aura can do nicely,giving a defense of 5-7 for everyone.removing the suits from a Master or Spell caster can make the double suit spells really difficult if not impossible to get. the positive flip to cast and damage can work nicely as well.

    But yes,if your going to have the librarian...holding onto a ram,even a small one,is a very good idea.

  10. Well I had so much of a problem my wallet is in the hands of my wife, now I need to to pimp out my painting services in exchange for crews, however I am finishing all my painting before I do that though, so at least its good motivation.

    Indeed. That is how I manage my addiction for the most part...pimping out my panting skills lol. I just really need to get a camera so I can start doing it professionally lol.

  11. So Genetic,you think you would be up for running a demo game for my Son? he has been bugging me to try out the game,I gave him a general run down on how duels work and things like that. But I wanted to give him the chance to play on a real board with real terrain so thought I would talk to you about it.

    He hasn't quite decided on what army he wants to use yet though. So i figured if you were able to bring a good supply for him to choose from.

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