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Dark Alleycat

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Posts posted by Dark Alleycat

  1. Yes. The big problem with samurai punk zombies is their tendency to be shot down before they can get into melee. this is why you pair them with a rotten belle. She lures them into its melee range.

    For playing Seamus,half your army should be belles. It will make for a very effective force if you keep them with a heavy hitter.

  2. Well,as I play Freikorps alot,I would say That Sammael would be a good choice. Also,if your opponent keeps the librarian in von schill's slow to die bubbble,you have to kill her before she activates so she wont have an easy ram on the cast. Also make use of the witchling stalkers. they can give the negative cast ability to make it more likely for her to fail.

    Try and seperate them with the fire walls. use the violation of magic since their magic resistant and armor wont help.

  3. *nods* all the new guys picked it up very fast. I am definitely hoping they keep coming back lol. The guy I played,I didn't take it easy on him either. All I had to do was remind him about Triggers,and occasionally offer a bit of advice on movement.

    From what I saw,Hansel also played fairly well. He focused on the objectives and did really good.

    I am really really excited about the batch of new guys lol. Did anyone remember to give them the info on the website? or are we all goobers?

  4. So tried out my first game with Sonnia. Found some important things out.

    First and foremost,Letting Samael shoot a Master is a one way trip to pain town for that master. Almost pulled off a one shot kill on Perdita,only thing that saved her was a soulstone.

    Of course,this meant that she turned around and obeyed the hell out of him and made him shoot the living hell out of sonnia. Note to self,keep sonnia near Samael or way the hell away lol.

  5. And as far as myself is concerned,and I believe Pockets as well,neither of us have called you out on anything about your tacticas.

    Anyways....I think its important to spread knowledge about hamelin,so that rather then having people freaking out and tossing around cuddle hamelin threads and other whinyness.

    If people know in general his strengths and weaknesses,some of the ways to counter them...Then it wont feel hopeless.

    And it will mean that you dont have to feel guilty playing hamelin :bigthumb:

  6. The game I played was brutal. He picked up tactics very very fast. Murphy remind me to kick you for recommending he picked up the enslaved nephilim. The combo was a very horrible thing for me lol.

    At least I learned something important about Samael and Sonnia lol.

  7. Granted,what I am trying to do is find ways for armies that dont have an easy possible counter to hamelin to find ways to counter him.

    For instance if I were playing Seamus,I would just lure the ratcatchers into the middle of my army and kill them.

    Another idea that just came to my idea is to use supressing fire on the rat swarms. Its a guarentee they are going to be tightly packed,and even with being able to draw cards from you cheating,he wont want to discard that many just to keep them moving. And even if he killed the models off with his own models to replace them,it will still cut down on the activations and actions he can do.

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