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Dark Alleycat

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Posts posted by Dark Alleycat

  1. I think another interesting tactic,given that stolen only have one wound. using Sonnia criid to replace them with witchling stalkers. This could do a bit to stave off the "overactivation" problems when facing hamelin.

    using a governor's proxy and putting up multiple Flame walls would also do wonderful for channeling the models.

  2. Ok,As much as I do like david Tennant,I have to weigh in on the old doctor's here. The only problem is I don't know the name of the doctor...but he was the one with the multicolored scarf and curly blond hair. We all know you inevitably fall in love with your first Doctor Who,and he was mine.

    For companions,I have to weigh in on the side of the new who,and go for Rose. She kicks much ass.

    As for favorite monster,that would be the family of bounty hunters. The ones that went to 1900's england when he made himself human for a time. And of course the punishment he did to them,that just flat out rocked.

    And as for favorite episode, That would have to be the one with the fight between the Dalek's and the Cybermen. mainly because of one line. "Cybermen are better then you in every way" "Analysis incorrect. Cybermen are better in only one way" "what way is that?" "You are better then us at dying!"

  3. But on the plus side,the theory for dealing with the alp bomb is actually effective,I just didnt capitilize on it as much as i should have.

    What I should have done,was after using Taelor to hammerstrike the bomb into all different directions,I should have activated the specialist and blew his tanks to hit most of the alps. Instead I waited for most of the turn and it seemed to cost me.I didn't realize he doesnt get his blasts from doing it,which makes for much less likely to wipe them all out however.

    Also,playing against pandora is not like being stuck under a burning couch. Playing Pandora is like having your genitals pinned beneatha burning couch and all you have in your hands is a rusty butterknife.

  4. Well,I do painting commissions. There are also a couple other people whose works are in the showcase section that do as well.My work would qualify as good tabletop quality. In the next couple days I will be posting pictures of my work and you could decide based on them. All im waiting on is a memory card for my new camera lol.

    On the plus side,since my work isn't quite to competition standards,I dont charge as much as others do lol. So drop me a PM if your interested and let me know how you want them painted and I will tell you if I can do it lol.

  5. So I am pretty decided on a striker class. the type however is still up in the air.

    I am torn between

    Monk of either Half Orc or Elf race.

    Storm sorceror,still havent decided what would make for the best thematic match for him. Likely to be eladrin.

    Avenger,probably elven or eladrin.


    Let me know what you guys think would be more amusing,it might help me decide.

  6. Bein' the Law is ALWAYS fun... 'cause you know where every loop hole is and just how to slide thorugh them *coughs--sounds like Criid*

    And if we needed any further proof to see why you are awesome lol,there it would be.

    Though I admit I haven't read the fluff in the second book yet...does this mean I managed to blindly pick the rule breaking guild master? AWESOME!!!

  7. existentialism..... great word.....

    and I can never hear the word firefly without thinkin' of Mal and Jayne and Zoe and Simon and River and Kaylee and Wash and Book and Inara..... :D

    Further proof that you are of the good peoples variety *grins*

    Oooo..That would actually be kind of an awesome conversion project. Making the brothers out of Ryle and Hoffman. Though I would see them more likely to be Arcanists,I remember them getting into trouble with the law way too often.

  8. No Black. Although..with a little bit of work...you could probably do that for a set of mindless zombies. Though I do have a punk zombie with a mohawk,leather pants and a union jack t shirt.

    And I am still busily modding a LCB to be the guitarist of a Neverborn band "Bad Dreamz" Still gotta decide if I want to Greenstuff a Tshirt on him with that or make it look like it is wrapped around his waist. I built the axe guitar from Kiss for him allready.

  9. Well if you show up on sat i'll show you my favorite Levi Crew :P.... and there is nothing especially cheesey about it other then it involving Leveticus himself, who do you think i am ratty?

    There ya go...fixed it for ya. I know that was actually what you meant to say it must have gotten lost somewhere around the keyboard *grins*

    And Genetic...if you put your mind to it,you could probably come up with a way to make a Marcus list ridiculously cheesy too.

  10. And just how good are your panting skills Alleycat? Certain people wish to know! ;)

    Well,I got the camera today finally. No memory card in it though so I have to wait to receive it. ummm..I suppose you could ask Genetic or Murphy's lawyer or Mr Bigglesworth since i think most of them have seen the stuff I have painted in person.

    As for how good they are? well..They Aren't as good as Dgraz's or Ratty's...but they wouldn't look absolutely horrible in comparison. I would say around the neighborhood of Good tabletop standard...They wouldnt win devoted painting competitions,but could very likely do well in a best dressed gang situation lol.

    By this time next week I should have photos of them up and posted though.

    And as for my Panting skills *grins* They have kept me stocked in Malifaux miniatures so far so i suppose the answer would be "Good enough"

  11. Lets see...for 4th the characters i have had.

    Half Elf(though storywise it was half eladrin) Bard. He was taken away from his fey pact warlock mother as part of the price of her power,and raised in the winter court,GM let me have access to their kin abilities so I could still teleport thanks to a kin specific feat.

    Eladrin Swordmage/Wizard. He was a hilarious guy to RP with until certain situations and another player ended up making him become racist to humans. though that sparked a heck of a redeeming his kin storyline.

    Elven Ranger,archer. *chuckles* this one was in response to my fellow players complaining that I allways played suspicious,calculating neutral to chaotic types. So I made him trusting,Good,and naive. Of course the first game session he ends up slipped a mickey by a elf chick,wakes up bound hand and foot buck naked in a treasure chest,being transported by slavers.

    For sheer awesomeness I would have to say my favorite was actually the Bard. He was a char that basically meant that everyone else turned into this ultimate badass lol. He couldn't really do anything by himself,but give him one ally and he could turn that ally's roll of 2 or better into a hit,and half the time a crit.

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