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Dark Alleycat

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Posts posted by Dark Alleycat

  1. Ok first off,are you playing as Ophelia or as Som'er.

    Second off,remember his gun can only shoot once a turn. Although he is generally as mobile as you are,his belles arent. But they do have the WP things going for them.

    Dumb luck is a good way to deal with him. Pigs to stop the corpse counters. if your playing Opehlia,then young Lacroix are really potent. Rami will be an utter nightmare.

  2. Oooo...I have an interesting idea for the avatar form being achieved.

    Drain the soul of a ..say 6SS or more minion.instead of getting a SS,you get to shift into avatar form.

    It would make it something you could directly control,but...would mean it was detrimental on several levels and made you consider strongly the value of doing it.

  3. Different lists what do you mean? I'm going to run my "Playing Pandora is like having your genitals pinned beneatha burning couch and all you have in your hands is a rusty butterknife" crew, minus the sorrow to get down to 30ss.

    Or my "come here and OBEY ME" crew.

    I finally got my hooded rider put together, he might make an appearance.

    No worries Lenny, though I will let you play against my Pandora list I know how much you really want a rematch :flaminghe

    So I take it you are planning to wear your cup to the store on saturday then?

    I might take you up on that,but then again I havent ever played perdita before,so I might want to stick with what I know lol. Might ask to borrow a nino and maybe an austringer or two lol.

  4. Don't be that way. Throwing them out there and illiciting comments is a good way to see where you need to improve. No one started out as great. Everyone started the same way.

    Can't wait to see. The funny thing is that you might get to see these in person - then you'll see what others have mentioned about my sketchy photography. The client is in the Boston area.

    Well,finally put them up. As one of the two major inspirations for a lot of my painting I would love to hear what you think about them.

  5. Doc Taranto is actually from Freebooter Minis: http://www.freebooterminiatures.de/en/catalog/24

    congrats on getting him assembled.

    Liked the work you did on Samael, and taylor looks pretty good, the teeth are the only thing I can suggest might need to be toned down a bit..

    Ah yes..that was it,my apologies to the fine people at freebooter.

    And thanks for the kind words. I had considered trying to tone them down,in person they were a bone color,and when i painted it I didn't have a really good wash to use. I think I will probably go back and touch her up a tad.

  6. Well,I tried out using gov's proxy last week,I would only add it into a list where your not likely to have many morale duels. But that +2wp is an awesome bonus.

    and as for us Ressers dealing with the guild...remember..we love the environment.

    Reduce -> Re-use -> Re-animate!

    Edit :Or as my 11 year old said "Also known as re-educate" *grins* I think things are going well,even if he is deadset on a guild crew as his first.

  7. Hello everyone. With the arrival of the oft-mentioned memory card I finally started taking pictures of some of my stuff. And once I build the light box for them,the picture quality should improve a tad.

    Here is one of the first peices I painted,I still am not entirely thrilled with how it came out,but I can at least see all the ways i have improved since then lol.


    Next up are a pair of witchling stalkers. I tried doing the OSL that so many people do for them,and it failed miserably lol. something to practice for the future.Also it seems that the light bleached out their lower robes,they look darker in person lol.



    Up next is Samael. I rather enjoyed painting him,and he has been a terror on the battlefield.


    Up next is Taelor. It was a interesting experience painting her. I wasn't used to painting flesh due to coming from 40k and space marines.


    And up next,the flaming mistress of doom herself.Sonnia. So far she has turned out to be my favorite mini so far.


    And finally,the start of my Friekorps,the Librarian.


    Soon to have more photos as I finish more commissions and paint more of my own stuff.

    Any comments,questions or suggestions are appreciated.

  8. Well,I have been called an alleycat pretty much since I was 15. Ive ended up using variations on the alleycat theme for email and such for years. When I made the forum name,I had allready played a couple games of Malifaux and I thought aobut what embodied Malifaux to me. And that was the wyrd,wonderful and terrible things that could be found in the dark alleys of Malifaux.

    Thus the dark alleycat was born. the grinning cat in a top hat came from a tattoo plan from my GF.

  9. Remember,he was going to turn Perdita into a belle if she hadn't of avoided the trap.

    But yeah,having a further variety of rotten belles,ones that maybe were similar to the punk zombies,or guild autopsies.

    Even a extra point per,but give them some of the belle specific goodies would make for an awesome,attractive and fun as hell seamus crew.

  10. Hey,did anyone find a Samael hopkins,Sonnia Criid and a Gun witchling stalker and single sword witchling stalker laminated card after last saturday's game? Im wondering if they accidentally got put into Mr bigglesworth's stuff since I was borrowing his governor's proxy and nino.

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