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Dark Alleycat

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Posts posted by Dark Alleycat

  1. Well to answer your question,it was reaper series Viper green and Jade green.

    Anyways,since I had the time to finish him up last night,here is the Trapper,all nice and tidy and done.



    Still cant seem to get the camera to pick up the purple shading to the black armor reliably,but I promise you its there lol.

    Next on the block,taking a break from the Friekorps to get ready for the tournament in bellingham,is going to be Francisco,Santiago and Nino. Which should be quite interesting all things considered.


  2. I swear,Im going to make a homemade terrain board based around a circus,and the gates are all going to have a sign on them saying "you must be at least Ht 2 to enter"

    In other words...damn gremlins lol. But Murphy is right...they are a blast to play against as long as you dont take the game serious. otherwise the little green buggers will drive you batty in no time flat.

  3. Relax and let the mind go. Take breaks,and make sure to eat and drink enough to keep you rolling. And remember,when your painting..to every now and then..stop and let a model go for an evening before you pick it back up. Your eyes get used to things,and if you let them rest then you will see things you might have missed.

    Alternately you could ship some of your extra work my way lol *grins*

  4. Makes me wonder when models get their activations again though. If being taken out of play would mean that the effects don't hit them,but that they wouldn't get a new activation either. If the new activations hit in the start phase for instance.

  5. That game was a great one,It forced me to try tactics with Sonnia I had never done before. I hadn't ever actually used Flame Wall offensively before..the moment I saw the hooded rider pop out though I was scrambling for ideas lol. That immune to ranged attacks ability is so nasty. And It was honestly the best choice for facing guild.

  6. No worries...And like i said,I was 99% sure you were kidding..I just hadn't seen it before so I wasn't entirely sure lol.

    And after all...Nino ran up and tried to smack LCB with the butt of his rifle.So I think I win the balls not brains award for the game lol. But yeah,I would definitely pick gary's brain for tips on the dreamer. He will definitley get you up to speed on him.

  7. MrB you played an awesome game and you definitely earned top billing. And thanks guys for the congrats. And yes I think it would be awesome to do this again soon. And Gary played a decent list but certainly not one of his best Ramos lists.But I admit,It did feel good to have a win against him for once.All three games were a blast,even with the Rule screwup with our game murphy.I still can't believe that Perdita had the dreamer dead to rights and clicked an empty chamber. That was absolutely hilarious lol.

  8. Because,the fates were paid off to deal with the major threats to me placing in the tournament. Unfortunately the accident involving a loaded crossbow and a exploding donkey which was supposed to take out mr bigglesworth did not hit the right person,so I didnt do as well as I wanted.

  9. None of these would change how the models work.your nephilim would still be nephilim. Your master's interactions would change a bit,but the master would mostly play the same. I dont understand where you are getting the immune to morale thing,to my knowledge no master gives that to his troops.

    Now this could open up some interesting ideas to further refine it. Perhaps having the list buildings be one unique and the rest rare's and lower.

    Like say..

    Nekima,Lelu,Lilitu,and a Terror Tot.

    3 rotten belles,2 punk zombies,2 Crooked men.

    Samael hopkins,2 Stalkers,Peacekeeper,Austringer.

    Datsue-ba,2 Gaki,Onyro,2 Seshin,Shikome.


    Judge,3 Death Marshals,witchling stalker,Executioner.

    As an example. You build your 30 point list. You make it,and I would assume you would want to keep it so that it could work with any Master.

  10. Well say for example,I have 4 models. you have 12. rather then spending my 4 actions at the start of the turn,leaving you with 8 models to do things that I couldn't do anything about,with passes,I could wait till I was ready to act,using passes to bide my time and thus still present a credible threat.

  11. I dont want to say it might have had anything to do with the fact that often he had small model number crews *grins*

    Nah,it honestly did make sense and tended to work out pretty well in my opinion.

    basically you counted the number of models in your army,and compared it to yoru opponent. so if you had less models,you got a number of passes to use to prevent being outactivated automatically.

  12. Well,part of it would be that the effects on your master that listed say for instance,Kirai and spirits. But your army was composed of Guardsman. Instead of her abilities affecting spirits,her abilities would affect guardsman.

    You make a nephilim army,and you draw Rasputina. you treat nephilim as if they had frozen heart.

    Another Idea I had,and one that might or might not work better,but would be similar. You play the first game as normal. Its a Treasure hunt. The second game,everything is normal,except the spirits of the Masters have gotten a little twysted.you put all the cards for them in a pile and shuffle them,then you pick a random one. Your master looks the same,but has instead the stats and abilities of the one you drew. Any specific wording on the master that deals with a type of henchman will now apply to the members of your army.

    so 35 points for the first game,30 points with the bit earlier about the totems and SS's for the cache.

    The general idea behind this would be just a fun "try out a master you might never have thought to try" sort of event. Plus I think the idea of making people think on their feet and adapt their playstyle in the game would be interesting.

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