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Dark Alleycat

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Posts posted by Dark Alleycat

  1. First off,you will more then likely never be called dumb by someone on these boards for asking a question. One of many reasons I love this site. And im 99% sure if you did,the rest of the board would drop on that individual like a ton of potbellied executioner.And for some good examples of Object source lighting in action,look at some of Dgraz's miniatures.

    Hmmm,what would you recommend for getting those shadows?I had tried using the ogryn flesh wash for the demarcation of where the flesh meets the cloths since I didnt want to risk a black,and the sepia I used elsewhere for shadow wouldn't give enough contrast. I had originally tried for a faded linen look for the shirt,and it didnt quite turn out how I had hoped. Im currently debating on going back to the original idea and having it be a light green instead of the offwhite linen,but wasnt sure if I could pull the color off properly as a contrast.Maybe build it up with several layers of a green wash..hmm.

    Anyways,thanks again for the advice Dgraz It is really helpful. Now hopefully I can get this mini finished without staying up till 6am again (when those photos were taken lol)

  2. Judging distances on the board. Having a plan to finish your schemes. Being flexible enough to change that plan if neccessary. And of course,possibly the most important of all,knowing when its time to grab your stones and take a page from the warmachine rulebook,and play like you got a pair *grins* And by that I mean know when taking a risk in a game is the right decision,and never backing down or quitting midgame. It isnt allways feasible but its certainly worth trying,because even a losing game will teach you things. Unless your mostly wiped out and your facing a full pandora list,in which case its just better to deepthroat your gunbarrel and call it an evening.

  3. A Belle that does ranged combat,a few more horrors. A melee style freikorps.Francisco and Candy as henchman would be neat. Ortega guild guard types. similiar in stats but having the family ability instead of the guild guard ones.

    I think having some more variety in Collette's showgirls would also do well.

    A basic front line troop for the Arcanist faction would also be quite useful,they dont seem to have the generic troop choices that say,the guild or ressers have.

  4. Yes,I am going to defend Wyrd,because I feel it has more then earned it. This game company,has listened to its players far more then any other game company I have ever encountered. They had a update on the rules,and rather then making people buy the new ones as..just about every other game company would have,instead replaced them,at THEIR OWN EXPENSE,simply because they wanted to have everyone on the same page for rules. Picture what would have happened if someone had suggested to Games Workshop that they replace the prior edition's basebook with the new edition when they switched to 5th. Can you imagine them ever doing something like that?They respond to people finding loopholes and problems,and they publish errata on the site to cover it.

    As for the rule book PDF. It is a free version,and as such,people shouldn't expect everything thats in the paperback version. Almost all the important stuff is there however,other then some of the Diagrams explaining things. And honestly I love the "extra" bits that the pdf has. I laughed my ass off at it. Rather then just leaving it blank like alot of other companies would have,they made it amusing.

    So Well done Wyrd...keep up the good work.

  5. So you are using,13 points worth of models,to give Viktoria fast? She doesn't need it. She really doesnt. I could see giving the gun vik fast the first turn for the move,move and switch leading to the charge and ginsu from the sword vik,but beyond that..

    I think the Student of Conflict would do wonders as a running around the back edge and making your trapper or Hans shoot three times. Or if you absolutely needed to get an objective claimed,making Von Schill fast would mean he could move 20 inchs in a turn.

  6. Meaning his cheesy hamelin list is built,and he is busy trying to figure out a way for the hoff to be super-cheezy *grins*

    Also,discovered something. Hoffman's dampening field wouldn't prevent flame walls from being thrown up,due to it not being a blast but in fact just being a marker.

  7. Also as the players in my local game store are learning,Richochet is a incredibly nasty ability. a 5/6/7 on one model,and then another taking a 1/2/4. All of which means Samael gets an auto include in just about any list I make.

    Him with perdita,nephilim,and abuelita,getting 3 shots from them and 3 from himself each turn? brutal.

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