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Dark Alleycat

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Posts posted by Dark Alleycat

  1. *nods* btw,I would also say that your win in the 4th round was due to you having some exceptionally well developed strategies and solid playing. You would have won even without the insane luck on the flips.

    The insane luck on the flips just made it a landslide lol,and it was 6-0 not 6-2. Unfortunately =(

    I do wish we would have gotten some photos of it though,It really was an epic game.

  2. Abuela kept stopping him from stealing her cookies,that drove the poor guy mad. As for why they use the tactics of their targets,how better to bring something down then using its own toys against it. As for Seamus,he is the Ressurectionist Pimp,and That is why he can make Henchman undead,though the Gorgon's tear certainly helped to make Molly who she is today.

  3. I thought I had gotten there earlier then 9 lol,guess not. Hope to see you Saturday,and Genetic,as much hell as you gave people last month for not showing up for your painting night,having you not show up really takes the cake *grins*

    And Hansel if your able to stay late on Wednesdays I will make sure to get there around 830,so we can get games in.

  4. I think the first question would be whether you kept the PC's as part of a single faction or not. That would likely be the easiest way to deal with it.

    This would open the possibility of playing as Neverborn trying to oust the human invaders,Guild trying to kill resseructionists...that sort of thing

  5. As having gotten to play against that raspy crew,they look even more gorgeous in person.

    And if anyone gets the chance to go and play against the wonderful Warhamsters in Bellingham,they should take it. They have some really amazing painters up there.

  6. Well,If someone were wanting to do a late wednesday Warmachine thingy I would love to try then too. Only problem is I don't want to expend money on a game I havent actually played yet.

    Malifaux was different...that one I knew I wanted lol.

  7. No,they dont count as magic unfortunately. Granted they do enough damage that they still rip through spirits but it still doesn't help unfortunately.

    the reason being is that at book 1,they hadn't decided that spirits would be a full crew,and thus didn't think it was too terribly important I believe.

    you still do 3/3/4 to spirits,which is enough to rip most of them in half.

  8. I would recommend a couple of Witchling Stalkers in the sideboard to throw in when dealing with Spirits or heavy magic caster crews.You might also consider a Governor's proxy for when dealing with heavy WP/no frightening lists. Also might consider a Watcher or two. 3ss,move 7,and not insignificant.

  9. He is good,he is the best choice for a sniper if you are guild. But that doesn't mean you allways need a sniper in the game you are playing. It depends on your goals,your opponent's likely models,and what the field looks like.

    As an example,if your encountering someone that can move 17 inch and then attack,then taking Nino is a horrible idea.

  10. The Seamus box set as it stands is very durable,but not very damaging other then Seamus himself. In my opinion,to make it shine I would recommend a Convict Gunslinger for a ranged attack,a box of Crooked Men for more board control,and a box of Punk zombies for Melee damage dealers.

    This will give you a variety of options for dealing with most threats. I find that pairing one of them with a belle makes for a great strategy.

  11. Just about everyone here loves the game lol. And no worries James I was just wanting to make it clear that while Nino is useful,he isn't an auto-include for everyone. After this weekend I finally learned how to use him properly,so I can foresee him making it into larger point lists...but he still isn't going to be one of my go to guys. But yes,there are models that are really powerful,and in certain types of lists they are almost allways present..but that is because they work very well with those types of lists.

    For instance,for ressurectionists. I haven't ran into a single resser player that wouldn't take a rotten belle or two if they were allowed to use them. Why? because they are very useful,durable as hell and affordable.

    Each list has troops that do a certain job well. And if you want a specific job done,you go for that model. Long range sniping? You go for a Freikorp trapper or Hans if your not guild,and nino if you are.Why? because those are the models that are built to do that sort of thing. Melee monster?You can use things like Steamborg Executioner,or Punk Zombies or Executioner or Mature Nephilim..Or one of the outcast melee people.

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