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Posts posted by Thunder_God

  1. 1. The Stolen are listed as "Insignificant, Soulless" in the second printing book, so doesn't seem like they removed everything.

    2. Sorry I didn't pitch in more, spent a day at the girlfriend's :)

    3. You people, only adding! Ratty, when Hamelin is your master, and you have Nix and some other minions, if you delete one of the other Minions then Nix gets deleted as well.

  2. Things that say "Morale duels".

    Mature Nephilim's Rip in Half, Sybelle's Shriek, The Hanged's Last Words, and a couple others.

    Basically, things that act like Terrifying but aren't Terrifying, since you don't count as the Defender for Terrifying.

    I think that's not right, BTW... the original book's wording makes it seem that if you need to resist Terrifying, you're the "Defender" (even if there may not be an attacker). Regardless of that, it's weird that all those "+WP for morale duels while defender" rules don't apply to Terrifying. Such as the Death Marshalls and terrifying undead...

    Really makes all those abilities considerably less useful, since the vast majority of morale duels come from Terrifying models.

  3. You guys do know that if there's height 2 cover, then a height 2 model can't draw LoS over it, right?

    LoS blocking is checked by the acting model's height, cover bonus is checked by the target. A height 3 model can stand behind a height 2 wall, and a height 2 model can't shoot it.

    Page 24 of the main rulebook, and there seems to be no pertinent errata or FAQ.

  4. Well, add the simple masters who don't have any hiring shenanigans first, all those with hiring restrictions/permissions... no need to try and add it all at once, after all, heh.

    You saw my list of all the models Hamelin can hire, right? If you just add a simple list for each master, then that should help.

    Edit: Of course, you mean Hamelin the minion :)

    Good luck! But still, you can add those things later, heh.

  5. Henchmen totems are busted.

    Collodi can't hire totems. Von Schill, with all masters, can only hire their in-faction non-[master] totems, so with Neverborn, only Primordial Magic, with Resurrectionists, only Grave Spirit and Necrotic Machine, etc.

    Under Zoraida, henchmen don't have access to all the mercenary totems.

    Edit: Freikorps Mercenary, ah. So this brings the opposite problem which the Chocobo pointed out ;)

  6. Hm. Graverobbers can pick counters they touch, so if you begin with the mercs standing touching the Black Shaman, so the counter they drop also touches the shaman, would it work then? I don't see why not... but they have to be standing touching the shaman.

    The FAQ says "By coming in contact with it", but what if you already began in contact with it? Heh.

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