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Posts posted by xGIxJOKERx

  1. I really like the Friekorps Elite idea. It's kinda weird. I've made peace with the fact that we'll never get stuff like crew box henchmen or totems loose again which was a real bummer coming from 1.5 metals and needing to go to the secondary market or buy full boxes for newly promoted masters but the minions and enforcers are pretty puzzling. 

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  2. What do you guys think the odds are of Wyrd ever putting out a box set for extra Watchers? I feel like a set with 2 Watchers and a Guardian with new sculpts, sort of like the Nephilim box would be great. Watchers seem to be intended to be taken in groups to run schemes and with the SS cost reduction on Guardians makes them more appealing to take in pairs. Buying another full Hoff box just seems like such a waste. I don't know if anyone at Wyrd is listening but a guy can dream. 

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  3. Yeah, I'm pretty happy how it came out. The hand thing is just me nit-picking. If you order from Reaper's webstore you can get just the traditional guns without all the other stuff for $2.16 so that's not too bad. It comes with a Winchester and a sawed-off as well. Shipping is a bit of an issue then, but if you can find someone to go in on it with you, I think shipping is free on orders over $35.

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  4. I have this set at home, I can take some comparison pictures for you if you like. I find that Reaper minis, especially the Savage Worlds line is more 32mm than 28mm. The Malifaux scale is honestly all over the place and depending on what model you are planning to use, these should work fine. Even if they are a bit small, that may be more true to life than the large chunky weapons most heroic scale models have. What base model are you planing on using? I may have it and can put it side by side for you.

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  5. It's really too bad that the the normal Hannah is so aggressively bad. It looks like an action figure from the mid- 90's. I'm also not sure what that big empty space behind her head is supposed to be. I want to add Hannah to my crew but the model is so bad I don't want to use it. I'm hoping that the limited edition one shows up somewhere down the line as a special for a black Friday sale or something like they did with Nightmare LCB and Tara.

  6. I had similar problems with them. I was only missing one token at the end of the day when I finally got my stuff and I tried to get in touch with them to either replace it or just add it to my next order I was intending on doing at the time. Never got a response to multiple emails. That was about a year ago so I've given up on it. At least it was only a couple of bucks, if that. The tokens I did get were of very good quality, though.

  7. Location:

    Coliseum of Comics
    3159 W. Vine St. (US Hwy. 192)
    Kissimmee, FL   34741


    October 4th will be our next Malifaux day. Instead of a tournament, we will be doing other activities. We have picked up a few new players this month, and they could use a little more schooling so I will be running demos. I am also sure that a lot of our players have hobby related things to work on. Of course, standard games will be played as well.

    If enough people show up, and it is wanted, we might throw some kind of event (Halloween related?).

    Saturday, October 4th, all day. Hope to see you there.

  8. They were just bare wood. A friend of mine kept his that way and they look pretty decent as is. I used Army Painter Leather Brown spray as a base and used a large flat brush to sort of make a wood grain/ weathering effect with Vallejo paints Khaki Gray and German Camo Beige. For parts that were painted a color other than the brown, I would paint it whatever color I was planning on (usually a GW color,) and then do the Vallejo colors over that to tone it down and weather it a bit.


  9. Thanks. Yeah, I am planning on putting in a mine, I even got  a mine cart and track from these guys:
    For some reason my work computer won't load that site, I'll check it out tonight. I can't praise Sarissa enough. Their prices are very good and they have free world-wide shipping on orders £50. Good customer service, too.

  10. I thought I'd post my table setup. All of the buildings are from Sarissa Precision. The outhouses are Knuckle Duster/ Tri City Laser. The little side shed on the saloon is a resin piece from Precision Model Design. The cacti are Pegasus Hobbies.

    And now all of that pushed into a 3x3:

    The Desperate Mercenary looks really shiny in this picture, I may have to hit him with another coat of matte varnish.
    The Guild Guard on patrol.

    I also have enough rocks and hills and such to make a cool badlands board that I may post later.

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