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Posts posted by xGIxJOKERx

  1. This is a battle report I had posted elsewhere for the first game of an escalation league I played in over the summer. I ended up winning the league and this was the first game on my road to glory.

    We flipped for deployment and got corners and for the strategy we would be playing shared Escape and Survive.

    Our crews were this:


    Lady Justice

    2 Death Marshals

    6ss cache


    The Dreamer/ LCB

    3 Alps

    4ss cache.

    We both decided to take Grudge and Body Guard for our schemes and I won the flip to deployed and chose to set up first by some woods while CR set up opposite me behind a house. Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures.

    Turn 1:

    A mostly uneventful turn. CR had deployed with everything on the field. He gave all the Alps Terrifying 13, created a Daydream and then buried the Alps. I meanwhile moved my crew together up the left side of the board.

    Turn 2:

    This was a big one. After winning initiative, my Death Marshal who had a Grudge on him moved closer to his friends and cast Finish the Job. The dreamer flew over the house, cast a spell on Lady J that gave her a negative flip defending against Nightmares and then unleashed hell. All the Alps and LCB shot out. LCB got to activate right away and walked over to Lady J and attacked with his melee expert. He hit with an onslaught and so attacked again. This time, even with the negative twist, Lady J was able to beat LCB with a little help from a soul stone. She also got her Riposte off and would have killed the beast had he not used his trigger “All Done” that changed him back into the Dreamer a safe distance away. We weren't really sure how to play this as the two triggers had conflicting results so we decided in favor of LCB since it was his activation. The Daydream then activated (it had companioned with the dreamer but had been interrupted by LCB showing up.) The Daydream unburied LCB once again behind the house, sacrificing its self to save the Dreamer.

    With all of the Dreamer shenanigans over, it was time for justice. Lady J passed her terror check and charged an Alp. She swung her sword and killed one but took 3 wounds in the process (mind you this was from before the errata.) She then swung again, taking two more wounds but killing another Alp. The final Alp activated but missed. The other Death Marshal, inspired by The Lady’s sword play, charged the last Alp, taking a wound but killing it. At this point Lady J had taken 8 wounds but with only his master left and no soul stone, things were looking grim for CR.

    Turn 3:

    Another turn of maneuver. The Guild moved further from their deployment zone and LCB started walking around the house.

    Turn 4:

    The Neverborn win initiative for the first time and LCB walks twice toward the nearest Death Marshal but comes up short. The Guild then activates with impunity. One Death Marshal walks once to get closer and casts Finish the Job with a Ram, thus giving +2 damage to Death Marshals in melee. The other shoots the big guy twice, doing 4 wounds total. Lady J then walks twice and just makes it into range of LCB and is in the bubble for Finish the Job. She then does what she does best and slices the monster into little bits. The Dreamer pops up, floats up to the top of a building and shoots at Lady J but misses.

    Turn 5:

    The Guild wins initiative and Lady Justice dusts off her paired pistols and then guns down the Dreamer.

    Total VP’s:

    Guild: 8

    Neverborn: 0


    It looks like a slaughter but when all the nightmares showed up on the 2nd turn I was very concerned. A lucky draw with defense from the Lady saved her bacon. Also this was the first time CR used the dreamer and had he dropped his Alps right on top of rather than 6” away it would have been a different story. Also Lady J was ¾ of the way dead by the end of it.

  2. I was playing in an escalation league at my LFGS. For our second game, my opponant Chris and I flipped shared line in the sand. I won the flip for attacker/ defender and so chose to defend. It made sense for the narrative as Chris was playing Arcanists and I was playing the Guild, so the Arcanists were out to sabotage something with TNT while the Guild was aiming to prevent that from happening. Our lists were as follows:Me:PerditaNinoAustringer5ss cacheBodyguard, HoldoutChris:Marcus2x MolemenSabertooth Cerberus?ss cacheBodyguard, SabotageTurn 1:I won initiative first turn and started by moving my Austringer up. Chris moved a Moleman up to one TNT marker on my right. I then moved Nino into the woods. Chris moved his other Moleman to the TNT marker just right of center. Perdita moved twice, just managed to get in range of the closest Moleman and shot him dead. With my activations over, Chris moved Marcus up and activated the TNT and then moved the Cerberus up behind the tower.WP_000075.jpgAnother angle:WP_000073.jpgMarcus activates the TNT:WP_000076.jpgTurn 2:Chris wins the initiative and activates the Cerberus. It leaps over the tower and lands next to Perdita on the other side. It then goes to work with four attacks, but Perdita’s Df and my amazingly lucky control hand keeps her alive without a scratch. WP_000078.jpgNino then takes aim and puts some hurt on Marcus. Marcus then hoofs it around the woods, putting terrain between him and Guild's guns. The Moleman activates along with Marcus and activates its TNT before burrowing and moving toward the Guild’s favorite Christmas tree with the goal of sabotaging it and ruining the holiday for the governor. Meanwhile, Perdita shot the tiger point blank twice, not killing it but still making think twice about attacking her. The Austringer threw his bird at Marcus for no effect.Turn 3:The Guild win initiative and Perdita puts a final bullet in the tiger before walking twice to the nearest active TNT . Marcus decides he has had just about enough of her BS and walks over to try to smack her with his stick but misses. Nino walks twice to get closer to the Moleman and so does the Austringer. The Moleman closes in on the tree but doesn’t have enough AP to complete the scheme. Turn 4:Guild again win initiative and Perdita activates. By this point both of us were out of soul stone (or maybe I had one? I don’t recall.) Perdita shoots Marcus point blank and after some cheating/ soul stone they end up with a tied total. She then flips the Red Joker and with the extra damage is able to put Marcus out of commission. She then uses her other 2 AP (gotta love Fast) to diffuse the TNT. The Moleman sabotages the tree and burrows. Then Nino and the Austringer work together to kill it doing one damage at a time. With all of the beasts dead and two more turns before we had to flip for end of game, we decided that Perdita would have plenty of time to disarm the other TNT bundle.Guild: 8Arcanists: 2Conclusion:There is a reason that I stopped using Perdita. She is just so good. But it was between her and the Dreamer (I am cycling through my masters for the league) and Chris chose to fight her. That coupled with some great luck for me (2nd turn my hand had the Red Joker, a couple of 10’s, an 11, and a 13) with the general underpowered nature of Marcus meant that there wasn’t much Chris could have done differently. His tactics were sound but 8 df is a sonofabitch.

  3. Loving the bat reps. I noticed a few things though. In the brawl you flipped starting totals for a spell (Feral, I think) and then the resist flips before cheating and using Soul Stone for the cast. With spells you need to do all your cheating and SS before the other guy does his resist. Easy to miss because that is the only time it works that way. Also I noticed that in the gremlin vs. Ortega game there was a lot of shooting into melee with unerring precision. Did you just get that lucky or did you forget to flip for random targets in melee? Of course you could always cheat down the attack to miss your own dude. Just curious is all.

    Once again, great battle reports. Keep ‘em coming.

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