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Everything posted by xGIxJOKERx

  1. They were just bare wood. A friend of mine kept his that way and they look pretty decent as is. I used Army Painter Leather Brown spray as a base and used a large flat brush to sort of make a wood grain/ weathering effect with Vallejo paints Khaki Gray and German Camo Beige. For parts that were painted a color other than the brown, I would paint it whatever color I was planning on (usually a GW color,) and then do the Vallejo colors over that to tone it down and weather it a bit. http://www.sarissa-precision.com/
  2. Thanks. Yeah, I am planning on putting in a mine, I even got a mine cart and track from these guys: http://ainstycastings.co.uk/index.php/cPath/38/sort/2a/page/2/osCsid/d37382c7f143f66bf77b7c41a366cebe For some reason my work computer won't load that site, I'll check it out tonight. I can't praise Sarissa enough. Their prices are very good and they have free world-wide shipping on orders £50. Good customer service, too.
  3. I thought I'd post my table setup. All of the buildings are from Sarissa Precision. The outhouses are Knuckle Duster/ Tri City Laser. The little side shed on the saloon is a resin piece from Precision Model Design. The cacti are Pegasus Hobbies. http://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/community/gallery/image/2535-dscn0016/ And now all of that pushed into a 3x3: http://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/community/gallery/image/2541-malitown-1/ The Desperate Mercenary looks really shiny in this picture, I may have to hit him with another coat of matte varnish. http://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/community/gallery/image/2542-malitown-2/ The Guild Guard on patrol. http://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/community/gallery/image/2543-malitown-3/ http://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/community/gallery/image/2544-malitown-4/ I also have enough rocks and hills and such to make a cool badlands board that I may post later.
  4. What Spiralingcadaver said. Even though they are Guild, she has an upgrade that allows her to hire them regardless of faction and they gain the undead characteristic, hence the flamy heads.
  5. Here are some pictures of my Tara crew I finished up this weekend. I had them for a year so it was probably time to put some paint on them. Of course no crew is ever truly done and I have Bête Noir, some Punk Zombies, and Convict Gunslingers coming in my GenCon order. The pictures are about the best I can manage with an eight year old camera and no lighting set up to speak of. First up are a few of the Nothing Beast, his little buddies and Killjoy: Next we have some Death Marshals. I didn't like the Ghost Rider heads at first but they really grew on me. I think they work especially well for Tara's undead marshals. Next are Tara herself and Karina. I added an extra Death Marshal hat and the holstered pistol to her so she more closely resembles the concept art. I also put a gloss varnish on her sword. Finally we have the whole happy family, aside from Killjoy who must still be buried. I had actually gone back and added to Tara and Karina after this picture was taken, that's why they look different in the previous photo, which is more up to date. C&C is, of course, welcome.
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