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Posts posted by Shae-Konnit

  1. Everyone I know who has it says it is very good, but the writing in the wee exerts in the books can be abysmal :P

    Personally, I kinda prefer the older versions, which thankfully I do own, plus all the expansions.

    The new edition is very high quality, that's for sure! But I guess I just prefer the versatility of the original and you could get more use out of it with several books filled with missions.

    But yeah, this looks like one that could really increase in value.

  2. Mmm, an quick suggestion for future wargames. I know learning by yourself the strength and weakness of your crew is fun, by why not make a crew for dummies list or something. With colors specifying which model serves which role. For example green model is for melee, orange for ranged, red for support, blue for magic, etc, etc. And add some crew building tips like: A balanced crew should have 2 green models, 1 red, 1 orange, etc, etc.

    I thought stuff like that gets discussed on the boards all the time. I'd certainly prefer that to buying models to reach the same conclusion :P

    But yeah, like WyvernEye said, it's all down to the individual in the end.

    Hell, I learned 40k by observation and I also learned all the rules this way so never had to buy a rulebook - just the codices of the armies I liked. Think I was about 10 at the time.

  3. Personally i use Cryx because I like to keep my warcaster out of combat as much as possible, and with the abundance of Arc Nodes and 'casters with high Focus they can do this pretty well. Their units are also pretty speedy and highly cost-effective.

    If you really like getting your master stuck in then maybe you'd like Khador?

    They have some of the most individually powerful 'casters i'd say. Guys like The Butcher who could obliterate any warjack he comes up against or even Karchev the Terrible if you like a good laugh.

  4. He got away with it all the time. When he eventually left he placed a giant order that arrived in 5 very large boxes and only about half of 1 box was his stuff, lol. 1 guy ordered about £1000 of stuff to make the most of it.

    What happened in our store was ridiculous abuse of the discount in a scam-like manner and very poorly executed.

    Basically, staff member comes in with his pal and buys a few hundred quid worth of stuff. He has it run through on discount then theatrically turns to his pal saying "happy birthday!"

    Then the pal theatrically replies, "thank you! Oh, but I already have this stuff; I'd best get a refund!" and they proceed to refund the lot at standard price, thereby making themselves a few hundred quid at GW's expense.

    If they waited a couple of weeks between transactions they might have got away with it...

  5. I'll likely buy one of these from myself, looks cool already.

    Kinda reminiscent of the ill-fated Pantin Nocturne for me.

    I'll keep the concerns in mind but I'm sure it'll be a fun game. I'll do some demos of it and hopefully spread a bit of interest locally; may even help to steer them in Malifaux's direction :P

    But I suppose one wee bit of criticism is the box itself; while the artwork is good I would have liked some pics of painted models somewhere.

  6. First thing i'll do is offer a word of warning. I tried some nylon brushes and they sucked, real bad.

    They suck paint up like nothing else, so paint drying around the base of the bristles is almost inevitable.

    I have seen some art stores sell off paint brushes on the cheap if they're slightly damaged. If you manage to find a synthetic brush in a bargain bin might be worth a try... At least you'll get an idea of how well it suits your needs.

    I do have some synthetic brushes that lasted a wee while before curling; i'll get back to you with a brand name when I get home.

  7. It may not be designed by a GW team, but FFG make some great games.

    I don't have Blood Bowl in stock just yet but I do have Space Hulk and I have played it. Again, it is a great conversion to a card game; seems easy when you start but as soon as you lose just one Marine suddenly the tension increases by orders of magnitude!

    If the same team that made that worked on Team Manager, I expect good things!

  8. To be fair to GW, that was always my experience too.

    Years ago when the prototype rules for BFG were in White Dwarf I bought a bunch of the old Space Fleet ships from mail order to get a couple of fleets in.

    One part of my order was wrong so I asked for a replacement. Time after time they sent the wrong ship :P

    It was supposed to be a Gothic cruiser, but they sent a Tyrant cruiser, a Dominator, and what I later learned to be a Mars Factory ship.

    Each time they tried again. I was starting to feel i might just look like some jerk telling lies to get more free stuff, but they still kept going until they finally got it right.

  9. I just miss having a friend that works for GW since he'd sneak me his 50% staff discount ;) If I'd had that available I would have just bought the game anyway, regardless of what I thought. I'd have made a mint on Ebay at a later date, lol!

    When he left GW I stopped buying Baneblades and Shadowswords :D

    He really got away with that...?

    With similar antics at my store (I was never involved - 100% true!) it prompted a national $$$$$$$$storm and clampdown on Staff spendings.

  10. I could actually get in the whole range of Vallejo to sell, but I was wondering how well they mix with GW paints...?

    GW has such a strong hold over here that folks are often afraid to try anything else, but if I could convince them that the Vallejos work perfectly well alongside GW paints then that'd be great!

    I use GW paints myself, if anything because I've been with them for so long I have a very large collection, mainly from the previous generation of flip-tops before they went to the damn awful screwtops.

    I do have some P3 paints, but in my experience so far GW and P3 don't seem to mix very well...

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