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Posts posted by Pere_Marsh

  1. it maybe be a action figure, but i need one... telling you combine with hoffman... makes Meta-hoffman.. i can get this bad boy to fit on a 30mm base and i will even if it kills me.

    but why is coming out 2nd of april... they have already f**king made the spur i have seen it.. give it me already you blood sucking corporation b**ch! give me my grey plastic!

  2. Kythera Occult, crew idea

    The Kythera has always interested me I think there should be a crew set around the fluff of it because I personally think its an amazing bit of fluff.

    As I understand the ‘Kythera’ is some sort of giant temple like living robot that has sunk under the bayou centuries before well everything in malifuax.

    It cries out for a bunch of psychos to worship it like a god, even if they don’t quite know what the Kythera is they still worship it, at the end of the day its no doubt best left buried under the bayou anyway.

    Crew should have some sort of Kythera High Priest as the master; the minion could be like a tribe of cast offs and Nutters who fabricate weapons and armor from pieces the grand machine and fight for the reasons the Mayan’s did for land and sacrifices for there god because it’s a pretty big you want to keep on its good side.

    “Til Gran Kythera Dow!”

    let us know what you think boys and girls?

  3. Is Hamelin the only master with a Lure spell?

    Im certain other minions/masters have similar.


    Perhaps it is his trigger which is the highlight in this instance?

    i am chatting about Hamelin the Merc.. the first Hamelin before he died.. the master version dont have the spell i don't think

  4. Just though i would take a moment to share one of the greatest outcomes of a game of malifaux I have ever had.

    During a game of slaughter between my Merc crew (viks) versus Lilith, it looked like i was going to lose out right within the third turn, i had been over aggressive and found myself with Hamelin The Rat Catcher left against Lilith, a Mature Nephilim and The Hooded Rider at the end of the second turn.

    Start of the fourth turn, my opponent get first activation, moves Lilith about 6" away from Hamelin but 6" away from the edge of the broad..

    my only activation, I cast Piper's Lure.. as my opponent has never played against this model before he lets it slide.. now Hamelin has a trigger, let me cast the same spell again.. moving Lilith (who has full wounds mind you) to the broad edge, removing her from play. Understandably he wasn't to happy about this. After this the Nephilim ripped Hamelin to spreads ending the game.

    by doing this however I got both of my schemes (thwart and assassinate) and stopped him getting his Bodyguard scheme, i may have lost the game by 1 victory point but I was a very happy man and my opponent didn't speak to my for the rest of the tournament and now Hamelin hasn't left any of my crews since

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