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Posts posted by CorpT

  1. I just picked up the game and have never played a minis game before. That being said, I'm continuously getting stomped with Ramos. I don't think the issue is Ramos at all, but I'd like some ideas about how to best use him against different armies.

    So far, I've played 3 games against 3 different armies. The first against Rasputina was a pretty ugly affair where I couldn't get any objectives accomplished and mostly spent my turns wandering around trying to engage without being destroyed in the process.

    The second was against Viktoria. In that one I tried to be more aggressive and go for more schemes but couldn't manage to get anything done. I had my army spread out too much and they tended to get picked off. Again accomplished zero objectives. A sniper proceeded to destroy almost everything of mine.

    The third was against Gremlins. Trying to learn from mistakes, I kept my spiders clumped together so they could form up into Swarms easier. And was promptly decimated by something that did 3 damage to everything in 6 inches.

    So I'm at a point where I am looking for some specific ideas and strategies.

    1) What schemes do you pick? Why? Do you announce?

    2) How do you use specific units? My main tactic has been to get individual spiders close to their units, out activate them so that I go last, then form up into a swarm and make a big attack with the swarm. Clearly this is not working. How should I be using them?

    3) What abilities do you use most on Ramos? How do you deal with having very difficult to activate spells? How do you manage your cards? Do you save all Tomes for activations? How many Soulstones do you start with? What do you use them for?

    4) How do you use your other characters? Joss? Alyce? Johan? Are they worth getting or not?

    My typical army has been something like this:

    1 Ramos

    1 Joss

    1 Swarm

    4 Arachnid

    1 Brass Arachnid

    5 Soulstones

    So far it's been pretty frustrating as everything I learn from the last encounter proves to be the complete opposite in the next one. How well do you have to know your opponent's army to do well against them? Is there a better way to learn to play a decent game?

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