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Posts posted by RTGamer

  1. Twitter simple setup for those that don't use it:

    Go to www.twitter.com

    Sign up for an account

    Go to http://twitter.com/#!/WyrdGames and click on follow. You will now get all tweets from the fabulous gaming company.

    Tweet your response to Wyrd with the hastag #puppetwars and you are in.

    Continue to communicate with others in 140 characters with many a gamer and if you want add me my username is RTGamer. :)

    Any other questions just ask.

  2. Thansk again for the info. Books will be ordered tonight despite the fact that it will take a week to get to me minimum :violin: I am excited.

    @jmp_mydog just read through your blog thingy. Impressive. Will give you a PM once I have models finished to discuss the felt technique! Wonderful stuff and excellent models!

  3. The Masters I like the look of are:

    The Dreamer, Collette and the Goblin Perdita.

    From Book one:

    Perdita, Viktorias and Lilith.

    Guess I really need to get my hands on both books and read through. I have glanced through the 1st book and was impressed. Is the second book just as good?

    Also what is the deal with the mounted guy is he a Master?

  4. Thanks for the quick reply. I cannot wait to get into this game some of the models are amazing.

    Looking at getting the Viktorias and either the start with some neverborn or the dancers... damn why does the rest of the arcanists not entice me!

    Off to read your Battlefoam bag review.

  5. Hello folks,

    I have moved to the black hole of gaming (Durango, CO) and I want to pick a game I will really enjoy painting and I can take to a con or 2 or to the nearest City to play...

    So I have decided that Malifaux is my game.

    I have a few questions:

    1. Does everything work together from a faction (I know that some will work better than others but in general)?

    2. Do I need both books or can I just get the newer 1?

    3. How many models does the Battlefoam bag hold?

    4. Can I cross faction with any models?

    5. How expensive is it to play an average game?

    6. How big is the average game?

    7. How hard is it to learn the rules? I have played other games before, dice based.

    I want to order something this week so I can paint and not be bored stiff over the next week.

    Any info would be great.

    Thanks and will see you around on these forums!


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