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Posts posted by dafruk

  1. Liam, top notch organisation it ran fantastically smoothly.


    As a malifaux noob obviously I struggled to get all the turns in and heard a few people in the final games basically saying they were done in, but for the number of players I think 4 rounds is a requirement for a meaningful result.  So I think I just need to learn to play faster.


    Will echo others comments that pre-declared stuff made it easier as a noob.  I had pre-picked all objectives and crews for each game in advance.  Turns out I'd selected poorly, but that hardly mattered.


    Really friendly and relaxed vibe all day was ace, great fun.

    • Like 1
  2. I've played wargames for 20+ years.  If I raged at every company that had models with rules but no model released I'd have lost my mind by now.  The fact that they used to have models but don't at present isn't really any different from that, in fact it's probably slightly better as 'if you really want to' you could get a hold of them (admittedly at a price premium).


    I wonder if the mistake of M2e was trying to keep everyone from the existing community happy, as they could have just pulled the rules for everyone apart from the models re-released in plastics.  But I imagine that would have created even greater rage than the approach they took of 'rules for everyone, but you'll have to wait for production to catch up if you want the models.


    Personally I'm not in the least bit fussed as I'll play what I can have and when new stuff appears I can buy it, I treat the release schedule as my 'what is available' to play rather than a rulebook without figs.  Those who want can proxy, those who love Wyrd figures can either buy what exists or wait.


    I had 4-5 painted crews from M1.5, I now have 7 painted crews.  I've only played a handful of games of M2e but not because I don't like the game but because of a severe lack of time available.  I love their models and love painting them.  Their current approach is fine by me.  Obviously your experience differs and that is rather unfortunate (for you).

    • Like 2
  3. The waif in yellow reminds me a bit of the old TMNT cartoon version of April O'Neil.  That and The Waif in Yellow is a great literary reference.

    Oh wow, totally know what you mean but hadn't considered it when I painted her.  No way that will not pop into my mind any time it hits the table!


    Thanks zfiend, not a huge fan of the model but it was still ok to paint once I got beyond the basecoats.

  4. Whoops well this got away from me again!  As you might guess I wandered away from painting malifaux again, but I'm now back at it again!


    I got a stupidly good deal on a Lynch crew and couldn't turn it down.  It does appear to be one of the very early crews where the detail was a tad soft and it had been rather roughly treated with it's prior paintjob so I tested out stripper and it came out ok.




    I painted one illuminated then became distrated again until last week where I did a second one:




    Also because the new plastics came out I picked up Hoffers when I saw the box in my local store:



    Build up pretty easily, most of the parts are well keyed to work out where they should go.  Slightly odd design of the jaws on the hunters but nothing particularly difficult.


    Still not touched the rest of the Levi crew.  Really must do that!

  5. Ok, it's been a while.  Truth is I've been off painting warhammer stuff so the 'faux figs have gone on the back burner.  That in itself is fine though as I've not played a single game of any system in about  2 months.


    Anyway I finally got back to painting some stuff up and having picked up a few bargians in a 50% sale I've assembled a bunch of stuff ready to add to crews.


    The work is still mostly on stuff for a levi crew, but still held off painting up the big man and his ladies.  So this addition- Ashes & Dust and component parts:




    To be honest the paintjob is really simple (and basing obviously enough not done yet, you can see I used a red primer, all I had to hand).  This was a black wash over the red primer, 4-5 drybrushed layers of colour on the dust part, then the eyes picked out in the ethereal light colour thingy I've been using.  The skelly/zombie parts done with the usual basecoat and a couple of washes are also really fast to do. As it's a slightly ealier pic of progress I've not added the rust onto the metals at this point, but it's done now and with that they'll just need based up to be finished.


    So levi now has:

    4 SPAs

    Des Engine





    still to do:


    3 waifs



    and the new purchases included a friekorps strongarm suit and specialist that I could just drop into the crew not that they particularly go with it, the specialist will probably find a place with my criid stuff instead.

  6. Painted a stompy robot with a grenade launcher gun for Levi crew I'm building up.

    As Wayland games had a 50% sale on old stock I picked up a bunch of other stuff to bulk out some of my metal crews, picked up Avatar Sonnia (just cos it's cool), Ashes & Dust, Johan, Carrion and Arcane effigies to use with Collodi and Freikorps Specialist and Strongarm suit (50% off a plastic kit, win!),

  7. Ohh already have Ryle and a convict gunslinger (used to use him with Zoraida so forgot was an outcast!).


    Ok so to check my understanding

    Joss - Melee beatstick with a relic hammer

    Mechanical Rider - Speed, hard to kill, summoning, ok combat ability

    Howard Langston - speed, realatively survivable, reasonably fighty

    Hodgepodge Effigy - from the look of it primarily for the soulstone recycle, plus cover is never a bad thing.

    Vanessa - some deck management, but at start of her turn not sure how useful it is, give constructs extra actions and a heal (that seems quite costly)

    Necropunks - Objective grabbers?


    Also forgot to mention I've got a couple of Freikorps models.in form of strong arm, specialist and stuff which will proxy as trapper & regular grunts.  Not really any synergies with Levi though as far as I can tell.

  8. Towards the end of v1.5 I bought a Levi crew off someone selling up and getting out the game. I'm now painting up the crew but figured I should check if there are any obvious buys I should pick up.

    Models owned:


    3 waifs

    1 Rusty

    4 SPAs

    1 des engine

    1 Ashes & Dust (and component parts)

    1 killjoy

    1 Lazarus

    1 avatar Levi

    1 Johan

    1 Molly (no longer relevant but was in the box as I went through!)

    1 necrotic machine (dunno if usable or not as haven't checked)

    Other crews I own are all guild or neverborn (lady j, Sonnia, lucius, Zoraida, dreamer & collodi) so not much by way of undead and relatively few constructs (do dolls have any synergi with Levi?)

    If I was trying to keep this relatively standalone, for, now are there any other highly recommended models?

  9. Judge can get 2 attacks per AP anyway with both of his attacks having a built in trigger for an extra attack, so would this allow him to put out 4 attacks from 1 AP with the right run of suits?


    Combat effectiveness with a :tome gives a MI and then immediately perform again. 

    For his MI you use his Blades & Bullets which needs a :mask and that then generates a second attack.

    Now back to the 2nd combat effectiveness MI (can't trigger off this)

    For his MI you use his Blades & Bullets again which needs a :mask and that then generates a second attack.


    1AP and 4 attacks?  Only part I'm not sure about is the 'immediately do this again' vs the MI trigger of a second attack.

  10. Knew this thread would finally pay out, yay bewbs!  Ok, childish behvious quota ticked off, back on track. ahem.


    Like the swampy bases, have you considered putting gloss varnish or water effect on the swampy bits in places to give them a more liquid feel?


    Stitched are some of my favourite models for some reason, I like what you've done with the blood soacked stitching where it's seeping through the seams.

  11. Like the idea of the sorrows, that's a great concept and the execution has worked well too.


    You've already commented on the doppleganger probably wanting a bit more work done o the front and I'd agree, tamiya clear red on the back is all that model needs for that half of it!

  12. I'd thought similar to Myth, I was considering a zoraida crew with a beckoner or two with juju & teddy to be big hitters.  Beckoners and obey can be used to pull an opponent into the meat grinder of the two big hitters.

  13. The base, it looks like it's made from layers of plasticard with the top layer being wills paving.  I'm guessing by your reaction that it's a resin base you've bought.


    Reason I know is I use the textured plasticard which is made by a company called Wills to make my bases for some of my stuff.


  14. Always amazing how peoples experiences differ so far as I consider skin to be one of my finest painting assets and a real selling point of my guild figures (particularly proud of my executioners belly).


    hah, I can see the layers of wills paving on the gun one, looks good though.  Also liking your denim, it's come out well.

  15. As my group and I are just learning, I haven't had the opportunity to play with any upgrades but it seems like they would make a huge difference.

    I'll also look into adding the Handler, Marshals and a Judge for when we expand from the basic box level to 50 stones.

    If you're considering marshalls and judge you might as well go the whole hog and double through with the Lady Justice box and give yourself another master option to expand into.


    Depending on what you're wanting the speed in the crew for there are other options out there too, guild hounds are fast but not great in combat but when there are multiple of them around they're capable objective grabbing models.  Same goes for the watcher.


    Pale Rider & Lone Marshall also both fairly speedy but primarily shooters rather than combat models.


    Ryle could be another option, probably more of a shooter than a combat model but pretty mean when he hits you in combat too, has a push to get him going around the table at a reasonable pace.


    Overall the best thing is, if you have it, to read through the faction deck/big rulebook and the wave 2 cards looking for anything that is guild which is either high movement or has pushes.

  16. Found a model in my collection to proxy Francisco so think I've settled on McCabe box next.


    And using the old hats & guns addon I've done this (ink wash just to give it some definition for picture), new sword blade was because floppy sword syndrome.



  17. I would suggest Desolate Soul on both to make aboms on death and whatever Pariah you prefer.


    Can they both take it, the upgrade says Levi or Rusty, I couldn't decide if that was an exclusive restriction that only one could have it or not.

  18. Looking at that Vic of Swords model i'ts the first time I've realised she's actually carrying 4 swords as there are handles coming out the scabbards on her back!  I like the body suit idea, gives it a real military feel which suits her out and out mercenary nature.

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