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Posts posted by MoosePandy212

  1. so ive been playing seamus and i really dont lose because of this guide but i dont understand bete noir a lot she dies really easy and you say she is good but she is not. she has 7 defense but it seems that it doesnt really help because they want her dead so bad and also does she get to be fast from the model that plays her because it say you can place her before you remove the model so we couldnt decide please sandwich answer me good night

  2. lol are you a teacher or something? i want to see you play a game with someone i would pay to see it did you ever go study in china maybe? lol i bought seamus and played a game and won really good it was 6 to 5 victory points it was amazing maybe you should write a strategy book and have malifaux people print it for you id buy it lol

  3. well but all the other tacticas that i read that used you were really good and i liked them and so did everyone else. i dont think a tactica is a community thing i think it takes someone who really knows what their doing with the master to make it up for everyone else because if it took the community everyone would be argueing and newbies like me would be super confused and go "wait who is right here should i do that maybe not i dont know well he say this but he said that but he said that doesnt work" lol and so if you have one person do all the hard work and then all the people go and use that and it works really well then it works and theres no need for the community to muk things up!

  4. you should read the seamus tactica in the undead forum and do yours like that one it was really helpful and everyone liked it. i dont have book two but lucius's model look fracking cool as hell i really like him but he seems kind of crap with out other guys to make him useful and that r hoffman seems super unfair if he can keep shooting over and over again i do not like that at all it seems like you would take him if you suck lol but then maybe you take lucius because hes not so good so you have a realy good guy and a really bad guy and then its fair lol i looked at this tactica because i couldnt find no one named lucius in my book and then it turns out hes book two and i go "doh!" lol now i want to look at his stats so i might buy the other book because the people that play here are really a lot of them and so maybe i can use r hoffman and kill them all right away! lol im kidding im going to play seamus and print out the tactica and use it to kill everybody all the time im going to play tomorrow so im excited please make more of this so i can learn more about lucius so i can mabye branch out to the guild?

  5. wow!

    you must really like undead hookers! lol

    i was really looking into buying nicadem but this really makes me want to try seamus after reading this i cant really think of any reason not to! maybe the other three people who do the other masters should let you do it for them lol

    i think its funny because i read the other ones before this one because i thought "hm seamus is just stupid and looks boring" so then i read karis and then nicadem and then i read mcmornings and it was really good but he said he got his idea from you and i thought you know how? seamus is dumb and why would anyone play him

    but i must say 10/10 this is the best tactic on the forums i dont like how a lot of mercenarys arent done but then again i hate them so maybe seamus is my dream come true! so i wanted to ask if seamus needs them does he? because you make it sound like rotting belles are super best of the best but nothing he has does eny damage so i dont know yet please respond and im glad wyrd has gms like you guys to make tactics for all of there masters okay done writing now lol

    p.s. i was going to come on here and critisize seamus but you really won my over lol if i have any questions i hope you will answer me because i know i wont have many because of this but maybe you can help me if you have time?

  6. this tactica is very nice and now i will sadly have to read the seamus tactica :( because seamus is very boring and im sure anyone who plays him will not be very good but if you say you learned from him then maybe it wont be to bad. mcmourning seems very cool but i do not like masters that need things from outside of their faction and it seems like all the masters do except maybe kiria but she really seems boring :( thank you very much for this tactica it was very informational and useful and i will put the things written in here to good use against him whenever i play! :)

  7. well i read this tactica but i am sad that it is so short and did not really help me :(. you say that rigor mortis is his most powerful combat spell but have you not looked at decay? nicadem is the master i want most right now and so i am reading these tacticas to learn more about the undead masters so that i will be better off when i finally buy my nicadem crew. thank you very much for writing this tactica

  8. i read your whole tactica because i am a new player currently looking into this game. i used to play the necrons in wh so obviously my biggest attraction is the undead. after reading your post i really like the way kiria plays and i saw a game with her once but honestly it was a little boring. i believe i will make nicadem my master as he fits my desires the most. but thank you for your work for wyrd it is very nice that your company cares about their customers so much that you will write strategy guides to their characters, it really says how confusing things can be! lol

  9. well i did not read many of your comments but it sounds like kiria is a very interesting mater. but i do not like that she cant be in melee with others other wise she will be dead. thank you gms for making so many tactica threads about your models it is very nice and i like to see it in a company that they care so much about their fans. i am going to be reading the other tacticas because i want to see what master i want the most but again thank you for this tactica it is very nicely done. :)

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