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Posts posted by Dragthar

  1. Ok i have been reading up on the dreamer/LCB because i was thinking on getting him and when i told my friend he said they are hard to kill because you have to kill both in the same turn or the one you kill will come back.

    But they way i read it you replace dreamer with LCB or the other way around when the other dies and it says unbury so my understanding is you kill LCB or dreamer one turn it doesnt say bring back model removed from play. Some enlightenment would be greatly appreciated. thanks

  2. Welcome to Malifaux i have to agree from what oozeboss said I may not be a neverborn player but i do have healthy respect for them when i first started i went and read everything i could on ramos so i could get his pros and cons. He is another problem master to play but fun and from what i have read on pandora if you like to use tactics the she is your girl. the only thing i may add is make sure to ask questions because ideas you think up there is bound to be at least one ofther person here that has had the same idea.

    welcome and have fun......hope santa grants your x-mas wish.

  3. Well as the title shows i just got my ramos crew and man I was so excited until i started to get the spiders off the tabs for puting them together. I think after all my friends hear talked to me about malifuax they could have warned a newbie like that IT IS HARD NOT TO DAMAGE THE SPIDER LEGS! I am so upset that my clippers couldnt get all of the leg off.

    So i am asking any tips for the future that i can use to lower my anger level and also are there more pieces in this game that have the same problem?

    thank you for letting me rant.

  4. Well the idea i had got shot when a friend of mine showed me the new errata on the arachnid swarm and how each spider needs to now be in base contact with the original swarm which in my opinion cuddles ramos a little hard core cause that is not much of a scatter i think at least able to go 3" away for the orignial swarm would be nice and fair considering how some of these models work.

  5. Well from reading here and the tactic that seems to be used as a example it seems that any range style list will beat the crap out of LCb and dreamer because even though dropping your whole army is a huge way too speed things up. It also calls for you to put a master in danger.

    Also fight AOE with AOE summons like electric creation can get right next to them then activate then blow and LCB took unavoidable Dam and any of his friends in 3". My opinion is LCB and dreamer are transports very good for mobility, but other then this new twist not very powerful but thats just me.

  6. well i will only have the starter crew for ramos to go against him so I dont really know if he will use his starter crew but i am hopin that even though this will be my first game that i can get good advice and tips for using Ramos. I have done war games before so if you can help me it would really help.

    (games i play Warhammer fantasy high elves & vampires and 40k black templars, warmachine Kador, hordes trollbloods)

    My Thoughts on the tactics were:

    hold back in cover ,With the swarms use cover for flanking

    then with steamborg have him bodyguard and fire with ramos from cove

    like a anvil and pincer combo for the army buffs here. then when they come in have the swarms go behind scatter and blow up causing as much dam as possible the have the borg charge whatever is left then Ramos does cover fire/build new spiders. But as i have never played Mailfuax at all i dont know if this would be a good tatic. Please help me out if i am thinking of this faction all wrong.

  7. Now i am curious what would a ramos player take to a table to go againt a lady j team? Cause i have this guy talking smack and i would love to take the smile from his face. He says ramos sucks againts her( He seems to be using a moded starter for her.) Any tips would really help

  8. Well i have a question why does Arcing field not work for Ramos when it says in rulebook one that he is a construct. and perfect machine says that he "may" ignore effects that effect constructs? I'm just trying to get my head around this guy cause im gonna buy him next week.

  9. Thank you Amarel and all the others for the replies. I guess i should of looked at the other thread more carefully, so lets change this one around.

    What would a starting Ramos set need to improve on i was thinking some more swarms but i dont know what to get with the crew set

  10. Now for all those Ramos Users I am considering getting him as my first crew and I would like to hear things that worked for you guys/gals and things that didnt so that those that are also looking at the mad scientist Ramos they can get a feel for him.

  11. For those that have posted on my page thanks for your comments I thought i would give you a update. I am currently thinking about either the dreamer crew or Ramos crew so I would like your comments on which you have seen play better on the table. Reasons for my picks are that for dreamer I like that it has a Little kid as the master surrounded by monsters. And ramos he gives me a mad scientist feel which I have always veiwed as my darker side would be. So some personal opinions would be appreciated thanks

  12. Ok i am about to buy my first malifaux Crew and I dont know a single thing about how they play. I love the way the models look and that you use cards and not dice, So i you could please tell me a basic play style of the factions that everyone here loves so much it would really help me

    thanks to all that reply.

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