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All In

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Posts posted by All In

  1. Assembled models are cleaned of all flash and mold lines, pinned as needed, green stuff to fill cracks, and Gorilla Glue was used for adhesive.

    Assembled/primed miniatures come with custom base inserts or custom handmade bases.

    Guild Listing:


    Arcanist Listing:


    Resurrectionists Listing:


    Neverborn Gupps:


    Outcasts Ten Thunder Brothers:


    Outcasts McTavish:


    Outcasts Misaki and Malifaux Child:


    Outcasts Hamelin, The Plagued and Nix:


  2. Hmm... I find myself curious about how well it looks unpaithed as well.... The pictures on their site aren't very good for determining that.

    They are a solid medium to dark gray. It is very hard to see the depths in the patterns and textures without at least a single dark wash over them. You can feel the texture just not see a ton of the patterns well without some washing.

    AMAZING products by the way. Just be patient when you order them as they take a few weeks to get in.

  3. I have done four of the Zuzzy 4 x 4 mats as follows:

    Get yourself some cheap plastic throw cloths at Lowes, Home Depot or Sherwin Williams you would find in the paint department. Use these to lay the mat down on in your garage so you don't paint the floor or table you lay it out on. Also get some cheap paint brushes you would use for house painting. Don't purchase expensive ones as you will tear them up from all the washing and dry brushing. Can find some really cheap from Hobby Lobby or Michael's.

    For paint, I went to Sherwin Williams and picked up the sample size latex paint containers of the main colors I wanted to use. I also already had some flat white and flat black at home I could mix to change the base colors if need be for highlights and darker washes. You can also ask Lowes or Home Depot for discards which they will sell very cheap. Just make sure you are getting latex water based paint with NO gloss.

    First off I took the mat out and laid it on the throw clothes. I then took a moist towel and rubbed it down to get all the extra dust off of it from manufacturing. Do both sides when you do this and let it dry afterwards.

    Next up I took my base color and made a 40% paint 60% water mixture in a cup for approximately the amount of wash I needed for the first run. I then washed the entire mat the base color I wanted. Make sure it is lighter than you want as all the dry brushing and darker washes will accent it in the end and brighten it up. The key is to be patient and do a wash at a time letting it dry completely over night. When you brush it, do it in circular patterns so you don't create long obvious brush strokes. Same goes for dry brushing. Make criss-cross patterns.

    After a few washes of various areas and colors you will get the effect of texture coming through as well, especially with your dark washes over your lighter base color.

    After the washes were completely dry, use your smaller brushes to dry brush very light layers over the various sections to make them pop out. Again the key here is patience and doing VERY thin dry brushing as you don't want build up at all due to chipping.

    After all of that is dry I went back with a little brush and hit the stones, wood, rocks, etc. with regular but light painting using my miniature paints. Then washed those as well.

    Overall the key is very thin layers and taking your time. During the process, you will think things aren't turning out right but as you wait for it to dry and build up the washes and layers all will come together and look awesome.

    The majority of the time taken was on the washes drying and the detail at the end. The mat itself is pretty easy to paint and dry brush using large random strokes.

    PS: Don't let your cat run across it right after a dark wash and have him run up your upstairs carpet......

  4. Didn't get to play in any of the tournaments due to the painting restrictions. Just didn't get the miniatures done in time for GenCon. Did watch a decent chunk of the masters and enjoyed what I saw. Going to be a little while though for the field to widen with experience and very serious competitive play. Same went for most other games when they were in their infancy.

    Grats on the Masters win Bunniegodd.

  5. Saturday, July 16th


    Giga-Bites Cafe

    East Lake Shopping Center

    2145 Roswell Road

    Marietta, GA 30062


    Start Time: 11AM Sign Up, 11:30AM Start

    Entry: $5


    Domination Scoring aka Win/Loss

    Choose One Faction to represent, build crews each match.

    40 Soul Stone Scraps.

    1 Hour 45 Minute Rounds.

    You May Use Each Scheme Only Once Throughout the Tournament.

    Terrain, Scenarios and Special Events Announced at the Tournament.


    1st Place: $40+ Worth of Malifaux Models

    2nd Place: $20+ Worth of Malifaux Models

    3rd Place: Entry Fee Reimbursed

    Use a Fully Painted Faction (aka What You Use For The Tournament), Get A Free Sandwich For Lunch On Me!


  6. Saturday, June 18th


    Giga-Bites Cafe

    East Lake Shopping Center

    2145 Roswell Road

    Marietta, GA 30062


    Start Time: 12 noon sign up, 12:30 start

    Entry: $5


    35 Soul Stone Scraps.

    1 Hour 30 Minute Rounds.

    You May Use Each Scheme Only Once Throughout the Tournament.

    Terrain, Scenarios and Special Events Announced at the Tournament.


    1st Place: $40+ Worth of Malifaux Models

    2nd Place: $20+ Worth of Malifaux Models

    3rd Place: Entry Fee Reimbursed

    Use a Fully Painted Faction (aka What You Use For The Tournament), Get A Free Sandwich For Lunch On Me!


  7. Malifaux Tournament

    Sunday, March 13th

    Giga-Bites Cafe

    East Lake Shopping Center

    2145 Roswell Road

    Marietta, GA 30062


    Start Time: 12 Noon sign up, 12:30 start

    Entry: $5 for Members, $10 for Non-Members

    35 Soul Stone Scraps.

    1 Hour 30 Minute Rounds.

    You May Use Each Scheme Only Once Throughout the Tournament.

    Terrain, Scenarios and Special Events Announced at the Tournament.


    1st Place: $40 Worth of Malifaux Models

    2nd Place: $20 Worth of Malifaux Models

    3rd Place: Entry Fee Reimbursed

    Use a Fully Painted Faction (aka What You Use For The Tournament), Get A Free Sandwich For Lunch On Me!


  8. Saturday, February 19th, 2011

    Giga-Bites Cafe

    East Lake Shopping Center

    2145 Roswell Road

    Marietta, GA 30062


    Tournament Details

    Start Time: 11am

    Entry: $5 for Members, $10 for Non-Members

    35 Soul Stone Scraps.

    1 Hour 30 Minute Rounds.

    You May Use Each Scheme Only Once Throughout the Tournament.

    Terrain, Scenarios and Special Events Announced at the Tournament.

    Tournament Prizes

    1st Place: Crew Box of Your Choice

    2nd Place: $20 Worth of Malifaux Models

    3rd Place: Entry Fee Reimbursed

    Use a Fully Painted Faction (aka What You Use For The Tournament), Get A Free Sandwich For Lunch On Me!


  9. After this past weekend hanging out with my friend Zee and your Henchman Master Weird Sketch at Giga-Bytes Cafe learning the game, I have stepped through the Breach.

    Picked up a good chunk of The Guild to learn to play the game with and some of the newer Arcanist models for my wife to learn to paint since the Showgirl theme would be right up her alley.

    So far enjoying the storyline and game play as I wade through the books and online information to absorb. It's a nice change of pace and break from my normal Warmachine/Hordes gaming.

    See you in the streets of Malifaux.

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