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Posts posted by zero

  1. thanks very much!

    The green base is actually airbrushed yellow around the trunk over a grey undercoat, then a green wash over the top and black in the corners, gives a really different looking ground (I thought everything around jack daw would be magical in one way or another)

    thanks for the add aswell. We are a big malifaux supporter! Running Events all over and co-running and sponsoring the Malifaux GT which runs once a year

  2. Hey all,

    Not normally in the same crew but this time painted together, i really enjoyed these guys and really not much of the Malifaux range you can go wrong with.

    hope you enjoy!

    also if i could interest you in entering a effort free competition,

    just LIKE Underground Wargames on Facebook. for every 100 likes we will draw a random liker and give them $35 credit to our store (basically a free crew, pretty sweet right?) this is currently restricted to only Australian residents as we havent expanded our postage system internationally yet. but feel free to like to stay updated with painting of Malifaux models amongst other systems (we also just finished a wicked Wild West table that is a must to check out!)


    really appreciate the support!


    & The Underground Wargames Team




  3. Hey all

    Come play malifaux @ CANCON

    2x 1 day events

    I'm restricting it to 20 people maximum (as carting 10 tables of terrain is enough to manage)

    Cancon 2013

    Presented by

    The Canberra Games Society Inc.

    The Centennial Convention

    Incorporating The Worlds

    Exhibition Park, Flemington Rd,

    Mitchell ACT

    Saturday 26th – Monday 28th January 2013

    "Come and Play"

    All the usual CANCON events, including boardgames, card games and fantasy role playing tournaments, over 50 games retail stalls, international guest games designers, annual Mil Sims games auction, stacks of fantasy/sci fi and militaria books and paraphernalia, the humongous second-hand stall…


    4x 30ss Games

    Restrictions: Fixed Faction

    Shared strategy each round (every table will play the same shared strategy)


    3X Mixed SS games.

    Restrictions: 2 Fixed masters - in the brawl you will take 2 masters. In subsequent games you will play the other master, alternating the 2 masters in the last 2 games.

    During each of your games every table will have a random terrain feature generated. All tables will share that item.

    1st game – 50ss Brawl

    2nd game – 35ss

    3rd game - 35ss

    Register link


    any questions shoot!

  4. let me start by saying i think that is the nicest (at least top 3 without exagerrating) ramos crew i have ever seen but id have to agree with nightshard.

    Ramos's coat in question, its the same technique that was used on the electrical creations bag. the highlights look a little too forced to me.

    That steamborg leg and the lovely use of reds and purples around the tender areas of the skin shows you have alot of talent' i do love the crew and the earth colour scheme as well and all round it looks fantastic

  5. Great painting, and very cool background for the photos.

    I'm not sure I'm a fan of the different basings, is it any particular reason that you chose to field them in such odd manners?

    Sorry for the late reply (had been out of the country, actually visited NYC and the compleat strategist, shame no one was playing)

    Basically Malifaux is the perfect game to collect if you want to expand and better your painting. You can paint various metals and beasty constructs, undead, large skirt wearing deamons or teddy bears, buxom girls or brute guys, all skin or Fully clothed with robes etc.. This game has helped me better my painting by giving me a world of environments to better my skills. Fortunately or unfortunately this means the bases aswell and I'm always trying new things and new paint schemes, weathering techniques or osl etc..

    So it's always an experiment and I get some paint on figures to play with.

    I had initially thought it came out well but it's not being received well.. Perhaps black was a bad colour choice, maybe red/white and other colour tiles would have worked better.

    Was it the collodi crew bases or the lot in general?

  6. Hey fellow Malifaux'ers!

    Well over the past 2 and a bit weeks I set myself a painting challenge. Basically it was To paint 15 figs in 14 days, i had been lazy recently and the metal was mounting...(I had miscounted and it was actually 16).. I had then gotten into a groove and kept going completing another 5 making the total 21 wonderful figs.


    2x Stitched

    Bad Juju

    Primordial magic


    Avatar Zoraida

    Voodoo doll


    3x Wicked Dolls

    4x Marionettes



    Governors Proxy

    enslaved Nephalim

    Silent one

    Hope you enjoy and love me some Malifaux :)









































  7. Well your probably wondering what this is about.. well in short imagine that 'in faction' crew building didnt exist and everything was fair game what 35ss crew would you take?

    an example could be - so its a random scenario where some unexplained rebels are exploding soulstones to remove them from the Malifaux world.

    This has left the inhabitants confused everything is out the window, teams are formed to get rid of the new threat before the precious soulstones are no more

    choose master and minions as per normal to verse any other potential team in malifaux.



    widom weaver


    night terrors


    etc... for an example crew.

    everything counts as friendly, basically if it was to be run as a random event can it be broken beyond belief to a non enjoyable game?

    please help me entertain this idea

  8. Man I though 6 would run away with it but no.. Number 4 looks like it has been dipped in light tone which doesn't do it for me (could be the pics) opinions are really fascinating and how each came to their conclusion.

    Number 3 looks great but photo wasnt great

    Number 1 is just converted points, What is that brown on the shirt? *********

    well done all.. I like the idea of the joker in number 2 but it needs more time applied to getting it there

  9. cheers for the reply, it probably didnt need the bashing which ultimately what it was, but my main gripe was i just dont think it needed 15mins worth.

    i am a firm believer that you should keep your dignity and focus on bettering yourself and Dragging other people/games/issues down doesnt bring you up. In the spirit of a joke i dont think it worked, others will disagree im sure.

    Now some background, as for The Aethervox i do love the stories, discussions and most tactica.

    for me, i was one of the first ones to comment on your show on itunes and have been listening since ep 1. i have been working hard for the community running tournaments, and slow grows and leagues and have another tournament next week.

    I do enjoy Malifaux and growing the community, just dont want it to be seen as GW bashers and its probably my feeling of The Aethervox becoming a good and reputable Malifaux podcast which gives more weight to your opinions.

    All in ALL, More Aethervox and less of this s%^t :P

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