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Posts posted by Gruesome

  1. The great thing about my recent personal revelations about what I enjoy about the game is that it really does not matter if people such as yourself that already self-recognize themselves as being called out realize it because what I know is that it is my local community in Chicago that I like and get along with and that the people here that are a decent sized chunk of what turned me off about the game simply do not matter...




    Go enjoy Malifaux wherever it is that you do, and I will hang out here with people I *LIKE*. 


    Hanging at Adepticon reminded me that there are awesome people in this game... These forums? Less so...

    • Like 1
  2. I was somewhat of a ghost at adepticon. I wandered by on occasion to check on an ever more tired Sean... See how Chris and Greg were doing running things and to catch up with the possibly 4 people left from who I usually think of as "adepticon regulars" so you probably would not have noticed me. I was usually followed by my son, who through some sort of optical illusion, appears to be about 4 inches taller than me. Also, my good friend John made a couple city boards and what I thought was a slickly "lit" graveyard board on "zuzzy" rubber. We were also the ones splashing the last of 3 bottles of Jameson around as we were 60% of the 1.5 story encounter on Saturday night where my friends got to meet and have very nice things to say about Nick and Victoria.

    My Son lost to Nick, but beat Victoria with a well-placed papa loco... (And had nothing but very nice things to say about both of them, for the record)


    I spent a majority of my weekend being taught to understand two things... My warmachine lists are slow...


    I know how to beat Retribution since I was 4-0 against them for the weekend. (Its the faction my son plays, so I actually know what they do)


    All that having been said, it was very nice to see Malifaux alive, despite desperately missing Bill and Dan.


    P.S. I have to once again thank Greg for both holding the 1.5 story and convincing me to stay in it even after bill bailed and I was leaning towards zombiecide... That single-handedly sort of let me re-ignite some of the core things that I enjoy about the game. Time will tell if 2.0 can hold us, but that 1.5 fix gave me the energy to give it a whirl, so thanks Greg.

  3. Or... It might be more accurate to say that I miss the local Malifaux community.


    I had such a great time on Saturday night at Adepticon in the 1.5 story.


    I honestly feel like Warmachine has made me a much better Nicodem player in his old form. I love jamming and the dogs let me do things now that feel so very natural.


    I also miss the community of local players. I spoke with Bret for a bit(Sharpobjects) and it sort of helped me get a bit more motivated. 

    Heck, I did not even realize I missed JoeG until I saw him. :)


    While I can honestly say that I find much of these forums and particular individuals here to be poison for me, I can say that there are a number of things and people that I still like when I think about NOT being around these forums and their yes-men toxic attitudes


    It is clear to me that Warmachine now satisfies much of what I want in a tabletop game, I think I still intend to actually purchase the new M2E rulebook(My son will be happy since both our names are in it) and start getting accustomed to the new world.


    And while I *HATE* what has happened to Nicodem and especially Jacob and Huggy, I know that for the most part, that all that really means is that there is something less likeable than what I had, but combined with people that I like... So for me... Its sort of like having to drink miller products at a white sox game.... I can stomach the beer and love my sox.


    Hope to see some of you soon. (And some of you... maybe not so much... you know who you are usual suspects)


    So Sean, greg, Bret... let me know when you have some shindigs and I'll see what I can swing. 

  4. Yeah, It is great fun. Treat it as such!


    I was on the team you guys played in the last game of the team tournament last year (Perdita + Viks w/ Von Schill). After carefully metering my intake for the whole day, you guys shared with me a 4oz glass and it definitely pushed me over the line!


    Your combo was great, we saw it and we didn't complain about it. We simply said, "Darn it! Why didn't we think of that!" The team tournament is just a fun venue of saying, "wouldn't it be great if..." My friend and I had a great time in every single team game, and it was really an amazing day.


    So thanks for the great game last year, bro!


    I remember the game well... There was a hill in the middle and both sides were like... "YOU GO FIRST OVER IT! NOT ME!"


    And then at the end, we left, I think, a belle hanging in your deployment zone that allowed you to shoot her off the board taking away some scheme points that I honestly thought cost us the tourney on points.


    I will say one thing that was disappointing was that you chose a scheme that I think, in hindsight, should have screwed us with our dog-killing, but the scheme card that was on hand was worded in such a way that Raoul saw that it would not and the judges agreed.


    BUT... In reading afterwards, I could not find a single other person's card or rule-book phrasing that was quite the same that allowed it to be such that if I killed his dog that you would not get first blood... (Or whatever the situation was)


    Even still close and fun game that I obviously remember fondly even if we had wound up losing. 


    This past saturday, ran into one of the guys we played on the sewer board and we reminisced.... Just another illustration of how much fun the whole experience was.


    I hope people that were in this year had the same pleasant memories. (Sorry I was not there to rain whiskey on the proceedings but I had to get my brains beat in by warmachine that day, but had a blast in the 1.5 story... Thanks again Greg)

    • Like 1
  5. I have always held the stance that the team tournament, by its nature, should be considered as a much more casual event.   If you want to truly test your Malifaux skills in the most balanced way possible,  play in the masters.  Team and Story were designed to be more about fun then winning.  Anytime you bend the rules of the game around a bit(like adding a Master or using themed strategies) you end up with some exploits.  No TO has the vast resources that Wyrd does to playtest everything nor the patience and time to rewrite large amounts of rules. 


    That being said there are some teams that take it more seriously then others, but that is the nature of any tournament.  I have seen players try to game the Cake Match rules in years past as well. 


    Thats the real difference I saw this year. I saw hordes of consternation when there was late rules changes and angst about the running of it, etc... I remember last year Raoul and I slapped together a decent combo, tested it against John and Paul for a quick test at the Wandering Dragon, and then won the tourney because we "chose well". (While drinking 1.5 bottles of whiskey)

    No one gave us any grief the whole day and it was my most fun time I have had in a Malifaux tourney for the good nature of our opponents.


    I also remember the first year of the cake tourney where we proudly still own the first "Master of Cakes" plaque but had to listen to another team pat themselves on the back for having beaten my 10 year old son in the individual games during the same tourney on their way to the "other" (see: lesser) plaque for cake.


    This game is NOT MEANT FOR TEAM PLAY. It was said MANY TIMES in the earliest of the betas... Get over it... 


    Team play is a great opportunity for 4 people to have a fun time together and if you have more expectations than that, they get over yourself.

    • Like 1
  6. great video that really covered it all and showed the diversity. 

    It reminded me of the flashback I had at the convention... there is a table in the video that has two large mountains (Yellowish) that are made out of plastic...

    My brother actually had those years ago as part of a "cowboys and Indians" set. (I had the guns of Navarone set)


    We got them for Christmas when I was about 10... So those things came out 37 freaking years ago! lol...


    I gotta google them...







    • Like 1
  7. IMO, having seen every table in every room of every game type at Adepticon, Malifaux had the best looking tables as a whole and I think that can only help the image of the game for the casual passers-by.


    Amazing variety...

    Or balance...


    Its often one or the other.


    I could see an entirely different perspective though if someone's purpose there was strictly their results and they felt that they were put on a table that severely disadvantaged them or lent their opponent a large advantage. Stuff happens. :)

    • Like 2
  8. Congrats to Nick. He also won the only v1 event of the weekend in the story encounter the night before so he was sort of "Lord of all Malifaux" for the weekend.


    Also, congrats to Bret's team for keeping the team championship "in the family".


    As an aside, big thanks to Greg for running the v1 story encounter in Dan's absence. We had fun. (But getting my son to wake up the next morning was a bit of a chore.. :) )

  9. In sort of an opposite world question,  I will not be at Adepticon this year.  Had a whole slew of personal shit come up this year, with the end result of my family needing vacation out of state that week becoming far more important then Adepticon.  Going to miss seeing my friends, both local and from away lands, but there is always next year. 


    Oh bummer, man... Hope things improve.


    Was sticking with the 1.5 story encounter to see you. Not sure now. 

  10. People complain that they get jumped on for not supporting M2E, so we appoint moderators to keep things civil.

    Then they complain we appoint moderators to force them to like M2E.

    Can't win for losing, I guess.

    That said, people who enjoy 1.5 and don't enjoy 2.0 are more than welcome to express those opinions. And we will work to insure people who enjoy M2E are polite in response to those opinions.

    And yes, in the past the forums were moderated...by the owners of the company. I hope you can see how they may be busy with other things and volunteer moderators may be necessary. :)

    Yeah... thats totally it. Exactly what my issue is.

  11. The only people that feel a need to claim not to be the thought police are the thought police.

    Remove henchman cards too... no "thought censorship" there, right? For what people start thinking when those sorts of people make a post.

    To my eye, the forums are the same as they have ever been. It seems to me like maybe some people here did not spend time in the rezzer forums in the days of calmdown and sandwich and they were put down.

    The difference now is that more than a couple people are critical of Wyrd decisions, so NOW suddenly putting out your "thoughts" needs "moderation" by former peers whose only real difference to my eye is what side of the debate of recent Wyrd decisions they were on.

  12. I think you need to try and give the models some bonus against their favoured enemy, so giving sinew the ability to force moral duels on Undead would be nice. Or possibly something similar to Justice's Restore Natural order, or the Juges Judged.

    That's an interesting idea. My original thought was more along the lines of what "defensive" mechanism would be more appropriate based upon their type to keep them around longer to keep laying down some hurt.

    I think that the different forced morale duels would not help Molly as much as giving Nicodem since he could summon based upon need whereas Molly has to choose to hire before knowing what she is necessarily facing. (Not that I mind helping Nicodem... )

    I would have thought only the Validictarian would be anathema

    He could have straight up anathema... My thinking on Viscera is that Yin has regular Anathema and viscera is sort of a lesser but different version. What I discovered about Yin is that it can be hard, at least for me, to get her amongst all the models I want to force all the terrifying checks on, whereas viscera can slither amongst them, which seems like a cool visual to me.

    If she is slightly weak, I had thought about making the (0) cost slightly less... or having the larger change of her gained Anathema lasting until her next activation. So she is burning 10s from your hand to keep anathema.

  13. Thats cool.

    I certainly do not want anyone to "help" by doing anything that would kill the thread or anger Wyrd.

    I am not interested in the v1 - v2 wars or any of that jazz. I just want more horrors for my Molly and I like these sculpts, so want to get together something cool for them. And having played Yin for the first time ever at a tourney over the weekend, I want to really look at what sort of cool crew Molly might be able to create with her and some students. (Even though Yin got nuked off the board in both games I used her. :) )

  14. I did not post any stats from the cards and made my errata based upon another thread:


    I do not yet own the box, but if a generally agreed upon approach to them for v1 could be reached, I'd buy them as I like the sculpts.

    I have seen people propose rules adjustments to models for YEARS on these forums. I've done nothing different aside from suggest things for a card that Wyrd has not even created.

  15. My list of things is based upon what I would change in the current v2 to make a v1 card, as well as addressing holes in current rezzer point costs. (We are weak in the 6 and 7 holes. :) )

    These are not a collection of input from anyone else and simply my first thoughts of what I'd like to see different for them if I were going to purchase them for use in v1.

    If others have different and interesting opinions, I will amend this post to reflect them. I want to keep the two lesser students at a cost of 6, whatever that may mean to them and the viscera at 7.

    Valedictorian warrants a lot more thought, IMO, so did not want to just trot out first thoughts, but anyone that is interested should feel free.

    As is plain, I shied away from inventing new abilities, aside from one for the Viscera simply because for now, I find it easier to understand relative power based upon known quantities that I am accustomed to dealing with like H2W, armor, regen, etc...

    I am a fan of what I have seen for the sculpts of the models and am very keen to get something more for Molly to be able to use as a leader, so any other input to perhaps make these better, while also keeping them at the same costs would be appreciated.

    I think by keeping the terrifying on them that Molly and Yin could really become a fun combo with Yin's ability to grant Anathema to other terrifying models.

    Steel and Sinew (Cost: 6)


    Gain: Ca 5:crows

    Old Terrifying.

    Sinew Gains Hard to Wound 2

    Sinew Gains Regen +2

    Steel Gains Regen +1

    Steel's Armor is raised to +2

    I think those are solid stat lines that still keep them not as hard to kill as Constructs, but more durable than punks.

    Viscera (Cost 7)


    Gain: Ca 5:crows

    Old Terrifying.

    Gains Regen +1

    Change Slither to "Push this model up to 9 inches ignoring severe..."

    Gains: (0) Witness the Horror: (CC: 15:crows/ Rst: - / Rg: -): This model's melee range is increased by 1 inch and it gains Anathema.

    Fast and scary... Like a baby version of Yin that needs a 10 to get Anathema, but with Slither, could pop up in the middle of a crew and go all scary-like.



    Nothing yet.

  16. So... when I get home next week from boyscout summer camp, I will be in a mad scramble to finally assemble my Yin and Toshiro that are still wrapped to hopefully attend SharpObjects Malifaux tourney at the awesome Games Plus in Mt Prospect. (If wife allows)

    Since it may very well be the last v1 tourney I see run at a store, I want to ensure that models I have never played (Or in this case, not even assembled) see some gameplay with their original rules.

    I theorized many moons ago about potential things with her like "Yin Yo-Yo" where-in you used her defensive trigger to push out of and then back into melee range of opponents in one triggering to re-force terrifying checks and such.

    But the reality is, Yin and Toshiro always have been and still are simply theory to me as I have never faced or used either of them.

    Its pretty tough to imagine with my schedule that I am likely to even get an opportunity to try them prior to the tourney, so I was wondering what people have done with them and whether anyone had run them both in the same crew and how that went.

    For me, there is no such thing as too many details... :)

    I am sort of ASSUMING Yan Lo, but am holding out some hope for a little Nicodem or Seamus love...

    I can certainly slap a crew together, but would like to hear about what others have done individually or together.


  17. If I remember correctly, he had a great time as well! If I really dig into the haze of my memory, he even played in the 30 person tournament and his 2nd round opponent ended up on the top table at the end of the event.

    **snark on**

    Your son must be wicked smaht (speaking with a New England accent) to have understood Malifaux V1 that young, considering how inaccessible it was!


    **snark off**

    His teachers beg to differ.

    And yes, he had a blast. Yearly Adepticon for Malifaux has been a family vacation for us 3 years running. (Although I got mugged by Zombiecide this year)

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