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Posts posted by Bradschneider

  1. I would run closer to the original box set and try to run more terror tots instead of bringing the young. The tots are cheap, fast, disposable and kill things with their blood.

    While on that topic, make sure you get base to base with your nephs so that they can bleed on your enemies at least.

    What did you play against and what made you think the crew was not so effective? Did you guys use a decent amount of terrain?

    Without some more info, it could be any number of things.

    I was playing against Lev, and Dr. Mc. I was able to use terrain, but I used it to block line of sight, while I moved my army forward. I would have used the terrain differently if I was playing against an army that was more shooty.

  2. So I have recently played a couple of small point games with Lilith, by small I mean 20-25 ss. While creating my list I found that I was using the same models in each list.

    Mature x1

    Terror Tot x1

    Young x 1

    I am new to the game, but this list didn't seem to be that effective. If you could suggest some lists that may work better, or suggestions on combinations that I should run in future games.


  3. I am new to the game, and I have recently bought both the Pandora and Lilith starters. I have played one game, with Lilith as my master. My army consisted of Lilith, Ganger, 2x Terror Tot and 1x Mature Nephilim. While I did not know what I was doing, I liked how the ganger felt in my army. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to maximize the ganger's abilities in a Lilith army? Also I understand that the doppleganger will use mimic different abilities based on the army I am fighting, but I was wondering if there are some strategies I could use early game, before reaching the enemy?

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