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Posts posted by xxXhayzelXxx

  1. Morning Princess! My evening was hectic...spent it helping Siobahn and Lily pack for their weekend trip away to Blackpool with Siobahn's mum, stepdad and brother!

    Which leaves me to do two full days of study for my exams....in peace and quiet lol!

    Though...missing them already..and they've only just gone....


    Awwh honey!! :( good luck with your exams!

  2. *crawls over to my throne all warm and cushiony and fluffy, and curls up making sure i leave enough room for pat when he comes to bed* night all im going to play some pokemon and then wait til my love comes online then go sleep :) enjoy your evenings peeps. :) thanks for an awesome day, you lot really have made me smile. Cheers. xx

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