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Posts posted by xxXhayzelXxx

  1. ...I think that's about the most telegraphed thing in the whole book...I mentioned that at least a week ago that it was going to happen, lol. We'll see how this turns out then. (cracks knuckles)

    BTW, Hayzel, you need to read the comments on Path's FB status from last night. Trust me, you'll laugh.

    :) heh i dont particularly like arnie tbh. i think hes a joke.

  2. can i be a PSyduck?

    *wanders around going Psyduck, psyduck, psyduck...grabs head in hands...PSY!!!! *


    Nope your all wrong..


    Fell - Growlithe (f)

    Munky - Mankey (f)

    Abs - Togepi (f)

    Princess - Chikorita (f)

    Chocobo - Hoothoot (m)

    Path - Abra (m)

    Edonil - Wooper (f)

    Karn - Geodude (m)

    Pat - Unown

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