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Everything posted by xxXhayzelXxx

  1. *gets my day dreams and sorrows to circle the throne*
  2. *giggles uncontrollably, clicking fingers, a doppelganger of Regnak appears*
  3. Lol. *curls up on the throne alone, clicks and the pink blanket appears and tucks her in. continues to drink said ale, watching with intent*
  4. he was tickling me :s *feels dirty so gets off Dr's lap and crawls onto the throne*
  5. *throws sparkler on the floor and stamps on it...* i gots burnt once by thos nasty things... *sits on Dr Amos's lap* so what we talking about?
  6. How the heck did you know!??! *looks at her gerard butler calendar... <3
  7. *gets her cranberry juice and sucks it through a straw* hahah!! im on the hard stuff boys!!
  8. :S aww Fell. I had a lush mango and chicken salad.
  9. no problem. *rummages in a side pocket of the throne and pulls out a badge saying "Helper"*
  10. *lets loose fire extinguisher on Lonely's head* see im helpful! *points to self*
  11. :s Ring a ring a rosies, a pocket full of posies, atishyou atishyou we all fall down!!!
  12. *wriggles free, carries on dancing* [ame= [/ame]
  13. *has a few mins nap, then jumps up.* okaaaaaaay!! hows ready to party??!?
  14. *trudges back into thread* hafternoon folkies... no... its 20:28 so thats evening... ergh *falls flat onto face*
  15. Damn fruit. I'm not even there yet. Mum has gone freaky and decided she wanted to pick BLACKBERRIES WHEN IT'S BEEPING RAINING ARRRRRGHHH! *runs around in a circle three times then collapses on the throne.*
  16. *sits on throne head on hands with a grumpy look on her face. Curses a lot * damn family damn weather damn car damn blackberries. Grr
  17. lol! Google it!! its my nannys birthday today!! *cries* DONT MAKE ME GO MUM PLEEEEEEASE!!!!
  18. *hands out butties, stuff one in her mouth and rushes out the thread whilst grabbing her coat* im off to mablethorpe today! have a great day guys and gals. xx
  19. LOL my house mate is having a row with his girlfriend.. so i wakeded up! *laughs* of course i should have known! *makes a sausage butty for abs*
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