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Everything posted by xxXhayzelXxx

  1. Within an instant, Hayzel was up on her feet. She was angry now. They were torturing Zebadee, and thus herself. How did they know they were connected? With a bang and a shrill whistle, Hayzel knocked over the first Guild Guard, ripping off his face. Laughing manically, she tore off her mask, her eyes had turned ice blue, and her nails had elongated into long talons. Almost as if sensing blood, two Mature Nephilims smashed through the front windows. Throwing her head back with laughter as her wings finally burst through the corset, she giggled as they unfurled, the wingspan monstrous. "Oh dear! What are you humans going to do now?!" She cackled, vaguely aware that Lydia and Black were running upstairs. One guard was trying to shoot at her, and one bullet flew straight past her head, cutting off some of her hair. "Thats IT! Now I am mad!" The Nephilim on her left tore out the man's throat, and then proceeded to rip apart the body. Hayzel called over to the Nephs and flew outside, anger still surging through her.
  2. ... Well the screams of the Guild are particularly pleasing to the ears...
  3. "Thank you Lydia. I appreciate you trying to find Zebadee. But I know where she is. She is in the Guild cells. Trapped with magic that even she can't escape from. And they are torturing her. Being connected to something or someone like we are, means we feel what the other is feeling." Hayzel explained. It wasn't going to be easy. The girls played with their hair in silence for a few moments, and then left the bathroom, Hayzels' mask intact. Walking towards the front door, Hayzel bumped into Black, then suddenly collapsed onto the floor, her body twitching with pain. She opened her mouth and screamed a blood curdling scream. Tears of blood ran down her face, then as soon as it started the pain stopped. Hayzel looked into the red eyes of Lydia and whispered; "Zebadee!" then passed out.
  4. Okay i need some help. Today I could be purchasing the new addition to my family... the Hamster! So we have to vote on the name of said Hamster: We have: Vlad, Jeffery, Droid, Spock, or Bumblebee.
  5. its a new gun! You like the handle? Its all purple!
  6. *gets Karn a cup of coffee from the Monolith, patting it on its side* Here you go Master.
  7. Taking Lydia's hand as they excuse themselves from Al, they make their way to the bathroom. On their way they pass Karn. "wait here" Hayzel says under her breath. They make it into the bathroom where Lydia demands to know whats going on. "They took my cat" Hayzel growled, gaining an eyebrow raised look from Lydia. "They took your... cat? Can't you just get another one?!" exclaimed Lydia. "No, you don't understand. Without Zebadee I am very vulnerable. And the fact that Zebadee's collar is made out of pure soulstone silk, pink silk may i add, and that she is my baby, makes me very very mad." Hayzel babbled on. "Okay! start at the beginning." Sighed Lydia. "Well short version. Guild dont like the fact that i have such a control over the Neverborns. And the fact that I do tend to go mad when i see red, and end up killing a few in the mean time, hasn't really helped. So there is a warrant on my head." Hayzel said happily. "The host ensured that I would not be attacked here, unfortunately, but it seems that someone has other plans. I have seen the guards here, at the front door! What am I to do? Risk myself getting captured to try and rescue the only thing that can protect me? Or do I risk my babys life for a party?" I don't want bloodshed... okay i lie, ofcourse i want blood shed, but not of my friends! Plus Karn is here and we know what he is like when a fight occurs..."
  8. Not at all Abs! *whispers to him* "its a new toy!!"
  9. Climbing up the drainpipe again, allowing herself back into the room where she hid her skirt, she quickly found her clothing and reassembled her dress. Tightening the corset, loosening her hair and reapplying her make-up even though she didn't need too, (but that was what human women did) she made sure her mask was fixed properly and made her way downstairs. She could hear things were in full swing, yet alarm bells were ringing. She knew something wasn't quite right. She sniffed a little and instantly smelt the vile stench of the Guild. Retching slightly, and trying to tame her temper, she gracefully glided down the stairs. Sure enough there were some of the Guard being shut outside. How dare someone invite those disgusting Guild! This seemed atrocious to her. She looked around anxiously for Abs, he knew what kind of danger could happen if the Guild tried to capture her like before. Shuddering to herself as the excitement of a fight rippled through her body, she breathed in a deep breath, and exhaled long and slowly. She went over to DumbLuck and asked for a drink, then drank it all in one gulp. She saw Lydia, grabbed another drink from the Gremlin and made her way toward her and the odd man who was immersed in his tricks. "Oh Lydia! What a wonderful dress! Would you care for a drink sir?" She said handing him the glass. "Lydia, I really need to powder my nose, would you join me for a gossip?" she giggled, whilst her eyes pleaded with Lydia.
  10. Wow! *watches the show in amazement!* you really know how to throw a party! I have a birthday present for you LonelyPath. *pulls out a box with a bow on it* open it!!
  11. Lol Abs i do hope your not trying to poison my chocobo! yummy bacon buns tho Steamy
  12. Lol! you two are awesome! *cuddles chocobo* there there my dear have some more but SLOWLY this time! x
  13. Heheh, Would you like a sweetie? They are strawberry laces.
  14. YAAAAAAAAAAY *dances* SteamHammer you are a wonderful addition to our group! I'd like to give you this as a token of my appreciation. *hands SteamHammer a little purple box* You mustn't open it just yet do you hear? Sometimes it may make a noise but you MUST NOT open it. Not just yet anyway.
  15. Hello Persephone! What an amazing name! Now I have to say I am absolutely thrilled to pieces that you have taken Lilith under your wing. She is wonderful to play and is so sweet! Taking this on board, please take a sweetie of your choice and have a fabulous time here in Malifaux. I hope you enjoy your stay, and if you need anything please holla.
  16. LOL!! Chocobo thats awesome! *hugs sleepily* you want to sit on the throne with me Chocobo? I have bacon sandwiches?
  17. Doctor Amos! How dare you hand him a Cola Cube!!! You don't even know if he likes them!!! *shakes head* Hello there Kennedy! Welcome to Malifaux, I'm sure you will enjoy your stay. Where would you like me to direct you too? You could go to the east and enjoy some gravedigging opportunities with the Ressurrectionists. Or, stay here and be with the vile Guilders. Or maybe you would like to come with me and have milk and cookies with the Neverborn? Which ever you prefer, I must advise... even though they are cute and cuddly the terror tots do bite. I haven't trained them that well just yet. Ohh and as The Doc has already given you a sweetie *sobs* I shouldn't really give you another as it could spoil your dinner. BUT! Here you go! *offers the bag of assorted sweeties* ANYWAY! may the luck of the draw be with you! *waves and vanishes*
  18. Wondering where that strange man went, Hayzel slipped into the nearest bedroom and changed into something a little more suitable for hunting. She laced up her boots, and tied back her hair, whilst detaching the skirt of the dress from the corset, revealing leggings underneath. Good job she always comes prepared, she thought to herself as she stuffed the silken skirt under the bed. Opening the window she clicked her fingers, and she disappeared into the shadows. Finding Mr Wyrd and the body and a mystery man she couldn't quite see, was rather easy. She flew up behind Mr Wyrd and tapped him on the shoulder. With another click of her fingers she appeared from the darkness and nodded to the secondary man who she knew to be Nicodem. "Nicodem, its always a pleasure." She said, her voice oozing sarcasm. "Princess" came the reply with a courteous bow. "Are you going somewhere Mr Wyrd?" She quizzed.
  19. *collapses on the throne* My! what an eventful night! Transformers was great i thought. I loved the pretty sploshions (explosions to those who dont speak princess) and I am still in love with BumbleBee. I want him instead of a Hamster.... *idea* I WILL CALL MY HAMSTER BUMBLEBEE!
  20. Watching Tuesday back away a little, confused her a trifle, but with the mention of soulstones, Hayzel gave Mr Wyrd a very puzzled look. Why is he asking about soulstones she wondered to herself. Huh, those measly things she had in the treasure chest load back home. Funny he would be so interested in those little things. Sure they were pretty, but why on Malifaux would he want one? Didn't he just use his powers like she did? Although he clearly wasn't Neverborn, so she decided, he must need them like her Doctor taught her. "Soulstones? Sure, here you go" She opened her black, beaded little bag with the scarlet red silk lining and pulled out a soulstone she had been playing with earlier. Of course it was empty, she had used it to help look after the nephilims that had been badly hurt by those horrid Guild. Maybe she could learn something from this inquisitive man. "Gunshot you say Tuesday? I'm thinking it was the Guild. You know how trigger happy they are." She sighed a little, itching to go have a look at the dead body herself. She did need some blood to store away for future needs. Oh and the fact that she was desperate for a kill didn't help.
  21. "Dearest Sir, this talk about ressers is just to scare people. They are harmless compared to what else is out there. I don't believe we have been introduced. I am Hayzel. I am the Neverborn Princess, don't be alarmed, I don't bite. But my minions may." She chuckled to herself. She took the strangers arm and patted it. "Come, it will be safe. Lets go have a look-see shall we?" She hands him a flask that smelled strongly of alcohol. "You're gunna need your wits about you, so i suggest clearing away those webs in your head with a little swig of this."
  22. "I'm late again!" Hayzel cursed to herself as she had to stop by the front door so she could put on her porcelain mask. She looked at her blood-red silk dress as it flowed to the floor, illuminating her milky white skin and made sure the corset was done up sufficiently. Nodding at the young man at the front door, she made her way into the ball, her raven ringlets flowed freely covering the edges of the mask. Immediately she noticed the fearsome looking fellow near the fireplace and she sighed. Thank goodness her dear friend was here, but what was he doing without his mask?! Tutting to herself she pulled out another mask she had in her bag that she had reserved for just this sort of occasion and glided over to him, laughing as she went. She handed him the mask and with a look of such contempt he placed it on, and brought her a drink. She let her eyes wander the room, whilst in light conversation with Karn, and noticed Mr Black and Lydia. Her face lit up and she made a dash towards them hugging Lydia and giving Black a light peck on the cheek. "So wonderful to see you! Lydia its been some time! I hope Black has been looking after you, or should I say the other way round?!" she giggled. Hayzel excused herself and went to meet the other guests, smiling broadly at Tuesday, such an honour to see her here, Hayzel thought to herself. She waved at Mr Le Monkey, and patted her bag, giggling to herself as she remembered that she knew where his hat was. She saw the little gremlin, and danced over to him and asked his name. "Dumb Luck" he squeaked. "Excuse me?!" Came her confused reply. "My name is Dumb Luck" "Oh! My apologies! what a curious name. And what will you be having to drink?" she asked. But without an answer she got him a glass of whiskey and excused herself. What a delightful creature! She had never seen a gremlin before and couldn't stop but question if they were part of her realm. But her attention span wavered and soon she saw the Doctor. Grabbing his hands she pulled him to the centre of the floor and made him dance with her, and she chatted away as if he had never left. Then she heard all the commotion. She flew over the the front door and wondered what was happening. "Murder you say?" She asked the man and Tuesday.
  23. *hands Lobo a refreshing drink* Welcome back! Hello people, Am off to see Transformers tonight... yeeyyyyy! How is everyone? *grabs a hot chocolate from the monolith and snuggles up in her throne*
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