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Posts posted by Darguth

  1. Hi everyone,

    Probably a dumb question, but I'm looking at Malifaux after a long hiatus due to M3E hype in my playgroup. Somer is my dawg but with the free files online I'm not seeing what the Good Ol' Boys models in his new box set actually do. Am I missing something? Is this some kind of misprint and Good Ol' Boys are actually a new name for Bayou Gremlins or something?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. Need?


    Zero.  They're not a completely necessary model.  Not bad totems by any stretch, but you can craft perfectly viable crews without them.




    I'd say 4, if you intend to play them competitively.  Just 2 should work for casual gamers, and then proxy something in as-needed in those rare occasions where you actually summon a 3rd or 4th.


     And Im not feeling goth there at all, seems more steampunkish to normal, to me.


    She looks like she's ready to change the oil on someone's car, in my opinion.  Doesn't look like a showgirl or burlesque dancer at all.  Probably one of my least favorite remodels in M2E.

  4. In total agreement Darguth, there is a local Henchman that has pretty much had to resort to assembling crews for newer players.


    That's really unfortunate to hear.  Not having that initial experience of assembling your first models is going to be a huge turn-off to the modelling aspect of the hobby to a lot of new players.

    • Like 1
  5. So the new barrier to entry is the models? Seems rather contrary to have done all that work "streamlining" the rules to ease entry only to make assembly into a major point of frustration and new barrier to entry.


    They may be beautiful and extremely detailed models (great for painting comps) but if they require an "experienced" hand to assemble then they are missing the mark (especially for those that only paint for "the three foot look" or only want to play the game).


    Ease-of-assembly should absolutely have been a major consideration for models that not only are the core of a starter box but also staple models at a version relaunch.


    I'm thankful that all I want is another blister of BGs.  Don't have to deal with the Somer or Skeeter assembly issues at all, and I've got a metal Lenny.

  6. Except they aren't cheaper Bayou Gremlins, they are Insignificant so no Scheme marker placement, they are Peon so they are worthless for any sort of VP.


    To be fair, the Peon status is a double-edged sword.  You can't score VP with them, but your opponent also can't score VP off them for things like Reckoning.

  7. I used her once in beta testing with Ulix and I had moderate success with her.  I think she's a solid model though who can both be relatively self-sufficient as well as having synergies with various models.  I think she'll be a nice, relatively cheap beatstick for Brewmaster as well.

  8. I'm slightly disappointed that the giant roosters are literally just...giant roosters.  There's nothing monstrous or alien about them at all.  I'd assume a 4-foot-tall rooster would be a different species and not look exactly like it's a miniature counterpart.


    Oh well, still cool.

    • Like 1
  9. New taxidermist will look great with Ulix on the table.

    They both look like grizled veterans. That's what life surrounded by pigs will give you, I suppose. :D


    Where is the new art spoiled for the Taxidermist, if you don't mind linking me?  I haven't seen it yet, I don't think.

  10. Has anyone ever tried Somer without Family Tree? (And no, giving it to Sammy is not what I mean)


    I haven't, but I think it's likely viable.  Encouragement is a bonkers-good offensive upgrade.  A rgarbanzo was saying, it seems perfectly viable to run him as a shooty beatstick master with tons of support.


    My only complaint is that Ophelia can already do this, and probably still a bit better.  Since Ophelia *can't* summon, whereas Somer can, I personally draw the line of distinction between them in which role I'd like them to play.  But, that's honestly all just personal preference.  I'd think Somer Gunline is probably pretty good.


    How many Bayou's would Som'er like to have? :D


    All of them :D


    In all seriousness though, I think you want at least 8 (so a starter plus 1 extra box of BGs) and probably don't need any more than 12 except in rare edge cases.


    I typically only start with 3 BGs as my initial Get Yer Bro targets.  Assuming I summon 3x per turn maximum, I'd hit 12 BGs by end of Somer's activation Turn 3.  BGs have a tendency to die though, so they have a pretty quick turnover rate and you'll likely have enough die through the mid-game turns that the models can be used as late game re-summons. 


    That's been my overall experience anyway.  If you start with more than 3-4 BGs, you might want a third extra box of BGs to bring your collection to 16 maybe, just in case.  I suppose it also depends on how many official events you play in.  I play casually so in the very rare case I need more than 12 I can usually use a spare model or two to proxy with.

    • Like 1
  11. I'm glad this thread popped up, I think it's convinced me to forgo the new box set and just get more BGs when they come out next month.  I've already got a painted Somer and 4x Skeeters that I like, and I have a metal Lenny (unpainted though).  I liked the new Somer and Skeeter models somewhat, but not enough to want to deal with the headache being described here.  Saves me like $20 too to spend on new models instead of repeats.  So, thanks for the feedback on this everyone :)

    • Like 1
  12. I honestly don't get why people are so averse to summoning in reckoning.

    Seems pretty obvious to me.  Flooding the board with squishy, significant mooks for your opponent to score off while simultaneously utilizing models that--while quite good overall--are not well suited for taking down the elite, hard targets your opponent probably brings to Reckoning seems ill-advised.


    It's not an auto-loss, but you're handicapping yourself with those kinds of tactics and you're going to have to micro-manage your own wounds a lot to try to deny your opponent points.  There are just better options.

    • Like 1
  13. What Darguth said...except in Reckoning.


    I, honestly, probably wouldn't pick Somer for Reckoning.  Killing stuff *and* not letting his stuff be killed isn't really what he's about.  We have Masters that do it better :)

  14. A typical Somer crew, in my humble opinion, should include at least the following:

    - Family Tree Upgrade

    - 3x Bayou Gremlins

    - 1x Slop Hauler


    Those 16ss will form the "summoning engine" that drives a Somer crew.  Use Somer's actions to use Get Yer Bro from the Family Tree upgrade and then use the Slop Hauler to start healing everything back up.


    I find Lenny with his Love It And Pet It upgrade is pretty reliable as well.  It aids in the general focus of the crew by providing more summoning, and Lenny himself is a solid support model and beatstick.


    Skeeters are, in my opinion, a take-it-or-leave-it totem.  They can be useful, but they aren't absolute must-haves.  Cranky is alright with the crew, but not a must-have either.  So you have some options there.


    After that, I typically reach for a 2nd Slop Hauler, though ti's not absolutely necessary.  I just like having the back-up and can use the 1st to heal the summoned gremlins while the 2nd helps maintain the health of my front line.


    The remaining points are really up to you.  Pick whatever you like or whatever looks good for the Strats/Schemes of the game.  There are very few bad choices in the Gremlin Faction, especially since Somer doesn't need/want much beyond his "summoning engine" components specifically.

    • Like 3
  15. I'm relatively neutral on it.  I don't love it but I don't hate it.  I'll play with him.  I've been happy with the new Somer, Zoraida, and Ophelia art and I liked Wong's original just fine, so I can fall back to it if I don't like a new sculpt.  I'm not going to play Mah, so that doesn't matter to me.  The only one I genuinely dislike is Brewmaster.

    • Like 1
  16. Seems like the scale for the BGs is about spot-on to have them fit in with older models, which is excellent.


    I'm rather irked that the new Skeeters are too big for a basic 30mm base.  So glad I have alternate models already finished and painted, I won't even have to deal with the buggers.


    Looks like both Somer and Lenny got a bit bigger over their previous models, but not by much.  I do like the new Somer model a lot...but my original one is already painted...

  17. the timing of events that occur at the same time is up to the models controller. I suggest healing first and then taking the sorrow damage.


    I don't believe that is entirely accurate.  Please see the General Timing callout in the Damage and Wounds section (page 30 of the Wave 1 PDF file of the rulebook, I don't have a printing with me currently):


    General Timing

    Most Abilities grant a passive effect, some of which have their effect when a model suffers damage or is killed. Whenever any Ability happens at the same time as any Triggers, the Triggers are resolved first. If two Abilities happen at the same time, resolve them in the following order:

    1. The Acting Model resolves its Abilities.

    2. The Defending Model (if there is one) resolves its Abilities.

    3. Any other models controlled by the First player resolves all of their Ability effects in any order the First player chooses.

    4. Any other models controlled by the Second player resolves all of their Ability effects in any order the Second player chooses.



    Because this is not an attack and the healing ability is not on the acting model, I think it would come down to initiative (i.e. steps #3-4 above).

    • Like 2
  18. Hrm, has anyone considered the General Timing callout in the Damage and Wounds section of the main rulebook?  (I'm working with the final Wave 1 PDF as I don't have the book handy, so it might have changed slightly in the final printing.) It reads:


    Most Abilities grant a passive effect, some of which have their effect when a model suffers damage or is killed. Whenever any Ability happens at the same time as any Triggers, the Triggers are resolved first. If two Abilities happen at the same time, resolve them in the following order:

    1. The Acting Model resolves its Abilities.

    2. The Defending Model (if there is one) resolves its Abilities.

    3. Any other models controlled by the First player resolves all of their Ability effects in any order the First player chooses.

    4. Any other models controlled by the Second player resolves all of their Ability effects in any order the Second player chooses.


    Emphasis added by me.  Now, Dumb Luck is a trigger.  I'd read that callout to mean that the Gremlin suffers the damage before any damage prevention/reduction/mitigation/whathave you coming from abilities such as Armor, Incorporeal, Hard to Kill, or Use Soulstone.  Personally, that'd be my take.

    • Like 4
  19. Deadlands: Doomtown was one of the few card games I truly enjoyed.  However, I don't collectible games anymore.  If they put this out in a non-collectible format then I am very interested in it.  It was a fun game.


    Well it's not a "Collectible" Card Game in the sense of booster packs like MtG or L5R.  It's now an Expandable Card Game, which is just AEG's term for a Living Card Game.  So you buy a base set and expansions that come with fixed cards and (generally) full play sets.


    AEG just put up on that Doomtown site that the new Reloaded base set comes with a half playset of every card in the set (or a full playset if you buy the deluxe version).  So with 1-2 copies you've got everything you need to play, no need to worry about rarity.


    If you mean you want just a one-off boxed board/card game...then no, this is not like that.

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