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Posts posted by Darguth

  1. Wasn't climbing also changed from the old (1) action so that it can be performed as part other movements, just at a 2:1 ratio of movement? I.E. I can use a (1) Walk action as part of that action some of my movement can be spent climbing and the rest of it on normal horizontal movement across flat terrain?

    Or had that been changed previously?

  2. I just picked up a Som'er box and an Ophelia box, along with the slop haulers. The slop haulers look excellent on paper by shoring up many of the Gremlins' weaknesses, mainly by being able to heal multiple allies (since they'll be taking damage from dumb luck and summoning etc,) and their ability to do the slop spray and reduce enemy defenses to 4 with no resist.

    Has anyone tried the slop spray tricks to allow your gremlins to hit more accurately? I'm thinking Slop spray with one, then toss slop with another (more likely to hit), granting +1 Cb to all gremlins attacking that model, for a net effect of reducing Df to 3.

    As I haven't any play experience, my questions are: A) is this realistic, and B) is this even necessary, especially given the higher accuracy of the Kin?

    Personally I find the Df debuff of the Slop Haulers to be their primary appeal to me. I play Som'er though, not really Ophelia, and one of his big weaknesses is low Cb ratings across the board. Being able to debuff targets is a big benefit, and at the very least forces your opponent to account for that threat rather than just wading in on you waist-deep without a care in the world.

  3. This being the Kin Tactics Thread, may I ask you to provide some short rundown of the different Kins?

    For example, I often read that Rami is highly recommended, but reading through his rules I just can´t see why. Ok, he´s got the best range, but nothing to increase the number of shots.

    Fracois and Raphael on the other hand seems to have to offer some neat tricks...


    One great thing about Rami is that he can get a pretty high Cb rating with his rifle, something that Gremlins sorely lack. He's a pretty good counter to high Df models like Perdita that are typical problems for Gremlins. Personally I think Rami might be relatively stronger (due to this counter) in Som'er's crew than in Ophelia, since Ophelia herself already totes a Cb:6 IIRC.

  4. chloroform has so many uses! Not just dating.

























  5. While this is really sort of going off topic from the rest of the post, I felt the need to reply. Do you have experience with any other game companies? I used to play some of WOTC's miniature games, and I will take Wyrd's form of customer service and interaction on the forum, every second of every day over what WOTC offered (which was admittedly, next to nothing). So...what I'm saying is, it could be worse...a lot worse. What Wyrd offers us as players is quite frankly amazing, IMO. So what if WiErD_SkEtCh likes to feel like "one of the guys" and join in the poking fun at each other. I actually kind of like that, as it shows he's not trying to act like he's better than everybody else.

    I've been into miniature games since I was 8 years old, which was....16 years ago? So I have some lengthy history with assorted companies. Wyrd does a lot of things great. Other things, not so well. Just like all the rest of them.

    My point isn't meant to degrade Sketch, and I hope he doesn't take it that way. And I'm fine with some lighthearted fun, but when a customer is expressing genuine concerns on these boards (a direct medium of communication to the company many times) a quip or semi-mocking jab isn't really a good standard to set. And I've seen it occur multiple times.

    I like Malifaux. I like Wyrd. If I didn't want to see it succeed I wouldn't be posting my concerns , opinions, and suggestions on how to do things better.

  6. Not very, when your definition is so deliberately selective. And clearly inappropriate, as no ill intent is implied in any way. In fact, your choosing to apply this specific interpretation is basically bordering on bamboozling (pardon the pun) - as per above.

    However, in the context for which I originally applied it, it was as per the next part of the dictionary definition (which you chose not to mention):

    2: to perplex; mystify.


    Yeah, Sketch seems to enjoy getting snarky with the playerbase, which is what elicited my, perhaps unnecessary, initial backlash. Not the soundest of marketing strategies for someone wearing an official hat for the company in my opinion, but what do I know? I'm just someone that has to be convinced to buy their product.

    And I haven't been lately. My latest purchase was several months ago, and I didn't expand upon that new crew in the slightest. Partially because I've lost a lot of confidence in the company's ability to handle things as showcased by their representation on these boards.

    In general I don't think the rules are in nearly as bad shape as some make them out to be. They are a bit disorganized for a new player to pick up (thought it's really not that hard), but that's being slowly rectified so it shouldn't be a lasting problem. However, the way in which such concerns could be addressed on these forums could be a lot more genial at times.

  7. This tactic is very hard to stop due to the vast amount of movement they will get, that they can fly over any kind of rough terrain, and that casting "Sooey!" with a Giant Mosquito is even less dangerous than before due to the V2 "Swine Dash" rules.

    Positioning can help you a lot though since once "Set 'er off!" has got the pigs stampeding you can't really point them towards the target too accurately. Try to position high Df models near the forefront where the pigs will be forced to charge them. They only have a Cb rating of 4, so they will have a hard time hitting anything of Df:7-8 reliably.

    Also, when it is your turn to activate be sure to focus-fire as much as possible because if you let them make the return trip to Som'er or a Slop Hauler they can heal 'em up (more of an issue for the War Pig, the Piglets usually die in a hit or two).

  8. I Think that you only need one to heal. I rarely need two. I do not often use them for defense buffing. It has never worked. O a girl let's you move it into position and companion allows for all parties to reckless first.

    How do you typically suffer Reckless damage on multiple models via Companion and still keep your guys in range for a heal from the Hauler?

  9. So, the newly errata'ed Swine Dash action from the v2 cards for the War Pig and Piglets states that you can ignore any models in base contact when determining the target of the action. This should greatly help the Boomerang tactic of casting "Sooey!" through a skeeter because we don't have to block LOS or anything like that. just make sure that the pigs have enough Cg value to push into base contact with the calling skeeter so it can be ignored by their upcoming Swine Dashes.

    Anyone else notice any new little changes for Som'er from the v2 cards?

  10. ace, do you have any picks?

    I do, at home. Though they are not of the highest quality. I'll see what I can do about that.

    Edit: Here they are, as I said they are not the greatest quality.

    Here is one of just the skeeter so you can see a bit of detail:


    And here is one with the rest of the crew so you can see how they look together:


  11. I still maintain that the mosquitoes are one of the best models (statwise, not lookswise) in the game. They only cost 2 points, let you force your opponent to discard basically their entire hand, and you can always make more of them. Make sure you get 4 of the mini's, but only start with 1 or 2 on the table and summon in more and heal them up to full and send them off.

    You can get a great Giant Waspquito model as an alternate sculpt for the skeeters from Heresy Miniatures. You have to special order them though, they don't normally stock them due to some minor mould problems. But I ordered two blisters and can vouch that they're solid models, even with little bits of extra flashing.

  12. How many gremlins do you need? Model wise. I have the Som'er crew and a blister for a total of 8. Is that enough? Or do they die so fast that having that many on the table at a time is unlikely?

    Well if you're starting with 6-7 you might exceed 8 in the first turn or two as you churn ones out and yet not many are dying yet. Maybe. But once they start blowing up and getting hit they'll die fast. Som'er can make plenty, but not enough to totally recoup all the lost models. He'll usually make like 1.25 on an average turn but you're likely to lose 2-3 at least once things start getting hot and heavy.

    If you wanted to grab another pack and convert them into Young Lacroix which can be used as stand-in Bayou Gremlins it might be worthwhile, but I don't think it's necessary. And if you're reaching your "model cap" you can always choose to just not heal the bro you're summoning off of so that he dies and you draw 2 cards rather than getting another bro.

  13. Another Y'All Watch This question. If you trigger Dumb and Lucky is the splash damage to all models within 2" also doubled?

    Semi-related question: how does the +1 Dg from Feud on the Kin models work with the Dumb Luck trigger? Do you add the +1 and then double it (i.e. (3+1)x2=8) or do you double it and then add +1 (i.e. (3x2)+1=7)?

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