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Posts posted by Darguth

  1. When one Talent or effect interrupts another, the original Talent or effect is paused in its execution. So, in this case, the Stuffed Piggy suffers Wd and its Wd drop to zero. This damage effect is paused, and the "It Goes Pop!" Talent is triggered. The explosion is resolved and the Stuffed Piggy is Sacrificed. The game then returns to the paused damage effect, and the only step left is to Kill the model and remove it from play. But the Stuffed Piggy is no longer in play and so that is skipped and the damage effect ends, and the game moves on.

    At least, that is how I understand it ;)

    I'm not so sure, the infliction of Damage would trigger both the "It Goes Pop!" talent and a normal model-death affect simultaneously I would think in this case.

    It would make sense that it could still pop, but I'm not sure that's how it would actually function.

  2. Just a quick update: I haven't forgotten about this. I finished writing the first draft of custom Encounter rules for the multi-deck riverboat idea. I also sketched out concepts for 2 of the 3 planned floors.

    I will try in the coming days to transfer that to a properly scaled paper prototype and try some games with the rules and board. Once I feel it's reasonably fun I'll try to create a digital blueprint for the board and custom markers and upload it for others to try.

    Just a reminder though, for those that are looking to make some realistic terrain I'm mostly going for gameplay/mechanics. So I'm not sure how realistic my actual blueprints will be to a real riverboat.

  3. As has been stated you need both the Rules Manual for the most up-to-date base ruleset and the V2 cards for your applicable models for their most up-to-date specific rules. The Rules Manual, by itself, did not update the character stats/rules/abilities/actions/triggers/spells that are present in the original Malifaux rulebook.

    Hope that helps :)

  4. Excellent, excellent, excellent work! If I had any point of constructive criticism to give, it would be that the Purifying Flame seems to get lost in the shuffle, the light green flames and bleached bones don't contrast very strongly even amongst themselves and seem to get lost in the colors of the entire crew. I'd wished for the flames to stand out a bit more.

    But! I couldn't paint that if you gave me a year per model, so what am I to say really? :D

  5. Considering I feel this thread is at least modestly directed at me, I will respond. However, I leave for a week-long vacation in 6 hours. So that response will have to wait, at least for a little bit.

    Until then, I'll be having drunk people throw beads off floats at me and my friends while I become inebriated and join in general revelry in the great Crescent City down the bayou way. Laissez les bons temps rouler!

  6. Unfortunately if you don't want there to be any Rock/Paper/Scissors effect, you end up with chess. The point of a Wargame is certain models are good against certain models and bad against others. It's down to how you use these models to make the most of their advantages and less of their disadvantages. If you take a well balanced crew, you will do well most of the time. If you take a crew which is pushed heavily in one direction you will either win big or lose big most of the time.

    I don't mean to dismiss your comments Ratty, but let's please keep discussion not related directly to the Rules Manual out of this particular thread if you wouldn't mind. If you're interested in the topic I'd be more than happy to discuss it, just I'd prefer not to do it here unless we're specifically talking about game balance changes/non-changes related to the new Rules Manual.

  7. So in all honesty, I do not believe their is a balance issue in the game. Yes some masters have slightly weaker crews right now (Marcus is always the example) but that can change with the release of another model or two. At the same time, some crews seem slightly stronger then the rest. This is not true at all, no-crew is all out more powerful then the rest. Malifaux embraces a bit of rock paper scissors style of play and some crews/masters are just at a disadvantage/advantage vs others. But right now none stand completely above the rest.

    This is a sign of poor balance, in my opinion. And I think many would agree. It doesn't matter too much if Crew A wins 50% of the time on average against the field if they win 90% of the time against Crew B and loses 90% of the time against Crew C. Then it just matters what models I bring to the table, and not necessarily how well I play with them.

    Game balance needs to be considered in the microcosm of a single game as well the macrocosm (is that a word?) of all possible permutations of gameplay.


    This thread is not intended to be about game balance in particular, so while discussion about disappointment in game balance within the context of the new Rules Manual is expected, let us please not derail this thread into something else so quickly. If someone wishes to discuss the health of game balance in Malifaux more in full, let's please take it to a different thread.

  8. So we have threads on how awesome the new Rules Manual is (and it truly is, don't let this thread dissuade you from that!), what's changed in it, and the artwork in it.

    This thread is to discuss things that weren't changed that you were hoping would be, things that changed in a way you aren't happy with, or any other general disappointments with the new changes.

    Personally, one big disappointment to me that stood out as a Som'er player is that his Master-Specific Scheme is still just terrible. It requires I kill a model in melee with a weak weapon, with only my Master who I do not want anywhere near danger based on his playstyle, AND I need to get a trigger on the kill.

    It's just so impractical to pull off I don't see any real use for it outside making it an even greater challenge to play the Master, if for some reason I wanted that.

    This is one particular example, but I wished that perhaps the new RM alongside the V2 updates would have done more to balance gameplay *as well as* refine the ruleset. They both seem to have really only done the latter.

    Again, overall I'm VERY HAPPY with the RM and I'm quite glad I picked it up. It just may very well resurrect Malifaux in my playgroup, which had died out in favor of other games due to the disarray the rules were in. But that one small thing just kind irks me in the worst way :/

  9. There are really 3 ways to build a Som'er Crew:

    1.) Gremlin Heavy

    2.) Pig Heavy

    3.) Hybrid - Pigs & Gremlins

    Option #1 is probably your strongest competitive option, but I personally feel its rather stale compared to the inclusion of pigs. That's just my preference though.

    My advice would be to choose early if you want to go heavy on Gremlins or Pigs, fill out that list, and then start dipping more into the other side of the pond.

    Regardless of which way you choose to go, get some Mosquitoes! His totems are just amazing, and you are gonna want 4x of them on the table at points (maximum allowed) so get 4 of them! Personally I really dislike the Wyrd models for the Giant Mosquito and I find they're really expensive for what you get. I opted to get an alternate sculpt from: http://www.heresyminiatures.com/. They aren't up on the site because they have a slight mold problem and the sculptor doesn't want to advertise them if they aren't perfect. But I got 6x of the buggers (3x per blister) AND shipped them to the States from England for less than it would have cost me to buy 4x from Wyrd. And the sculpts are WAAAAY better. Just email Andy at Heresy Minis and ask about their discontinued Giant Waspquito model, he'll know what you want. I posted pics of them somewhere before, I'll have to look again.

    If you want to go Gremlin Heavy you're going to want probably 12 or so Bayou Gremlin models. Additionally you'll likely want some of the LaCroix Kin to provide heavy hitting support, so if you have the money pick up their starter. If you're more strapped for cash just pick up Rami and Ophelia as they'll work best with the Gremlin Heavy list most of the time.

    If you want to go Pig Heavy, pick up the Hog Whisperer ASAP and a blister or two of piglets as your budget allows. Your base 4x Bayou Gremlins should be enough for the crew, you'll need some Gremlins up at all times just to generate card draw and to summon new Piglets and Mosquitoes. You can grab the Taxidermist and Stuffed Piglets if you prefer, but I feel their a bit more gimmicky and will require some more advanced play. So you might want to fill out the base force and then come back to them.

    Lastly, both lists are going to want a Slop Hauler or two. However, I feel those are more advanced models as well, so build up your foundation of basic minions (Bayou Gremlins or Piglets) and a few must-have support minions (Opheli/Rami or Hog Whisperer) before snagging these. But you WILL want them.

    Then, once you've got that rounded out you can flesh out the other half of Som'er's options to give you more options and snag the remaining LaCroix kin if you didn't get the starter.

  10. If/when I get around to building anything, the floors will be laid side by side rather than stacking in any way. Just for general usability. But I'm a gamer much more than a hobbyist, so I'm in it for an interesting change to gameplay, not for any realism or showmanship :)

    Going on vacation next week, but after that maybe I'll do some 2D mock-ups to try out. If I make them digital I'll post them here so people can try it out. I'm also thinking of perhaps introducing a custom Encounter for the board too.

  11. Discussing with a friend the possibility of building a multi-tiered riverboat boat. Anyone happen to know of a good place to find blueprints of older steamboats, riverboats, and/or paddleboats?

    Current concept would to be to include 3 tiers with the following general elements:

    1.) Top deck:

    - Central dining area, tables and chairs.

    - Control room with steering wheel and whatnot.

    - General deck obstructions like barrels and crates.

    - Maybe a few defensive guns here and there (this is the dangerous world of Malifaux after all!)

    2.) Middle deck:

    - Centralized gambling hall with bar, tables, and chairs.

    - Kitchen attached to the hall and with stairs leading up in to the dining area of the top deck.

    - Passenger lodgings along the exterior, general assortments like beds and dressers and tables.

    3.) Bottom deck:

    - Engine room

    - Cargo hold

    - Crew lodgings, including perhaps the Captain's chambers.

    Those are just very early ideas, but I'd like to see some actual blueprints to get a better feel of what a real layout might look like.

  12. Wasn't climbing also changed from the old (1) action so that it can be performed as part other movements, just at a 2:1 ratio of movement? I.E. I can use a (1) Walk action as part of that action some of my movement can be spent climbing and the rest of it on normal horizontal movement across flat terrain?

    Or had that been changed previously?

    Did this just get overlooked, or am I crazy and this is how it was pre-RM?

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