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Posts posted by Braindead

  1. I'd side with Calmdown and Karn. Battlefield knowledge affects deployment, pleasant dreams gives you an option other than deployment and thus is not affected by the rule. Burying does not put a model outside your deployment zone as the game board is restricteed to a 3'x3' tabletop - unless you play some funky rules that also interact with a limbo state.

  2. I was wondering whether putting Molly into her crew at 40ss+ might be fun. At the very least it would mean being able to have two totems and the Grave Spirit's +2 armour is fun to put on spirits. Probably no good at Gencon without the Molly model though :(

    I will have to find a copy of Rising Powers and read up on Molly and the Necrotic thingy.

  3. Spirits may ass through and stop on impassable terrain.

    Can they stop within impassable terrain?

    EG: There is a giant bolder, lets say height 5 and 3" accross. Could you say that your seishin was completely within the bolder?

    If the answer is yes then how would combat work between rival spirits completely within impassable terrain? Surely it would all be LOS blocking so targeting would be a problem but would base contact give you LOS?

    This came up in a game and im interested to know the ruling.

    Without my books I couldn't say definitively, but I think the crux of the point comes down to ending 'on' rather than 'in' the terrain. Something similar has been asked before, I'll try and find the thread.

  4. I agree wholeheartedly with Karn.

    As a Slaughter list it could work, but it lacks objective grabbing abilities - aside from steamrolling the board.

    With a recommended amount of terrain and a 'fog' ability I think it would be easy enough to avoid being in the 18" kill zone for 2 turns at least, giving you the chance to achieve objectives.

    I think the list would have a tendency to bunch-up too much as well. 'Bomb' lists could be a very effective counter.

    With Pandy being involved, high WP is always useful. Obviously it depends on S&S but I wouldn't be too fearful if this was put in front of me.

    I think it is pretty solid, but I wouldn't want to rely on it in A Line in the Sand or Destroy the Evidence.

  5. The kin with z can cost a lot,but cherry-picking them for the strategy works well for me. I find rami to be well worth his 7 ss so far. Papa has had his uses too (vs alp bomb/dreamer) but his tricks become easy to avoid.

    I need to go check my books, but I thought there was a reason you could not take ophelia with z.

  6. Rankings HQ official list:

    1 - Braindead

    2 - others

    Forgive me for being a little naive, but I honestly don't understand how a ranking system changes anything. The people who were d***s at tournaments will still be so. The people who 8-0'd you but were fun to play still are. The fool with the gimped list who was a t**t still is.

    It all comes down to personal opinion I guess, so the issue is destined to be divisive. I've not really said anything constructive, but I am happy to play tournaments ranked or not. Likewise, I'm happy to show someone the rules when I'm tired and happy to take on a 'power gamer'.

    If someone takes a net/broken list against me I will personally have great fun showing them how much of a PITA I can be by knowing my crew. I will buy them a drink win or lose and I'll chat to them after.

    I am sadly saying goodbye to my local gaming club, but the two events we have hosted have been fantastic. Both of them were straight tournaments and well organised. There is a campaign in the works and we'll be having our reciprocated event at a nearby club soon enough. The amount of friends I've built through this game is amazing and seeing the interaction of people on these boards, I'm not the only one in that boat.

    This is the only thread that has made me worry. I'm going to try and get to one of the tournaments in the UK later in the year to put names to faces.

    Like I said, noobness might be my downfall and I might not understand the fallout of having a ranking system. Ah well.

  7. I'm attempting to make a Bayou Themed list (non competitive - just for fun and fluff).

    I want to put a goblin taxidermist in it because this model and his stuff pigglets are sooo cool...

    But it seems I can't put any stuffed piglet in my Zoraida band because the stuff pigglet has a willpower of... 5!

    I guess I have to buy both pigglets and stuffed pigglets in order turn my pigglets into stuffed pigglets thanks to the goblin taxidermist?

    Right? Di I miss anything?

    No other way to get my stuffed pigglets with Zoraida?

    I don't have my books on me, but this was an idea I was toying with - like you for amusement value. I really like the Taxidermist model.

    I don't think you need pigs to start with, you could just get somecorpse counters early on and get pigs from there with the Taxidermist. I guess the options are (ss-wise): Bayou gremlins,alps, desperate mercs,woes, raptors(?). There are likely more.

    You would want something that could kill 2 or 3 of them in one go I guess - Bad JuJu earthquake (that does make a mess of his usefulness though). I'm sure there are many more options. The desperate merc looks like a good bet, butthe 4 wds is problematic.

    I'll have a bit more of a think with a book in front of me. That's about all I can remember off the top of my head.

  8. That and if i remember correctly she can mimic Ca7:masks and obey. Which is ace :-)

    Edit: Shouldn't post without a book in front of me, she cant mimic Ca :(. Still, she's cool as hell and has a disgusting amount of versatility in the right situations.

    Can't mimic casting or can't mimic casting plus suit? I'm going to get the card.

  9. I was going to use the Doppleganger to mimic the summon. After turn 1 that would be 1 Obey and a Wicked Doll from Zoraida and either another Obey from the doplegangger or another doll depending on the situation

    I was thinking of this but I'm pretty sure you can't mimic the summon as it mentions a model by name. There was a thread fairly recently about this, but I haven't been able to find it.

  10. An activation is the from when you declare you are activating a model until you complete that models activation through using all its available activations points or pass.

    As for the spell, even with Companion granting simultaneous activation each model is considered to be separate activations.

    As for Sonnia's spell Flame wall, yes she can cast it once and then her totem can use magical extension to cast it once more.

    An answer that is more succinct and has a clarity greater than mine. Also it is by a RM. Also, I think I got the basics right.

  11. I was sure it was once per turn, but looking at the v2 stat cards, it is indeed once per activation. It is a while since I played her.

    In my head, this would mean the totem could also cast it in the same turn.

    As far as I know, an activation consists of what goes on from the beginning of a model declaring it will activate until it can no longer perform actions.

    EDIT: On re-reading, it seems you're worried about the companion activation messing with things. I don't think it does, they are still two separate activations.

  12. OK, so I can still obey a model into a situation where it would take damage/wounds that would kill it provided it was not guaranteed? For example 1 wound left - action causes 1 damage to model if spell goes off - I still have the chance of the failingthe cast so I can obey.

  13. I'm wondering if the reading of Obey has been altered while I was away. The description Ratty posted seems to be contra to what I'm saying. I may be using an old ruling. I will check when I wake up and have wi-fi again.

    Mind you, someone will have answered more affirmitavely by then.

  14. Ratty is the Rules Wrangler and his word is good.

    Changed my mind. I'll need to check the spells (no book). If there is a chance that the action might not inflict wounds (even if the only way to save yourself is a BlackJoker(0)) then it is an option for Obey.

    Unless it has changed (and I've been away for a bit) the important bit is 'may not cause'. I'm not as sure on this as I once was.

  15. While I've never used her in a demo game apart from one I was overseeing, I can't see her being that tricky for new players. Stuff like Bayou Two Card seem to me as ideal for showing the importance of watching one's deck. Most of her casting spells are simple enough.

    Also, she is the epitomy of having a good totem (who shows off the summoning mechanic) which covers another base. As people have said, Obey is a simple spell to understand, but it also gives an idea of the other strengths a master might have apart from the Lilith vs Perdita match-up.

    Letting people get to attack Z is also good. She is tougher to kill than most people think with a cursory glance at her card.

    On reflection, maybe a simple demo of a couple of models to show basic mechanics and then one with Z might be good.

    P.S. Boobs

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