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Posts posted by Korrova

  1. She works well with Zoraida. The 18 stone "package" of Nekima, Desperate Merc, Terror Tot gives you two expensive Obey-able beaters from turn two onward. She's also useful with Pandora. The -2 willpower to defenders synergises well with Pandora, and she draws some attention away from your master as well.

  2. Doesn't need to be a two "master" game. You can bring Collodi and attach the Student to him. Fast Collodi on turn one can do all sorts of shenanigans, and then fast Zoraida could be really destructive.

    I like using the Arcane w/ Zoraida so I can Hex the same turn I conduit. Nothing like using the Insidious Madness on your opponents Peacekeeper, then Voodoo Doll - Conduit, and Hex off Immune to Influence.

  3. Outcasts Crew - 40 - Scrap

    Hamelin the Plagued
    5 Pool

    Obedient Wretch [2ss]

    • Desperate Mercenary

    • Desperate Mercenary

    • Desperate Mercenary

    • Desperate Mercenary

    • Latigo Pistolero

    • Latigo Pistolero

    • Latigo Pistolero

    • Nix, the Bull Terrier

    • Terror Tot Nephilim

    • Terror Tot Nephilim

    • The Stolen

    This list was being discussed in the Resser forums and seemed to spark some interest. I thought I'd move it here to not derail their thread much more.

    On a side note, during the game that I played with this list, I ended the game with:




    Latigo Pistolero x3

    Young Nephilim

    Mature Nephilim

    Rat Catcher x2

    Malifaux Rat x2

    It's a fun list: most don't expect Hamelin list to shoot.

  4. I was the Hamelin player in the aforementioned game. The list was very non-traditional.

    Hamelin - 5SS

    Nix - 7

    Desperate Merc x4 - 8

    Latino Pistolero x3 - 9

    Terror Tot x2 - 6

    Stolen - 3

    Obedient Wretch - 2

    It didn't help him that he got Kirai somewhat close, I got Nix near her, and then won initiative for three turns giving him negative flips with few safe places to Swirl to.

  5. In order of importance, although all three would be solid buys:

    Slop Hauler Blister - contains 2

    Young LaCroix Blister - contains 3

    Bayou Gremlins Blister - contains 4

    This gives you a solid force for larger games, and lots of options to play at any smaller point scale. As long as you keep the Bayou Gremlins near Ophelia then you have no issues from Whoops! This would be the gunline you're looking for.

  6. I was looking over an opponents cards tonight in a game and came upon the Arcanists' Gunsmith. I noticed that it has a Willpower of 4, and was thinking that it would be cool in a Zoraida based gunline.

    I came home to play around in Ratty's Crew Creator, and the Gunsmith is not shown as available to Zoraida.

    Am I missing something, or is the crew creator wrong?

  7. In our local area we play 40ss games, and I've had great success with:


    Rusty Alyce

    Canine Remains

    Steampunk Abominations x4

    Ashes & Dust

    5ss cache

    Ashes and Dust is amazing, and if need be has a (0) action to sacrifice a friendly model. It's a great safety net when something goes wrong and you can't quite get Levi to die.

  8. Cincinnati, OH (Art of War) - No bans. We tend to not play with the special terrain / effects if they greatly hamper the game (i.e. Bog in a bog) and we usually play completely outdoors as indoors gives a huge advantage to heavy Spirit crews.

    Our leagues usually offer a way for people to get a minor soulstone bonus (donating terrain to the store), but still no going over the max cache.

  9. I tried him the other night with Lazarus. It worked quite well. My opponent ALMOST killed Lazarus twice, but he lived until the end of the game. He's a solid minion with good ranged and melee abilities, and assimilating Hard to Wound from a SPA was about the best thing the SPA did all game.

    Damn Friekorp...

  10. Canine Remains - You'll use these more than any other undead.

    Rotten Belles, Crooked Men - Both good, cheap utility / bullet shields.

    Nico likes summoning the Punk Zombies and Flesh Constructs

    Levi prefers using the Steampunk Abominations and Desolation Engine(s)

  11. I'd go with:


    Grave Spirit 1ss

    Mortimer 7ss

    Crooked Man 4ss

    Rotten Belle 4ss

    Dogs x3 6ss

    Soulstone Cache - 6ss

    I like to dig up corpses on turn one and two, then make a Flesh Construct on turn two and link the Grave Spirit. This gives a very good brick to stop your opponent, and with the SS's the Grave Spirit can do some decent casts on Rigor Mortis.

    I caught LCB on the table the other day and was able to use the totem to Paralyze him so Nico + SS could paralyze the Dreamer. It stopped the Nightmare craziness in it's tracks.

  12. It looks ok but I'd not start with a Punk Zombie. They're rather fragile for Readers, and they are much more effective if summoned into the fray. Consider a Rotten Belle or Crooked Man in its place.

    The Belle gives you a very resilient model with Lure, allowing you to bring an opposing model into your swarm to kill, leaving a corpse within 6" of Nicodem.

    The Crooked Man brings some board control in the form of Shaft markers, as well as good ranged threat by way of his ranged spell. Also, don't underestimate the Crooked Man's melee trigger, as Paralyzed is one of the best debuffs you can toss out.

  13. Let me preface by saying that I've been playing Neverborn since Malifaux took off at our store, and I primarily use Pandora and The Dreamer. I've just recently picked up the remainder of the Neverborn line and out local Henchmen have been running some tournaments.

    My question to the Neverborn community is this:

    What master / crews do you tend choose when you know the strategy and opponent's faction? Do you have crews that you feel are better versus certain factions, or do you make your choices based on the Strategies. Another option might be to stick with one or two different masters that you know well and just "make them work" regardless of the strategy and/or opponent.

  14. Our store's tables are primarily 40K boards, so are 4'x6'. An industrious customer providers number of 4'x4' pieces of cloth. On one side of these he covered a 3'x3' strain the center and spray painted the outer border. These can easily be folded and stored for the 40K and Fantasy players, while the 4'x4' side is good for the Warmachine population, and the Malifaux players make use of the 3'x3' sides.

  15. When she said: "I want one!" I thought she was referencing Nilus' post:

    Personally I am offended by how Wyrd seems to be sexualizing fat men.

    The Executioner, The Convict gunslinger, the Guard Captain. Seems like anytime a bigger man is sculpted they can't help but show off a bit of that sexy gut.

    I won't stand for it!

  16. I've tried both the Guardian and the Hunter with Levi, and they were both less than impressive.

    I've used the watcher as well, and it was very helpful in multiple ways. I think it loses some use with less ranged pieces (without Ryle).

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