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Posts posted by sinistercats

  1. Making sure you get chompy where he needs to be, and getting him out again to a place where he can safely revert to the dreamer is important. The daydreams are the key to this.

    I'd love to hear more about this. I get the whole sacc to Call Nightmare trick but doesn't that just leave you with Chompy still on the table- just farther back?

  2. Joel-

    Have you played Dreamer much post-errata? I've just gotten serious about playing him (never did before the changes) and I'm finding him fun to play! A lot of the advice on the forums or elsewhere is outdated but still some good stuff.

    Any cool tips to share? Thanks!

  3. I've played a couple games "post-cuddle" Dreamer now. (I never really played him before so no real context of the change.) He's been really fun and interesting. The movement and "pick up my toys" is still there. I've also been having fun with 'suicide-Dreamer" tactics- deliberately running a daydream or Dreamer into the other crew hoping he'll get killed and then dropping the big hitters.

    One thing I noticed though. I seemed to have much more luck starting with Chompy on the table in combat and using just his Melee Master AP for attacking. Trigger All Done and then just fly away as the Dreamer. It's backwards of the usual "long bomb" tactic but it was effective and I didn't sacc the Daydream to get out of combat, etc.

    Any other tactics to share?

  4. I had a great experience with the user Deadpool on these boards but he seems to have dropped out of sight. Anyone know what's going on? He's got some of my painted models and I just want to know the status of them. He claims to have shipped them in the last contact I had with him but I've heard nothing since nor any models arrived.

    Anyone know what happened? I'm putting this in the Trade forum since technically I've had a bad trade with him but would like to know what's actually the status. Thanks!

  5. I've Never thought "Gee I wish I had my Avatar Out" while playing McMorning, I have wished I had his basic version out though.

    Not knocking the Avatar at all it is certainly neat, and it is certainly insanely easy to manifest, and its not a waste of stones to attach. It is worth what you pay for, but I disagree that it is an upgrade or essential to playing a competitive McMorning.

    +1. It's a great model and I've enjoyed having it out. But you give up a lot of what makes Doug cool to do it. But to me that's what makes the Avatars so fun. They really managed to make it a thought process to bring him out or not. Unlike some of the other Avatars... :)

  6. My Colette lists are heavily slated to Performers and Cassandra, with Angelica from time to time.

    And having tried and mostly failed to use this style of list I'd love to hear more about how you make that work. Adding up the effective ranges of everything it seems like that crew needs to stay about 8-12" away for maximum effectiveness. Not all enemy crews allow that. :)

  7. Just about any model with flurry or melee expert can dish out 8-10 damage if they flip decently.

    Correct- but those models need to essentially start the activation in BtB to do it. Punk Zombie, Johan are also very slow models. Duet can do that damage range and remain mobile and unengaged if necessary. So it's situational.

  8. I tried this tonight:

    Colette - 5 pool


    Perf & Mann

    Perf & Mann



    Basically I tried to Turtle up witin the bubble of WP bonus and then shot out attacks and pulled them back to safety. It sorta worked. Angie didn't really do anything much.

    I think it's a lot like the old Sisters of Battle builds. You needed to be at fairly close range to be effective.

    @Nix- I'd love to hear more about that crew when you get back from Adepticon.

  9. 1) Check that you have more terrain? If Raspy gets lots of clear fire lanes she's nasty.

    2) I just played a game last night with Lilith vs Raspy (without Snowstorm) and got smashed!

    3) Make sure that Ice Wind is being used correctly with the ranges, etc.

  10. So a buddy and I threw down a couple Book 1 crews and had a 30 SS game tonight.

    We flipped Shared Claim Jump. There was lots and lots of terrain on the table.

    Crews were selected:

    Me: Raspy, Silent One, EoP, 3 Ice Gamin, Soulstone Miner. (8 stones) Blessings of Dec, Kill Protege.

    Him: Lilith, Twins, 3 Tots, Cherub (not sure on stones) Reclaim Malifaux, Breakthrough

    We called it after 3 turns. Basically he zipped around the board claiming terrain. If I got into a fire lane with Raspy- he dropped a Forest on top of me.

    Nothing died and I only cast Northwind to try to build up my hand. Otherwise- blah.

    I think people have forgotten there is a speedy Book 1 master. And she's still pretty good!

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