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Posts posted by Capoeirista222

  1. Come join us at Game Citadel for a night of Malifaux every Thursday from 5-9(often later). New to Malifaux? Never played? interested? come in and recieve a demo! No need to bring your own crew there are extras available.

    Already know the game? come in and have casual scrap with one of our many weekly regulars.

    Tourneys and league night coming soon!

    Game Citadel

    720 Broadway

    Bangor, ME 04401

  2. Malifaux is an amazing system. The card mechanic is a great replacement for the classic die (and a welcome change). having a hand of cards also allows some influence over your "luck". The miniatures look amazing, and the story alone should sell the game.

    I saw a demo a month or so back, and I talked to my local game store owner and got the ball rolling in my home town, now I run a weekly "demo/learn to play" night and am hoping to become a Wyrd Henchmen soon.

  3. Hey all I am Capoeirista222, I game in Bangor Maine, and have gamed for most of my life, 20 of my 28 years to be more precise.

    I just played my first game of Malifaux yesterday and am amazed and plan on getting the books and a crew ASAP.

    In my not gaming time I am a martial artist, student, and outdoor enthusiast.

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