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Posts posted by AstroZombie

  1. I am very sorry if this isn't the right place for this post but I wasn't quite sure where to turn. My beloved Misses seems to have vacuumed up the skeletal figure who accompanies Jacob Lynch on his base and I am not looking forward to buying a whole new set for the figure. I was wondering if somebody might have an extra one laying around. I would be more than willing to trade you or throw you a few dollars for it. Please let me know. Again I am sorry if this is in the wrong place.


  2. I have a Viks crew and a Hamelin crew I am crew I am painting up. I have had both for longer than I care to admit and I want to set up the Viks crew with a punk theme. Taylor is going to have a Black Flag logo on her shirt, the Convict Gunslinger is going to be painted like the Crimson Ghost and I havent figured out the rest yet. Nothing has any paint on it yet just a few are based and primed. Pretty excited.

  3. I was thinking of trying it and I was just wondering if anybody had used this stuff on figures and not just vehicles and how it worked if at all? I did some research for tutorials and could only find vehicles based info. I have some laying around and was thinking of using it to dirty my Hamelin crew. Thanks for you help.

  4. I have yet to find anything that works as well as saliva. I mean it cant be healthy but I have read several articles from sculptures who do it.

    That being said experimenting with the ratio of blue to green and also curing times can change it drastically. I find that using green stuff that I have frozen and then thawed out is not as sticky.

    Also I don’t really recommend Vaseline as if you attempt to add additional details it can be a pain to get it to stick to areas you have used the Vaseline on.

  5. Am I reading this correctly in that I draw from my opponents discard or fate deck?

    "The Void: Beginning with the second turn, draw 0 cards in the Draw Phase. Each turn, nominate an opponent. Draw one Card from the Fate Deck or the top of the discard pile each time the nominated opponent plays a Control Card. The model’s Controller may ignore any enemy effects targeting this model which require them to discard Control Cards."

    Sorry if this seems like a dumb question. I have always been more on the modeling side than rules.

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