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Posts posted by tom_ep

  1. 17 hours ago, OldManMyke said:

    Cause I am running Daffcon then

    It's a shame about clashing dates Myke.

    Regardless, we will be setting up a Malifaux ETC event in Spain next summer in some form or another. Personally putting my shoulders behind that one as I would love the Malifaux scene to be part of the great experience that is the ETC. Nothing like having 600+ international gamers together sharing their passion and enthusiasm for the miniature wargaming hobby as a whole. I think it's time Malifaux takes its place amongst that.

    Let me know if you'd want or appreciate help setting up the rules for your event and streamlining the process for an ETC like event.

  2. Ok guys, looks like me and Alex are going to take this little train into the breach then seen as Jo's stepped down from organising this. Expect details about the venue and an exact date soonish. In the meanwhile, may we kindly ask everyone interested in this event (even if you're not sure to attend with a team but would simply be involved in the process of thinking out the event) to drop a line at tomadriany@gmail.com? Thanks guys. Looking forward to this!

  3. Like Lexion already stated, we would have NO problems organising this in Belgium and would have NO problems at all generating one (or more) teams to visit another country. Locations enough here, terrain enough here, and there's enough tournament organising know-how to pull off a more than decent event if you guys are up for it. Just a matter of gathering enough interest, getting the teams together and fixing a date really. So if all the henchmen can maybe inquire as to whetehr they can get a team for their country together we can get the ball rolling? Would be so awesome to see something like this taking place.

    I've been involved with the ETC 40K and WHFB for the past three years and the cameraderie and enthusiasm an event of that ilk generates is just so awesome, and I would love to see the same thing taking place and shape for the lovely game that is Malifaux.

  4. Malifaux is (finally) gaining popularity in our gaming club so to celebrate that, and the end of the exam period, we decided to run another Malifaux tournament, an escalation type event this time around (increasing crew size with each game).

    Hope to see the regulars there! More info (and subscription) can be found at T3.





    The Gaming Lords

  5. I got a BrainPicker


    win a game without doing ranged or melee kills with models that you either hired, summoned, placed or replaced


    win a game without killing and/or sacrificing an opponents model

    are you going th change the dates though? as it has already been busy since 1th of september

    and I'm playing Leveticus :P

    Leuven just started and Ghent will start this month as well i hope. So October all through December are the dates.

    You can play Leveticus all you want but it is a league for the gaming club in leuven and another one for the gaming club in ghent so it requires you to go there and play?

  6. Starting an achievement league here in my local Gaming Groups. If anyone in the area of Leuven and Ghent (or beyond) feels like joining in the fun, just holler!

    Link to the ruleset:


    Link to the first set of story encounters, freely adapted from those of Weird Sketch to fit my own purposes. Hope he doesn't mind:


    If anyone has any feedback, or more ideas to toss around, feel free :)

  7. on a sidenote, in future we should find something to punish the experienced players ans rewarding new players. closing in the gap between them.



    I speak from experience here when i say that is a difficult given, and prone to be very subjective. How will you consistently base 'how experienced' someone is?

    IMHO this can be easily fixed if the more experienced players have the audacity to take the more challenging masters (Like Marcus ey :D) and minions than the usual beatsticks. But that of course requires a change in mentality and unfortunately it is an approach that mostly clashes with the natural incentive of players to take all the right tools for the job to what is above all still a competition ...

  8. I have a small case of 'troll brew' for our English friends. The sooner you guys are intoxicated, the earlier Headcase can walk away with his honor and dignity intact :)

    By the way, if any of you dare drink that cherry stuff in my presence, be prepared to get :meleeknocked in the head with it. Fair warning :)

    Looking forward to it lads!

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