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Posts posted by ADS627

  1. I've gotten a lot games with her in lately. however, i'm new so i dont really know what input would be helpful. I've got a few additional questions about her:

    For spirit sheath, what constitutes an attack? this is a big newbie question on my part. i'm assuming it's anything that has me resist (melee, ranged, spell)? i'm probably wrong. EDIT: nevermind, i checked the faq.

    For in the spirit world, what happens first, the gaining of spirit or the push, or can this go either way?

    General question, is anyone else finding that games go on for a while with her? she seems pretty relentless.

  2. Brand new fresh out of the box. For the most part the Seishin can just auto base to base with her at the end of any models activation.

    Thanks, it seemed like one of those Too Good to be True deals so I wanted to make sure about.

    I remembered the second question: They get to activate normally the turn they're put into play correct, and don't suffer the summon penalty because they never were summoned?

    Any one happen to find any spirts out side of the normal models available to her that are of any use. Jack daw is ok and primordial magic makes a decent casting totem but lost love is better. I cant find any other spirits that seam worth fielding. Any one else try any that they find to be usefull?

    This is relevant to me, because there's going to be a "tournament" in a week and I'm wondering what other spirits, that currently have models, would also work with her.

  3. Nice write up. It's helped me a lot.

    I just got into this game, and picked up this box set. So I have some questions, the problem is that I only remember one of them at the moment.

    For Spirit Anchor, she gets a brand new seishin (so long as it isn't over the rare limit), or does one already in play get placed into base contact with her?

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