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Posts posted by marshimartian

  1. I'd say that the wording shows the intent, as the card says 'an activation in which it moves' rather than 'activation in which it has moved'.

    The way I read it, if you plan to move Hans at all, you don't shoot.

    Part of me wants to agree with this, however there is no restriction on walking, only on making a strike. Case of RAI vs RAW, RAW really has no such limitation, but I can see where the RAI might be different.

  2. 35 point games you should be able to get done in an hour an a half once you have things sorted, admittedly there can be some time consuming interactions but they are in the minority.

    It also depends what sort of environment you are in, I know sometimes I still take over 2 hours for a 35ss game but thats mainly because we are having a chat/drinks/snacks and not stressed about time.

    Agreed, we usually play very causally and don't worry about time. It also depends on the crews, Perdita will move a lot faster than Pandora.

  3. Achievement: Get Tony to complete a game of



    Oh, lol, LGS owner; he often wanders off in the middle of games and never returns. I'm multi-player games, he tends to assume that the game was finished without him, when really we've been waiting for him to take his turn.

    So just an achievement in jest, one that I don't expect anyone to actually get, lol...

  4. It's a special rule on the Jack Daw card, which says the person that Hired him chooses to spend the SS, card to stop him dying. Special rules on cards trump the RM.

    Thanks Ratty, good to know I got double cheated in a tournament...

    None the less, I know stat cards override RM, I just missed the wording

  5. Heh, the player who HIRED Jack Daw is the player who chooses to discard a card or a soulstone, not the player who is currently in control of Jack Daw.

    I'm sorry, but Rules Manual, pg 13-

    "The player currently in control of a model makes decisions for that model. All cards played for that model are played from its controller's Fate Deck and Control Hand. Any Soulstones used by that model come from its current controller's Pool."

    However, emissary is correct that Emotional Trauma would be ignored by Jack Daw.

  6. Perdita-fast, ranged, straight forward, high stat line

    Lady J-more tricks, more melee

    Sonnia-lots of fire and magic

    Rasputina-pretty straight forward with lots of tricks



    Colette-ridiculous movement tricks


    Nicodem-zombie swarm

    Mcmourning-summoner with strong melee

    Kirai-crazy movement/summoning

    Lilith-fast, straight forward, melee

    Pandora-very tricky, lots of Wp duels

    Zoraida-board control

    dreamer-movement tricks galore

    Viks-strong melee

    Leveticus-summoner, dies a lot(and comes back)

    Som'er-summoner, tricks, hard to use

    Hamelin-complex, need lots o models

  7. Normally, yes, a Master can team up with any Master in his or her faction. Henchmen do not use a Master spot in a brawl, but you get an extra 10SS for giving up your second master which is more than enough to hire any Henchman.

    However, in your case, Leveticus and Ophelia both have special hiring restrictions. Leveticus can only hire undead and constructs. And in a brawl, Ophelia can only be hired into crews containing Gremlins, Pigs, and Vermin.

    Hope that helps!

  8. Except that you are only unable to do actions which cause damage to yourself and kill you, breath fire does 1 wound and you can cause wounds to yourself which kill you.

    Sorry to be a smug kill ;)

    I take that back, here's the ruling that says the exact opposite of what you said:


    Kel says Dg is okiedokie but Wds are a no no, since Pere's breathe fire would cause 1Wd and Definitely kill Pere, he wouldn't be able to use it.

  9. If i'm activating a model that has a cost at the start of activation, and my opponent has setchin. Who has to declare the effect first.

    ex: Setchin vs Pigapault - does the setchin player need to sacrifice it before the pigapult chooses to sacrifice the pig. Or can the setchin player get to see if the pig gets sacrificed before they sacrifice the setchin.

    In general when things happen simultaneously, they follow activation order, so it depends on who had initiative.

  10. Except that you are only unable to do actions which cause damage to yourself and kill you, breath fire does 1 wound and you can cause wounds to yourself which kill you.

    Sorry to be a smug kill ;)

    Well that's a tad harsh sir. It happens that the thread I was thinking of was the one on Obey that differentiated between certain death and possible death. I forgot this only applied to Obey.

  11. My guess is that the answer is hidden within the Terrain section of the rules (don't have it to hand right now).

    I would have thought (purely guessing) that if the models were within melee range after the charge and the wall was smaller in height than either model that the Strike would be legal, but a higher wall would Block the combat.

    Agreed, the strike still follows normal rules, she doesn't have to see the target when declaring the charge, but must end with target in melee (not behind a wall) to make the strike

  12. Thanks, but as far as I can see, TheBugKing who ruled ( in the post you mention ) that one can charge under Smell Fear, is not an official ruler, while Ratty is ... :dontknow:

    Obviously, but it was the only relevant post until now. And it did seem logical since:

    A) Blades and Bullets overrides not meeting able to use a ranged attack while in melee

    B) Since default Terrifying range is melee range, smell fear could never trigger from a model affected by that models Terrifying (except for models declaring a charge)

    Just saying, no disrespect Ratty.

  13. Lilith vs Perdita is of course the standard, easy to pick up and go. I've had great success with Zoraida vs Rasputina with a shared claim jump strategy; it's very fun, and usually end in a draw. I don't generally use schemes the first time around, just focus on mechanics, but I do mention the schemes.

    Hope that helps some

  14. Model buried is under the effect of the spell and still follows the rules of the spell. This means they still do the wp test because it is the spell's effect that requires not the ability to cast it again. As for Marshal be just loses the ability to cast again.

    Agreed, the spells' effects are applied to papa loco, including when it ends, it does not change when the spell is hexed off

  15. I dissent here. I think Zoraida is a great demo master. The concept of Obey is very simple - make a model do an action or charge - and brings a tactical element to the game without lots of convoluted special rules. Perdita kills stuff dead while Z turns Dita's own models against her.

    Agreed, I've had great experience with Z for demos

  16. 1-3 are answered here... http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showpost.php?p=231353&postcount=55

    4 Yes, pass through works both ways

    5 Critical Strike is added when determining total Dg applied, not when determining Wds which is when the Dg is halved

    Flying does not override Spirit, the rule that says flying models can't end a movement in impassable terrain is more a reminder that although they can move through it, they have to be able to clear the impassable terrain, all or nothing.

    You are correct, order of operations says you halve first and then subtract for armor (note this is done while determining Wds, not Dg, see crit strike answer above)

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