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Posts posted by XCoconutMonkey6X

  1. To be honest, I am more anticipating the list of V2 cards and the altered powers/stats/abilities that the V2 changed. I mean, those are already in production so our models already have been updated but we don't know it yet. I think the communication on that part is the most important and is long overdue.

  2. The thing is, there are already V2 cards in print and being sold but we, the consumer, have no idea which figures have V2 cards until we're surprised when someone just happens across it.

    Like mentioned before, if you want to compete with the other big companies in GW and PP, you can't do things half cocked.

  3. I find the lack of any new erratta now a little concerning. Sketch said it was in the proofing phase. Proofing an erratta should not take a month unless it's being read by illiterate monkeys, lol. The fact that nothing has been put out to clarify who has V2 cards and what those cards are despite those cards already being in print and packaged in with figs being sold echos of procrastination and/or just plain laziness. Too much time has passed for it to be excused.

  4. Well, I figured I'd start a thread where we can list what V2 cards we have and what those updates are so we, the community, can have a better picture of what cards have been updated until Wyrd puts out their .pdf. I will update this post as more are added. Thanks!

    The Arcanists:


    (1) "Ice Pillars": Place two 50mm Ice Pillar markers in base contact with one another at at least 1" from any model. Ice Pillars are breakable Ht5 impassible terrain with Hardness 3. This spell may only be cast once per crew, per turn.

    The Guild:

    The Neverborn:

    The Outcasts:

    The Resurrectionists:

    Zombie Chihuahua

    (1) "Get the Stick!": Discard 1 Corpse Counter within 3" of this model. This models conncected Master gains 1 Corpse Counter.

  5. I just picked up my Zombie Chihuahua from my LGS the other day and cracked it open last night. It has a new V2 card in it and they totally re-did "Get the stick!". It now reads as:

    (1) "Get the stick!": Discard 1 Corpse Counter within 3" of this model. This models connected Master gains 1 Corpse Counter.

    Talk about a total overhaul. Everything else on the card remains unchanged. Are they going to release some sort of unified updated document on stuf flike this? Heck, I don't even know what figures have V2 versions and which dont!

  6. So I have a question in relation to the part about the Zombie Chiuahua. It's Get the Stick, the way I read it, makes it seem that it has to be within 3" of a body parts counter, not McMourning, and it zaps that counter to him. The wording in the write up at the start of this thread makes it sound like he makes body part counters out of thin air. You can compare the wording to the Vulture and it's almost word for word only the Vulture picks up Corpse counters instead of Body Parts. So am I right in that the dog does not create body parts (outside the sacrifice) but zaps them to McMourning when it comes across them within 3"?

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