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Posts posted by sanj

  1. Thanks to all for the kind words.

    I would like your recipe for hr hair and a shot from behind... to see her hair better... IM CEREAL, GUYS!

    I'll do one from behind tonight, I'm super serial.

    Trying to remember what I did for the hair, it was almost entirely done with a 20 year old pot of citadel's 'blazing orange'.

    -If I remember correctly, I drybrushed white over a black undercoat first.

    -Then lay down several thin layers of blazing orange, really watered down, until I was happy with the darkest areas of the hair.

    -There should be some shading apparent as the white and black areas show up under the thin layer of paint.

    -Then I picked out individual streaks of hair with blazing orange, simply appling the paint thicker to areas I wanted to be brighter/lighter.

    I was suprised at how red the finished hair looks but I guess that is from the black undercoat darkening the orange so much.

    Edit: At some point I painted a very watered down layer of black over the hair to smooth the transition between light/dark areas, but I can remember when!

  2. Updated with a shot of the whole crew


    I've had a go at painting lady funbags, complete with white stilettos.


    I've never tried painting up to white from a black undercoat before but I'm happy with my first attempt.

  3. I just had my third game of Malifaux, first time against Lilith and starter crew vs Lady Justice's starter crew.

    -Lady Justice failed a charge at Lilith through rough terrain.

    -Lilith retaliated by wailing on LJ and using companion on a mature Nephillim to charge in with him too.

    -I had to use all my soulstones just to survive.

    -Next round I killed the Nephillim with LJ (thinking my opponent would just use his soultstones to make me miss Lilith) and he then finished off LJ with Lilith.

    -After that I kept putting odd bits of damage on Lilith by using judged (to bypass her defence).

    -The death marshalls killed off the terror tots but once Lilith caught the judge I just couldn't hit her with the marshalls and she slowly worked her way through the rest of my crew.

    I think things would have been very different if I hadn't committed LJ so early to a risky charge.

  4. That is a good display cabinet and nice collection too.

    Ikea do a range of display cabinets

    I have the 'Detolf'.

    It was about £40 plus another £10 for a light to go in it (also from Ikea)

    The cabinet isn't airtight so things still get dusty inside, but I can't complain at the price.

    A couple of pictures



    I haven't painted my guild crew yet but here's a WIP pic

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