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Posts posted by Shukitty

  1. I had a great time at the tournament! Also psyched to have won both second place and the DaVinci prize. Now I have MORE models to paint. Because I was feeling a lack. (don't worry chompy...some day you'll get some painting love.)

    I really liked the lottery system, and the I'm not a Loser prize was a great idea. Made me more confident to enter because even if I had a horrible run of luck, I had a chance at wining SOMETHING.

    Thanks again Bowen for putting it on!

  2. That is very nearly what I had in mind for my coryphees, similar reason. They're a bit pricey, I don't want to have to buy two boxes, since it's not like I can field two singles and a duet at the same time, in a normal game. I don't really do pinning through, so I'd probably just try to find some middle-range magnets to put on the bottom of each half-circle base. thanks for the post and pics!

  3. I'm thinking I'm going to try the magnet rout too. I don't really WANT to have to buy another coryphee set. it's more the whole "i already have two, there's no reason I shouldn't be able to use them to form the double". Especially when they're proving to be tricky to get off their bottom sprues, and their arms are fiddly for putting together. and I don't want to have to try to duplicate my paint job accurately enough they look like the same models in a double form.

  4. That is pretty awesome. I downloaded blender once, but the interface was just too obtuse for me. I've taken 3d modeling classes, i know how to do stuff in Lightwave, but i couldn't figure out how to do ANYTHING in blender. So mad props to your friend for creating something that cool in that program.

  5. Finally got around to making a forum account, been playing Malifaux since February or so. Figured a good place to start posting is to post some of my minis. Please be kind, they're my first batch. I'm working on improving my technique, but i'm used to painting on a much larger scale, these tiny figures are a real challenge for me, especially the faces and tiny details. I've gotten a lot better brushes and paints since I first started, so my newer models are looking better.


    This is my Rasputina. I'm not very happy with how she turned out. Maybe I'll buy another Raspy when I get better and can paint her again. I just bought a new purple and skin tone from Reaper, hopefully it'll work better then what I've been using.


    I like how my gamin turned out pretty well.


    I like my cerberus. He's the first one I finished. Pretty happy with how the stripes turned out, I was nervous when I started painting them.



    I think the Wendigo is my favorite. He's so cute and fuzzy, and i like how the rock turned out. I managed to get his feet just right, it looks like he's charging up the rock, ready to chew someone's face off.

    I've got some really cool pilars that my boyfriend and I created, but I somehow forgot to get photos of them. I'll take a whole group shot with all my guys and the pillars. Maybe my Acolyte will be done by the time I get around to it.

    I've also picked up a Colette box, some Coryphees and a Dreamer. Lots of painting to come!

    A friend of mine had my boyfriend and I paint his Lilith box. I called dibs on painting his Lilith. So rather than make another post, I'm just sticking her here.


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