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Posts posted by hippieshopper

  1. Therefore...use a belle.

    Lure people into them...most of the time Paralyze is your best bet.

    It's good to make people think twice about getting near Nico.

    I usually sit a Punk Zombie, Morty, and Crooked Man near him and that does the trick for me.

  2. Whats the closest airport to where you live sandwich. your love of hamelin is almost to the point of goading me to fly out there and meet you at your LGS's gaming night.

    also, if I did, could I crash on your couch? or wuwu

    We're in Tacoma...you can google the Game Matrix =P

    And Hamelin is still OP, I would rather take on Pandora, she's annoying too but at least I can beat her.

  3. Thats what I figured. With Df 3 I have a feeling I'll be needed them for those damage prevention flips! Thanks guys!

    He's actually really hard to kill, the Df is crappy but he should be surrounded by something undead.

    I usually put a Punk Zombie within an inch or two so that I can punish anything in melee.

    Range wise...well all you need is a 3 of masks.

  4. McM can work well with Nico, you can have McM get in the front and chop people up and Nico can summon and bolster.

    McM really needs his Frankies and Sebs is also someone he needs as well...he hits like a semi truck.

    Frankies are very mobile, whether they look like it or not.

  5. If you mean in a 2v2 situation?

    What we've done is use the brawl settings where all 4 players pick their crews, usually we do a 35 point game. Where each person has 35 points worth, so essentially it's 70 vs 70.

    Each player gets their own hand of control cards but the soulstone cache is split into teams.

    We do an individual strategy for each team and 3 schemes for each team as well.

    As far as a 3 or 4 person free for all, we use a 4 square foot table but I think it should be treated the same as a normal game.

  6. I don't have the cards at hand but I think Obey on his card says 'target non master model'.

    Or am I wrong?

    Also, don't remember what philosophy of uncertainty does, anyone cares to refresh my memory?

    He doesn't have the actual spell. He has an effect on his Pipes weapon that states if he gets a Severe he can have a model make a (1) Action or Charge controlled by you...provided the model's Wp is 5 or less.

    McMourning's Wp...is 5.

    He has an ability called Fate is Meaningless which lets him treat his next action as if it were fate even.

  7. Yes, locking things down is my main spell for Nico.

    I use Decay to both heal my units and spread a little damage to whoever they're locked with.

    As far as keeping Lilith busy...surrounding her with Belles isn't a bad idea.

    She might have wicked but I have several 4 point models with 5 Df, 8 Cb and 8 Wd. When beefed up, of course.

    We're on par with our disengaging strikes to her Df. If you want to burn soulstones getting out of that, it works for me. =P

    Even on a Severe she can't one-hit a Belle, and when she does, I would use Undress to bring Lilith's Df down a peg or two.

  8. I would be sure to knock out the Totem and the Executioner.

    Of course Lady J too.

    The Exe first if you have a choice, he can take away your precious resources.

    A decent flurry or a few charges can make him go away fast, just be sure you can take the slow to die strike (because that's what they do, riiight?)

    If/when you go after the Proxy totem, it's usually nice to keep lady J away from that skirmish because you usually lose a model when you kill it.

    It's worth it though because now you can lure stuff a lot easier.

    Luring Death Marshall's can be a pain because you are at par with their modified Wp, so it's just card vs. card at that point. Only waste high cards if it's necessary. I'd just charge or flurry them and kill em so you can get more Punk Zombies, Crooked Men, or Rotten Belles...even a Rogue Necromancy if you're feeling ballsy.

    Speaking of big nasty things, Killjoy and the Rogue Necromancy are decent options for a matchup such as that. The latter even more so because of the fact he can ignore Judged and Restore Natural Order. If you use Killjoy, it is wise to keep him in Nico's boosted aura and just use his hook to drag things into melee with you. Use your high masks for Killjoy or for Morty's Fresh Meat spell.

    VP wise, I would take bodyguard...announced, because it is hard to kill Nico when he's surrounded by zombies. Lady J should be locked down and far away, at least far enough away so you don't worry about your corpse counters. Belles and Paralyze work well for this.

    The other scheme should be something usually relevant to the strategy you drew, such as Stake a Claim if you have claim jump.

    Grudge or Kill Protogee are bread and butter schemes to take for Nico.

  9. Sonnia isn't that bad.

    She's pretty brutal against Kirai.

    Seamus isn't underpowered at all.

    A few people at our LGS say that Ramos is kinda lacking too.

    Of course the Henchmen without their own dudes.


    As far as that goes, most of the masters aren't really underpowered at all...there are a few (whom I won't mention) that could use some considerable pruning, but Wyrd is still doing a pretty sweet job of balancing them out.

  10. Nice! You should extend it to show the odds required to flip a specific suit too, since that's something you commonly need to do to cast a spell or activate a trigger.

    Interesting analysis on the wrinkles caused by the Jokers too. The card flipping mechanic is definitely more than just a gimmicky replacement for dice rolling.

    Hehe, yeah

    I think getting a 9 of crows or better for Nico is something like 11% on a straight flip.

    But Kirai's Evolve Spirit is closer to 24%

    it's 9% for McM and Seamus

    Not counting things like SS.

  11. I personally love Nico, he is by far my favorite master. I love zombies and the undead as well as raising my own army to get my enemies, Nico fits that niche perfectly. I just wish there was more of him in the story instead of them stroking Seamus so much.

    If you have the counters, surround him with Mindless Zombies and be sure to off any targets that can destroy Corpse Counters.

    Once they are out of the way, you are pretty much free to do what you need to do.

    When you see a model get to close...lock it down with a belle, punk zombie, or a pack of dogs, even a well placed Rigor Mortis can get you out of a sticky situation.

    I usually have a cache of 5 or 6 with Nico and I use them mostly to make sure things get paralyzed. I don't use Decay as offensively as most people as I prefer to summon things as much as I can.

    As you said, he is slow and vulnerable if you aren't careful, but his adaptability comes from the fact he can summon almost anything in the game without a pulse.

    Countering Lillith, I would either paralyze her (my cast of 7 against her Wp of 6), or a bolstered Rotten Belle or 2 (5 Df, 8 Wd, and 8 Cb)

    She can try to zap you out of place, but that's what your Soulstones are for...

    The big daddies look big and mean but a flurry or 2 usually makes short work of em.

    You can also try luring them into a mine field of Shafted markers.

  12. I would like to throw in my 2 cents.

    Video games and this game seem to go in hand in hand by that reasoning.

    As JPRoth said, Final Fantasy is a perfect example. I have access to all of my favorite old school Squaresoft games which costed roughly 40$ altogether...this has given me a lot of entertainment.

    Maybe I am just a boring individual, but I have played through those 6 games so many times and it never gets boring even though I know Aeris dies, Ward loses his voice, you can't use magic in Oeilvert, Tidus is a ghost, and that Fei and Id are one in the same.

    As far as Malifaux goes, I agree that for a game of it's kind...it is amazing, because you can spend $100 and get a lot out of it. I personally don't count painting as fun, but the diversity in models and types and how most games and all that variety is amazing, even though I haven't played any other wargames. But I know some people who have.

    Balance wise, I'd say Wyrd is doing pretty good. I think the more models that come out, the more balancing that needs to be done. This is where I see it turning into a slippery slope to craziness. I know that to stay competitive they need to keep releasing models, which could mean a lot of bad things if they don't do it right.

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