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Posts posted by hippieshopper

  1. Just be careful summoning frankies around C. Hoffman because he can Machine Puppet them

    That happened to me, he whacked McM with my own dude and got a Red Joker-Severe and I mitigated with the Black Joker.

    McM croaked.

    Sebs saved the day and used bloody harvest to take him out.

    The rule most people learn about Sebastian....don't let him hit you!


  2. yeah thats true but thier insignificant so no treasures for them. but slowing people can be good in itself and with hard to kill be really anoying to get off people. plus they tie up shooters and casters really fast to let your hammers like levi/deso engine or Mcm/flesh construct get there without too much chaff.

    Necropunks aren't insignificant.

    The only problem I see is getting leap off frequently.

  3. I like them, I mostly use them as a Killjoy delivery system.

    Using them effeciently relies on some decent masks though, but most of the time I don't rely on my hand.

    I love using them against a range-y based crew if the strategy is something like destroy or plant evidence because I can run them right to it and when they shoot them to kill them, they can slow to die and nab the objective.

  4. I usually have a lot of doggies.

    With Sebs, McM, and maybe a starting Frankie...

    the rest is mostly made up of dogs.

    Sometimes I will run with a Belle or two just for setting things up as MadArcanist said. Combined with a Punk Zombie, it's a great idea to pull a model into a grouping of a Belle and PZ and have the PZ flurry them.

  5. Whats the use of the extra bodyparts for ss?

    The necro cat costs only 8 parts, so with spell, attack and corpse you get 4 parts per doggie.

    So you can be Fast for a few turns, maybe if you want to run up a few inches if you want to drop it in the middle. I said it wasn't perfect and that there are other ways to do it.

    My point wasn't to try and make a sparkling perfect example of what to do but to point out a general outline people could follow.

    McM is wonderful with that huge SS cache...why not use what he already has?

    I have been playing McMourning for 7 months now and I have never needed anymore than his 6 soulstones.

  6. It is a very intriguing storyline, I admit. It is also a very nice game. It is quite balanced too, which the more I read of other games...the more prominent Malifaux becomes.

    I'm still planning some kind of crazy roadtrip to see how other Malifaux players play this game. But that's in it's developmental stage at this point in time...probably after Gencon, so I can see what shiny new toy us Malifaux players get.

  7. I've got a recipe for a Rogue Necromancy on turn one if you are really intent on having that. You do need to rely on some low cards and a few masks.

    1. Start with 2 Soulstones less than your game number (33 instead of 35, 28 instead of 30, etc) Use these as extra Body Parts. [2]

    2. Take at least 2 Canine Remains

    3. Have McM cast Wracked with Pain on a Canine Remains within his melee range. Cheat it down if necessary. Cheat with a Mask and trigger Scalpel Magic. [3]

    4. Use the melee strike and kill it. [4]

    5. Pick the Corpse Counter up. [6]

    6. Repeat steps 3-5 on another Canine Remains within melee range. [10]

    7. Cast Monsterous Creation. [2]

    It is a little silly in my opinion and there is more than one way to do it but it is kinda funny to pop it out on turn one to see the look one someone's face.

    As for the OP topic...

    I usually use 4, so I could use them as BPC or to nab stuff with Sebs.

    There is never an McM list I have without Sebastian...some people say he's not that great, but I have no idea what their talking about.

    In a 35ss list, I usually have...

    My core models:



    2-4 K9 remains

    Optionals (depending on Strategies)

    1-3 Punk Zombies

    1-2 Rotten Belles

    Flesh Construct

    Grave Spirit

    More K9s


  8. Well it's kinda difficult for me then, Malifaux is dying at our LGS.

    We have people buying Malifaux stuff but they can never play very often, we get people from several miles away getting this stuff.

    I know the few players we have are willing to move our "Malifaux" day around if it means more people but it never really helps.

  9. I am looking to assume the role of Henchman at our local game store.

    Before I fill out the application I wanted to get an understanding of what they are specifically responsible for doing.

    The one aspect I am pretty sure of, out of all of them, is demoing Malifaux. I've seen those two demo videos on the forum...but I wanted to get some other ideas on how to go about it. More resources and whatnot...things of that nature.

    I know as far as the material requirements for the game, I have all of that, but I just wanted to get an idea of what they do before I step up and assume that role.

  10. Chompy is very very good at alpha striking, in fact that is what 90% of people do with him.

    You have to know the rules on burying models in Malifaux before he becomes easy to play with.

    Also, his box is missing his totems, which is extremely useful for most of his tactics.

    Well I was unaware of where you folks were but you might also want to try Home Depot or something which may have materials to do it yourself.

    It's not as good as the pros, who have the machines for it, but it's still good.

  11. Interesting demo. Made my interest in the Vicktorias even higher still. Since it seems to been a very un-synergistic Crew, is it easy to expand?

    Would her box fairly match Lilith's?

    Right now I'm liking Perdita, Lady Justice, Sonnia Criid, Vickroria, and Rasputina the most, but still liking others (funny, many are from the Guild faction, hehe). Maybe I should try to get a hold off the older 2 rulebooks and read up some fluff. That should narrow my choices.

    Other noobie questions:

    -Any difference between the different colored Fate Decks or is it just cosmestic?

    -Are there any sleeves available that fit the opened Stat cards?

    Sorry for hogging so much the topic for my personal questions. :)

    The Viks are pretty easy to expand on, they can cherry pick from just about anything with the "Mercenary" trait. Most of the time you want to just fill in the gaps with the Ronin...very amazing models by the way...

    The Viktorias are sisters, and game wise they have that twin-like instinct ingrained in their mechanics. They can share positive buffs between them, companion each other, etc...

    The dual sword Vik hits like a truck and she can hit almost anything she wants with her very high combat stat. I would say she can easily go on par with Lilith, they both have similar, but not the same, combat styles.

    The cards are just cosmetic and you can just buy them to show your faction's colors...or maybe you just like the colors...it's all the same.

    As for card covers, what my LGS has done, we go to OfficeMax, Kinkos, or another office supply place and laminate them. That way we can use dry-erase markers to mark Wounds lost and stuff like that.

  12. All boxes are set up for a 25 soulstone game.

    A lot of them leave some extra room to use the soulstones for your master.

    (Adding flips and mitigation)

    Henchmen are the step between Minion (your lackeys or goons used to grab objectives, kill, etc...) and Master (your leaders). To be quite honest, I never have used a Henchman at all and it hasn't ever phased me. I would just skip over them, if you want to add them to your crew, not as masters...then by all means, go ahead.

    Henchman can be lead by a respective master, like Som'er leading Ophelia, but Henchmen are supposed to be beefed up Minions and can also use soulstones, regardless of if they are leaders or not.

    I agree with you, just go with a normal Master's box for now.

  13. Lady J: She is much like Lilith in that she's up in the fray chopping people to pieces. Most of her crew are very sturdy and have ways of destroying Corpse Counters, which cripple the Resurrectionist masters, mostly Nicodem.

    Perdita Ortega: Perdita can sit in the middle of the map and perforate anything. Most of her crew has the surname Ortega, Papa Loco too but he is a shock and awe tactic.

    Sonnia Criid: Sonnia Criid and her crew are also use ranged attacks, she can put up walls of flame to block off the enemy as well as blasting the crap out of the enemy if they bunch up.

    Nicodem, the Undertaker: He is my master of choice. The undead overlord of sorts, he summons the undead. Arguably the best summoner in the game, the undead have very little ranged attacks. He is a support caster.

    Seamus, the Mad Hatter: Seamus is very good at battlefield control. Not so much damage with the exception of his very large gun, which can only be used once a turn. He is a master who can easily heal himself.

    Rasputina: Rasputina is great at blasting people because she can "bounce" spells off of some of her minions, meaning there is very little room for the enemy to hide. She also has ways of blocking off terrain with pillars of ice.

    Lilith: She is quite mobile and pretty much her whole crew is centered around getting in your face and chopping you to pieces. I don't know much beyond that, but I think I hit the nail on the head.

    Ophelia (Henchman though...): She is the Gremlin version of Perdita.

    The Viktorias: More slice and dice masters, most of her crew are named models, which usually equates to them having high health and/or damage but also with very high costs.

    Von Schill (also a henchman): Von Schill is...like the SWAT team in the US. He is very specialized at a few things, does them exceptionally well, but beyond that...he is rather limited. He synergies very well with the rest of his crew.

    Most of the boxes listed there are easily playable with the box alone.

    Some of the others not listed require more models.

  14. Some of the box sets are not complete...ie...you will need to buy more than just the box to start playing that master (leader guy)

    These are some sets that work really well straight from the box

    Lady J

    Perdita Ortega

    Sonnia Criid

    Nicodem, the Undertaker

    Seamus, the Mad Hatter



    Ophelia (Henchman though...)

    The Viktorias

    Von Schill (also a henchman)

    Most people I've known like to demo Perdita vs. Lilith box for box and that works very well because they are both straightforward murder machines.

  15. All of those things.

    Knowing what your crew can do is good, same with knowing their's...being able to do "Malifaux math" is pretty good too.

    Being able to stand up and see the whole board and where your opponent is likely to move, where he will attack.

    Picking the right schemes for the crew and the one you face is undoubtedly important because that's what gets you your precious VP.

    One of the other greater skills I have found is knowing when to play a high card.

    Sure you can always cheat a high card and try to get better than :-fate on damage somewhere, but do you always need to do that...

    Situations like that.

    A problem I have seen people on this forum have a lot is assuming things.

    When they get hot headed and their egos flare they tend to say things like "Well I will just run up and do this, this, and this to your master..."

    Something to that effect, they tend to say that not thinking that you will defend that advance.

    I guess what I mean is, don't assume that certain things are guarantee'd...Wyrd gave us the Black Joker for a reason.

  16. Well, not all Ressers are fast, just Kirai and Seamus haha

    Umm, my notes...

    Spirits take half damage from everything but spells and magical weapons.

    Also when dealing with things like Critical Strike, Brutal, and your blight counters...You do the damage, cut it in half (round down, I think), then add the +1 from whatever.

    Also, Jack Daw cannot be harmed by anything but spells and focused strikes...if he does get hit, his controller can discard a card or a soulstone, if you don't...he dies and whoever killed him gets a VP.

    Spirits don't need to make Terrifying checks to the best of my knowledge and when he charged you, you don't either. It is only when you activate that you'll need to, if you are still in it's melee range.

    The Void...yes...the only cards that count are ones from your control hand.

    So holding on to them will hamper Hammy quite a bit, relying on :+fate flips on stuff, especially from Shikome and their prey.

    It looked like a pretty good game though!


  17. I just like ruffling feathers sometimes.

    I think Wyrd has done an amazing job.

    My only criticism is that it seems, well bluntly put...they dont have their $#!t together. The rulebooks are...crazy haha

    The first one had a lot of errors in it, they had to make an errata

    Then an errata for that one, then the second book came out

    The second one was less screwy with the terms and such but the rulings were crazy, the best way to get an answer is to come onto this forum and ask.

    Hamelin was just the...beacon, I guess...with his Rule of Equivalency challenge as well as the "Who takes Priority" on abilities.

    Now they have the baby rule book which didn't do very much. The diagrams are nice but most of it was already stated if you understood the second book.

    On top of all this, they are working on Puppet Wars, and not only that, but a third rule book. With no clarifications on much of the things I have previously stated. It just seems like they should focus on one thing at a time.

    Lastly, when we've had a problem (being the players at our LGS) we ask our question on here to hopefully get a response from Eric, Nathan, or any of the Rules Marshals. We get told that they're busy...I can understand that, running a company can be a pain...but some of us see them frequently "shooting the breeze" in the General channel posting silly things with no relevance at all.

    This is just a collected opinion, I don't expect much and so far...they're doing pretty good.

  18. I can vouch for my twin wouldn't think him older than 30. Then again he always has these crazy stories about walking 15 miles in the snow up hill both ways to school. He also mention this weird thing called the dust bowl and how his milk use to cost a nickel a bottle :lol:.

    Oh yea welcome new player. I see you got raspy, great pick I finely picked her up this weekend.

    How about the one where you had to share only one shoe between 6 brothers?


    Welcome all newbies!!

    I don't mean it in a bad way hehe

    We all have to start somewhere!

    If you need help, there are tons of people here who can do that and most of them have responded already.

    I am Mr. States-the-Obvious-a-lot

    So....yeah, if you need assistance just message me...or them


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