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Posts posted by jengland

  1. Seconded! I think we need to have a peaceable sit down with some canned fruit.

    There's no doubt a problem and discussing the matter is the only way that Wyrd will now our views. I think they might take a page out of the privateer press playbook and let the players field test any changes. For those of you unfamiliar with how this went down when privateer decided to improve warmachine they put out field test rules for the players then listened to feedback from the players about what needed to be done. It was an unprecedented move and to be honest made warmachine mkII a much improved version.

    The thing that's really killing me is that we're even at each other's throats.

    Qi, Lalo, there's no animosity between us, and yet we're verge of squabbling over an attempt to improve Malifaux. Something everyone in this thread no doubt wants.

  2. That's the problem with a lot of these rulings. They're counter intuitive and not easy to understand the reasoning so everytime it comes up the person who has actually read the official version will sound like they're clutching at straws.

    I feel your pain. Seems everytime I play something comes up that just seems wrong or lackluster. Maybe it's just me but something just doesn't click sometimes. I love the game setting and mechanics but sometimes things just don't feel right. Does this make any sense?

  3. I haven't seen the book yet so fill me in. What as Mctavish?

    After diving into the new book: Twisting Fates, I found myself drawn to the new characters in Malifaux even more now then before. My anticipation for these characters (Exorcist, Rafkin, the Embalmer, Fire Gamin, Spawn Mother & Gupps, Lenny & Sue) to be made into miniatures is at an all time high...to the point that I'm thinking of...well, nothing else! But the one I want in miniature form now more than the rest would be McTavish!!!

    P.S. If anybody knows when he will be released please let me know ;)

  4. Outcasts probably suffer from this worse than most.

    And as much as I hate to say it... Maybe Malifaux just isn't the right game for you at that point. Sometimes, games just are what they are - if I went into Warmachine with a dislike of big, named heroes and asked what I could do to be competitive without using a warcaster, the response would not be accommodating to my particular needs.

    If you really don't like anything other than Som'er - the Viks, Von Schill, Ophelia - then you're certainly going to be facing an uphill climb. There really isn't any other good answer.

    Well I appreciate your honesty about the matter and not trying convince me Somer can do it all or something like that. Lol. I'm not ready to jump ship. I still like the game a lot and realize every system has some growing pains. I do have Ophelia who fills in a lot of gaps and the Vikis look interesting. I was just voicing an opinion about what bugged me about the game. I also realize too that as the game grows it is likely that models will be made to fill gaps in for all masters so you can play your favorite master regardless of the scenario.

  5. I think it would ultimatly come down to what you "like" (being very subjective here) and what you feel like buying in regards to having a balanced faction of represenitive models. How you play is going to vary greatly in how wide a representation of model figures for a faction.

    I'm not sure what you like will hold up in a competitive atmosphere. I like the Gremlins specifically Somer Teeth alot and let's face it he has some terrible matchups. I'm not interested in Leveticus or Hamelin in the least so what am I to do besides take my beatings?

  6. To me, that's part of the issue. I have zero interest in lugging the entire Guild (or any other faction) to a tournament. Especially not when I find 50% of my chosen faction's Masters, and its Henchman, brutally unfun to play. That the game assumes you have the resources and the desire to play each Master is not a feature to me. It's a bug.

    I have to agree with Jonas on this one. I shouldn't have to buy a whole faction to have all the scenarios covered.

  7. Ok here goes. First let me say I am a long time miniatures game player. Having played warhammer fantasy, 40k, chainmail, d&d minis, star wars, warmachine, and many more I am a quite experienced gamer. I like a lot about Malifaux and the setting and miniatures are incredible. The card mechanics with the fate deck and control hand are great and the uniqueness of each model is also very alluring. I agree the game does not need to be dumbed down. My issue with the game is hard to explain. I've only been playing on and off for about a year (more off than on to be honest) but there is something that just doesn't feel right. I often find myself feeling less than satisfied with my game play whether I win or lose. When I lose I can often look back and see things I should have done differently but when I win I often feel like I did so through less than fair means. I out summoned my opponent by so much they had no chance or I used some no resistable ability to damage my opponent over and over or something like that. I like the game tremendously and I was just wondering if this is just me or if others are having these same issues. Thanks for your input.

  8. I have a few warmachine/hordes armies that I am going to thin out. I am putting list up for cryx, circle and mercs right now and will be updating the list with menoth later today. If you are specifically intersted in menoth PM me and I will send you the list tonight. If you want to buy make me a cash offer and we will go from there. I would like to sale the cryx army as a whole but I will part it out if the purchase is big enough. Here is what I have:


    Megalith (assembled and primed grey)

    Woldwarden x2 (primed grey)

    Warpwolf Stalker (bare metal)

    Tharn Ravagers (max bare metal)

    Tharn Ravager white mane (bare)

    Tharn Ravager Shaman (bare)

    pKrueger (bare)

    Lord of the feast (painted)


    Woldwyrd (partially painted)

    Wolves of Orboros (max-partially painted)

    Wolves UA (partially painted)

    Sentry Stone and Mannikins (bare)

    Shifting stones (painted)

    Blackclad Wayfarer (bare)

    Pkaya (bare)

    Druid stoneward and woldstalkers (primed grey)


    Ripjaw x2 (bare plastic)

    Nightwretch x4 (2 painted, 2 primed black)

    Defiler x3 (1 painted, 2 primed black)

    Deathripper x4 (2 painted, 2 primed black)

    Scaverous (bare metal)

    Venethrax (bare metal)

    Mortenabra & Deryliss (Primed black)

    Terminus (Primed black)

    Egaspy (Bare metal)

    Pgaspy (primed black)

    Pskarre x2 (1 painted, 1 primed black)

    Eskarre (bare metal)

    PDeneghra (primed black)

    Witch Coven & Egregore (bare metal)

    Pgoreshade & deathwalker (bare metal)

    Mechinthralls x10 (partially painted)

    Brute Thrall x1 (bare metal)

    Blood gorgers x5 (bare metal)

    Bane Thralls x8 (2 partially painted, 6 primed black)

    Bane Thralls x 10 ( bare metal)

    Bane Thrall UA (bare metal)

    Bane Knights x10 (primed black)

    Bane Knights x6 (bare metal)

    Necrosurgeon & 3 stitch thralls (bare metal)

    Necrotech & 6 scrap thralls (bare metal)

    Blackbanes Ghost Raiders x10 (painted)

    Satyxis Raiders x10 (bare metal)

    Satyxis Raider Sea With UA (Bare metal)

    Satyxis Raider Captain (Bare metal)

    War Witch Siren (bare metal)

    Revenant Pirates x10 (partially painted)

    Captain Rengrave (bare metal)

    Revenant cannon (Bare metal)

    Ogrun Boarding Party x3 (bare metal)

    Soul Hunters x7 (3 bare metal, 4 primed black)

    Darragh Wrathe & dismount (bare metal)

    Pistol Wraith x2 (1 primed black, 1 bare metal)

    Skarlock (painted)

    Machine Wraith (bare metal)

    Bloat Thrall x 2 (1 painted, 1 bare metal)

    Bile Thralls x10 (primed black)

    Tartarus (bare metal)

    General Slaughterborn (Bare metal)

    Withershadow Combine (bare metal)

    Stalker (painted)

    Scavenger (bare metal)

    Harrower (bare metal)

    Leviathan (NIB)

    Malice (bare plastic)

    Hell Diver x 3 (1 painted, 2 primed black)

    Classic Slayer x2 (partially painted)

    Plastic Kit Magnetized to make corruptor, slayer, reaper (bare plastic)

    Cankerworm (paritally painted)

    Seether (bare metal)

    Nightmare (bare metal)

    Deathjack (bare metal)

    Wraith Engine (bare plastic)


    Gorten (primed black)

    Durgen (partially painted)

    Grundback Blaster x 2 (bare metal)

    Grundback Gunner x 6 (3 bare metal, 3 primed black)

    Avalancher (bare metal)

    Rockram (Bare metal)

    Basher (bare metal)

    Driller (bare metal)

    Brun & Lug (Brun primed black, Lug Bare metal)

    Hammerfall gun corp x10 (bare metal)

    Hammerfall UA (bare metal)


    PKreoss (plastic bare)

    Ekreoss (bare)

    Pfeora (new sculpt bare)

    Efeora x2 (1 painted poorly, 1 bare)

    Reznik (primed white)

    Pseverius (bare)

    Testament of Menoth (Primed grey)

    Avatar of menoth (bare)

    Crusader (plastic bare)

    Vanquisher x2 (primed white--arm needs repair)

    Scourge of Heresy (bare)

    Classic Crusader (Bare--arm needs repair)

    Guardian (missing banners, Primed white)

    Templar( painted poorly)

    Repenter x 2 ( 1 plastic bare, 1 metal painted)

    Revenger (bare)

    Vigilant (bare)

    Redeemer(bare metal)

    Dervish (bare)

    Choir min unit (Bare)

    Knights exemplar (painted 7/10)

    Bastions max unit (primed white)

    Flameguard min unit (primed white)

    Flameguard UA (primed white)

    Zealots max unit (3 painted poorly, rest primed white)

    Monolith Bearer (bare)

    Attendent priest x2 (bare)

    Hierophant (bare)

    Knights exemplar Seneshal (primed white)

    Paladin of the wall x2 (1 bare, 1 primed white)

    Vilmon (primed white)

    Reclaimer (Primed white)

    Various bits will be included (including a couple light jack parts etc)



    NIGHTMARE LORD CHOMPY BITS (high priority)

    Ortega Box set

    Lady Justice box set

    Nicodem box set

    mindless zombies

    flesh golem

    crooked men


    Seamus box set

    Rotten belles

    Bette Noire

    Seamus Box Set

    Pandora Box set

    Lilth Box set

    Mature Nephilim

    Young Nephilim


    Marcus Box set

    Rasputian Box set

    Hoarcat pride

    Snow storm

    Sabertooth Cerebus

    Razorspine Rattler

    Purifying flame

    Enslaved nephilim


    Leveticus Box set

    Hamelin Box set

    Malifaux rats

    Puppet wars board game


    Nightmare Teddy

    Most anything Malifaux really. (if I didn't list it and you have it make me an offer)



    Longrider x1



    fennblade UA


    War Hog x1

    If you don't have any of the above cash willl always work. Make me a cash offer and we will go from there.

  9. I have Mercs, Circle and Cryx for trade from Warmachine and I also have the Lady Justice Nightmare edition and Miss Demeanor x3 from Gencon.

    I am looking for first and foremost the Nightmare Lord Chompy Bits and just about any other malifaux crews. If you have some stuff to trade let me know and I will send you full list of my warmachine stuff or if the price is right we can work out a cash deal.

    Send me a PM and we will go from there.


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