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Posts posted by harbinger

  1. Three will be available once retail site goes live. The one we are discussing which while textured and detailed it is reasonably flat because was designed with idea of laying a town set on it. There will be another one very, very similar in design (was built up from the original :P ) with the protruding rocks becoming outcroppings and semi hills. And third will be a Victorianish cobblestone streets. 


    Cant give exact date yet of the site going live. I planned to wait till all perks are delivered to open it. But I am getting anxious to have the terrain dedicated forums up and running. They promised the site to be finished within a week or so; I might just go ahead and open it with the store features disabled.

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  2. Actually no. The mats are 3x4. It is 3x3 play area on two opposing edges is a 6inch un-textured area to lay cards and what not on. I did this since most game stores and such use a 4x8 table in my experience. I liked having a softer spot to lay my cards.


     For those that don't want they extra area, it has been tested and a hobby knife easily cuts it off. The raised (textured) area makes a border for you to cut along giving a straight line with no effort.


    I have yet to decide if will do mats of different sizes to accommodate other game systems. While there is a mold involved; part the process of making the mats is still done manually and varied sized molds adds up very quickly. Im a Mali player at heart and it will always be my main focus when design terrain components.

  3. The mats come fully textured. It is a mix of heavy sand, etched in crevices and protruding rocks.  They do not come painted, the color is a brownish cream that I tinted the latex with before poured; though Im still up in the air about pre-priming them.  My minions have a couple folded and couple rolled to test out what will happen to primed ones during shipping. If the test shows no cracking or rub off issue of the primer then I will go that route.


      Ill see about getting a couple pics sent to me.

  4. Ok... It is with deep regret and sincere apologies I am confirming a delay in perk fulfillment across the board (paddleboat will be delayed as well BUT will be shipping with the starter/town sets.) I will be going with the original 3rd party cutter.

    While very eager, the company I met with today actually uses a press cut out system (they make wooden puzzles.) Cost and time would have to be added to make the cutting dies; and risk of deformation around the cut edges is a quality issue I am not willing to deal with. As have said before... Id rather people be disappointed with me because of a delay; then curse me for years each time the lay terrain out.

    Now the good news... Actually it is two part.

    After viewing the process; I am contracting this new company to produce a few decorative parts I always wanted on the paddleboat and corner salon but had to drop. Think rails and crowns on the smoke stacks... So those with the two mentioned products will be in for a upgraded surprise.

    Secondly; Ive been tossing around an idea for future Victorian and Modern terrain but was not sure how practical this idea would be in the real world. After explaining my vision to the "new" company; we was able to hammer out a new production method that will speed up and reduce price for the noted terrain.

    I will be releasing details on the future terrain as soon as the perk rewards are shipped. Perk completion will remain my focus.

    ---------- Post added at 04:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:34 AM ----------

    I can wait, prefer a better product over a quicker product (though hopefully not a Relic Knights type wait :)

    Wow.. I just looked up what you was referring to out of curiosity. Too many Resser players here with warped ideas for me to risk that kind of stunt....

  5. Ok... It is with deep regret and sincere apologies I am confirming a delay in perk fulfillment across the board (paddleboat will be delayed as well BUT will be shipping with the starter/town sets.) I will be going with the original 3rd party cutter.

    While very eager, the company I met with today actually uses a press cut out system (they make wooden puzzles.) Cost and time would have to be added to make the cutting dies; and risk of deformation around the cut edges is a quality issue I am not willing to deal with. As have said before... Id rather people be disappointed with me because of a delay; then curse me for years each time the lay terrain out.

    Now the good news... Actually it is two part.

    After viewing the process; I am contracting this new company to produce a few decorative parts I always wanted on the paddleboat and corner salon but had to drop. Think rails and crowns on the smoke stacks... So those with the two mentioned products will be in for a upgraded surprise.

    Secondly; Ive been tossing around an idea for future Victorian and Modern terrain but was not sure how practical this idea would be in the real world. After explaining my vision to the "new" company; we was able to hammer out a new production method that will speed up and reduce price for the noted terrain.

    I will be releasing details on the future terrain as soon as the perk rewards are shipped. Perk completion will remain my focus.

    ---------- Post added at 04:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:34 AM ----------

    I can wait, prefer a better product over a quicker product (though hopefully not a Relic Knights type wait :)

    Wow.. I just looked up what you was referring to out of curiosity. Too many Resser players here with warped ideas for me to risk that kind of stunt....

  6. Ok I said would not use this thread any more in respect to Wyrd. But as an important community member here pointed out on my FB page; not all here regularly check FB posts. I don't want anyone concerned or feeling out of the loop. So here is the current update.


    I know many are waiting on an update concerning resolution of the production issue. I will not be giving that update tonight as I do not like what the answer would be and hoping can change it in a meeting I have scheduled tomorrow.

    For those curious to the situation... The company that assembled the base wall panels and ship deck decided to change the adhesive used without consulting me. When company handling the cutting/engraving opened up the boxes to begin work they realized the adhesive started eating the foam sandwiched between the balsa cladding.

    I immediately flew out to see the damage first hand. The panels are ruined beyond consideration. After screaming bloody murder and threatening every legal action I could think of to deaf ears.. We started cleaning off the foam and residue to save as much balsa as possible so could have new panels made. This proved futile as the cuter fears the adhesive soaked into the balsa and could be flammable resulting in potential fire hazard when they start cutting. Though Im not convinced this is even possible it is not my expensive equipment at risk.

    So the current situation... Since I own the production rights to a balsa plantation, replacing the balsa is not an serious issue. The problem is missing the production slot I had scheduled with the cutter. Bluntly; Im not a large enough interest to have the weight to force them into delaying other projects already scheduled.

    Unless I am able to contract another cutter to immediately start (I have a meeting tomorrow with a possible candidate,) the next slot will not open for 45 days.


    In short, the project is not dead. At this point I am weighing quality versus deadline delay. Being a gamer myself, I refuse to sacrifice quality of the final product. A delay in something I paid for would **** me off. But a crap product that will sit on my gaming table for years would infuriate me a lot more then a temporary delay.

    Many companies get caught between the same two rocks I find myself now. It is embarrassing for me to get caught between the rocks right at the start instead of it happening after the company has a few products under its belt and already proven itself; earning trust and patience from the client base. So Im just going to man up and accept the current issue bites and bull through. On bright side I learned a lot from this. Especially making sure a contract with a "foreign" company is detailed as possible and they are not left with holes to take advantage of.

  7. Ok I said would not use this thread any more in respect to Wyrd. But as an important community member here pointed out on my FB page; not all here regularly check FB posts. I don't want anyone concerned or feeling out of the loop. So here is the current update.


    I know many are waiting on an update concerning resolution of the production issue. I will not be giving that update tonight as I do not like what the answer would be and hoping can change it in a meeting I have scheduled tomorrow.

    For those curious to the situation... The company that assembled the base wall panels and ship deck decided to change the adhesive used without consulting me. When company handling the cutting/engraving opened up the boxes to begin work they realized the adhesive started eating the foam sandwiched between the balsa cladding.

    I immediately flew out to see the damage first hand. The panels are ruined beyond consideration. After screaming bloody murder and threatening every legal action I could think of to deaf ears.. We started cleaning off the foam and residue to save as much balsa as possible so could have new panels made. This proved futile as the cuter fears the adhesive soaked into the balsa and could be flammable resulting in potential fire hazard when they start cutting. Though Im not convinced this is even possible it is not my expensive equipment at risk.

    So the current situation... Since I own the production rights to a balsa plantation, replacing the balsa is not an serious issue. The problem is missing the production slot I had scheduled with the cutter. Bluntly; Im not a large enough interest to have the weight to force them into delaying other projects already scheduled.

    Unless I am able to contract another cutter to immediately start (I have a meeting tomorrow with a possible candidate,) the next slot will not open for 45 days.


    In short, the project is not dead. At this point I am weighing quality versus deadline delay. Being a gamer myself, I refuse to sacrifice quality of the final product. A delay in something I paid for would **** me off. But a crap product that will sit on my gaming table for years would infuriate me a lot more then a temporary delay.

    Many companies get caught between the same two rocks I find myself now. It is embarrassing for me to get caught between the rocks right at the start instead of it happening after the company has a few products under its belt and already proven itself; earning trust and patience from the client base. So Im just going to man up and accept the current issue bites and bull through. On bright side I learned a lot from this. Especially making sure a contract with a "foreign" company is detailed as possible and they are not left with holes to take advantage of.

  8. That definitely sucks though it can often be fixed by applying another heavy coat then placing the model under a hot incandescent light to dry.

    Yeah I found that out after stripped and repainted 3 minis once. :/

    One time I wanted to duplicate the effects on a warmachine mini for a winter theme and no matter what I tried couldn't. Only strikes when you don't want it to heeh

  9. Been using grey for years. Tried black, tried white......they're both too much......grey is my friend.

    And, Krylon Indoor/Outdoor grey primer is cheap as hell and works great.

    Im with dgraz 100%. I learned with white (not knowing better, used the way over priced primer from game stores,) using black only for furred animals. Few years latter I was visiting family in the outbacks of West Virginia and since had no access to a game store I gave krylon grey a try. NEVER turned back. Wonderful quality, cheap price, and you can shift from sober to vibrant colors with little effort. Personally I think those alone would make it a good starter primer till person finds their own painting style.

    Biggest issue Ive seen with any color primer is using too much. When first started I thought you had to have 100% coverage and first few minis I literally had the primer crack from being so think (not to mention loss of detail.) At a convention I got the chance to watch one the gold daemon painters (you know.. those despicable creatures that could wet blend with a freaking tooth brush and still get a eye popping result) and noticed she almost just misted with the primer. When asked her about it; she gave me a long drawn out answer how paint molecules don't need much to grip and that even the vapors can leave enough coverage despite you not being able to see it with the eye blahblahblah. Ok I didn't totally follow all she said but tried using less primer from then on and allowed me a smoother result with less layers.

  10. I have had lot more issues with sealers then primers when dealing with temperatures. Nothing **** you off worse then finally getting paint job why you want it then spraying with sealer to find a frosted look the next morning.

    Cant really help you much on advise as Im type to use a cardboard box as a paint booth and deal with people screaming about the smell after :P

  11. Except for the 4 emails bounced back to me as undeliverable all confirmation emails have been sent ;) If you have not received one please email me at pb_terrain@live.com

    For those interested in such things a few tidbits from the campaign...

    Upscale by far the most popular.

    Ive received several threats that if Victorian set is not next my welfare may be in danger. Rasputina has insured my safety if I squeeze my mining set in between so youll all have to wait till March for the Victorian.

    A business competitor bought a full set of everything.. Im tickled you wanted it.

    Another competitor has made an offer to buy out the business. Offer refused... PB Terrain will always remain terrain for gamers by gamers. Small, independent, and dedicated.

    Everything is progressing on timeline and everyone should be playing on new boards by end of January. (excluding steamboats)

    Out of respect to Wyrd I wont be stealing any more forum space and future updates will be made on https://www.facebook.com/PB.Terrain

  12. there is almost no purchasable Victorian themed terrain out there for the wargaming crowd.

    yet ;)

    ok guys the confirmation emails (verifying orders and styles wanted) will start going out in 5-7 days. I need to wait till all the credit card orders clear till indiegogo gives me accurate contributors list to compare to me spreadsheets. That and I need couple days to come down off the high and recover from the celebration outing :P

  13. 16 hours left and I've decided to add the paddleboat to my pledge (65). I also need to add 5$ for shipping for mining thing?

    How do I do this, just 'no perk' 70 and email you, or 'perk' the boat and pledge 70?

    either way works just fine :)

    ---------- Post added at 05:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:32 PM ----------

    Work forgot to pay me (Thanks) so looks like I'm settling for a starter set instead of a town :(

    Don't worry mate; You guys know Ill ALWAYS have soft spot for Mali players. Anyone from these forums that was involved in this initial campaign will get a chance to upgrade in first 90days for close to same prices. Only catch is will have to wait till all the perk customers taken care off.

    ---------- Post added at 05:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:38 PM ----------

    I'm psyched about the Victorian set, you like to put this on Indiegogo/kickstarter.

    I'm near on a 100% gonna back it if it is, if not well you will have a customer out of me purchasing it!

    Fingers crossed you get more funding, wanna see this do really well!

    Cant say anything concrete yet... but a certain someone noticed this whole adventure and was impressed by the fanbase and loyal support they have seen from this community. We have talked and they are sitting back watching how I handle the perk fulfillment. Everything goes fine and ummm... lets just say I wont have to come begging for funding on kickstarter/indigogo when time to bring the Victorian set to life :)

  14. Backed for my town set! Looking forward to the buildings and really can't wait to see the design work for the Victorian sets.

    welcome aboard! And I sincerely think people are going be surprised and pleased when ready to debut the fist Victorian example. Was working on a prototype by hand to test some ideas out right before came to meet with manufacturer to get the ball rolling on the perks.. and it was coming out better then even had in my head. I personally love the stairs.

    ---------- Post added at 07:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:37 AM ----------

    So, Harbinger it says that once you meet your goal we'll get to see the artwork for the mining building

    Yes I did; and Im going do something that's not easy for me.. admit I got caught with my pants down. When I jumped on my flight over here I honestly did not think was going to hit funding goal. Thought was going come close but not hit it. So I did not bring the art with me (I convert the CAD file and modify it so actual file cant be ripped.) Once realized you guys surprised the hell out me in this final day; I sent message for someone to send me the file. Looks like I will get it too late to matter.

  15. Congratulations on the funding.

    I'm making my pledge at $195 to cover a distressed town and a paddleboat delivered to an international address.

    Is it possible to get the paddleboat distressed as well? If so what fee would you like to see?


    PMing you here :)

    ---------- Post added at 07:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:23 PM ----------

    I need to hire someone to take what Im feeling right now and turn it into words. I heart felt thank you to everyone just does not cut it...

  16. ok I have be honest with you guys.. I know Im supposed be here working; but I just couldn't resist going to the zoo today here and feeding a panda. It was awesome! but back to the slave pit.

    Campaign at 95% with 3 days left so Im confident it will hit it. I consider this an accomplishment for this whole community just as much for myself. Would never happened with out all you!

    Now Im going have to hit the Victorian designs out the park to pay you all back for breaking me into the industry. A dream job come true for this old marine :)

  17. Funder #102 checking in. Just to make sure - $105 covers the cost of the whole Town set and shipping cost to Europe, right?
    Yes, 105USD and your good to go :) I spread the shipping out among everyone, that way our european brothers dont take the full brunt of the shipping.

    ---------- Post added at 05:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:50 PM ----------

    PS.. if anyone needs get a hold me please PM here. This country has blocked me from outlook :/

  18. Unless the indigogo fairy turns up in next 5 days the mining building will not be added at this time. Im holding off to add it to the soon coming retail site with a few accessories. There is planed 2 central mining buildings (well one big mining complex and a quarry complex) a rain turn around, mine entrance and few things like carts and such. Im shooting for a march release on it. I can respect people would like it now.. but my main focus will be on perk fulfillment till then. Which leads to why been quiet last couple days. Just touched down overseas after 31 hour flight to meet with the 3rd party manufacturer. We are working out some details on the steamboat because Im not happy with the ornamentation on it and am trying get them cut me slack on some the cutting price so I can snazzy it up from the concept I posted. What this means to you all also... the cutting/engraving on perks orders is about to begin :)

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