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Posts posted by grave13

  1. My opinion is that somer takes far too much resources to be a solid summoner.


    I like summoning with him turn 1 maybe 2 then get him shooting and stabbing.  because half dead low defense gremlins in range of something with blasts will wipe you clean off the table before your slop hauler gets to go.


    Hes good in combat especially if you make them discard their hand first and if you have encouragement on sammy.

    Im still learing about somer. How do i go about in getting Somer to get my opponent to discard their hand? And im not familiar with sammy..what does he do?

  2. As for my above list. I havent picked it to play a certain scheme, i just made it for a general list to play casual games with. But I do hope to play games with different schemes to see how well it does in different situations. More than likely ill be playing against my gf and her Red chapel crew box. Im curious to see how well i can hold my own agsinst Seamus.

  3. Yes im waiting for more gremlin goodies to be released to brick and mortar stores. Gremlins will eventually have enough goodies to handle any situation in any scheme of Malifoux. Im eager to see more crew boxes come out. Really looking forward to something from Ma Tucket as she is suppose to be melee focused. But for now Somer will do just fine for a start into the madness that is gremlins. I think he is a solid choice in learning the play style of the gremlin faction.

  4. I had an interesting discussion last night in the chat room on here. Seems that many people are playing Som'er differently than he was originally planned on paper IE. The back support/summoner role. Some are claiming him to be a viable front line support master. Now me just coming back into Malifoux I have decided to join in the gremlin fun. My gf is going to get the Bayou boss crew box. And lately I have been reading alot on Som'er.

    No two people seem to play Som'er the same way.... With that being said. I see him playing a bigger role in a crew instead of him sitting in the back burning up his AP just to spam gremlins or other lesser crew. I want to know how I can get the most damage output from him and his crew? Is there a way to turn his crew box into something to be feared? I was messing with a crew creator app and made up a list for his crew box for a 50ss game.


    can o' beans


    Family tree

    Skeeter x2

    Bayou gremlin x3

    Burt Jebson



    I'll love it and pet it....

    Slop Hauler

    Now im not sure with this list that the upgrades will work well for it or not. I would value advice on this crew list as im trying to create a solid 50ss crew list for casual play using Som'ers crew box.

    What are your thoughts on how Som'er should be played? and advice on the crew list posted above please.

    • Like 1
  5. Glad I could help. It's easy for me to talk about this game I love so much :)


    I've been fooling around with several different crews lately (aside from 'Dita and Marcus that are mainstays)....I've used Raspi, Sonnia, Lady J, Lucius.........that's why I feel pretty confident saying that they're all pretty balanced. Malifaux is worse than crack........all of the crews play so differently from each other.....and they all have their own brand of fun.......it's just too difficult to stick with one. You're just lucky that your questions were mainly about the two crews that I know best :)

    Hey no problem, they were just crews that I have always loved there fluff and there crews abilities and more eye catching figures. No doubt I know I will have more questions once I start getting some games in. I'm going to stay away from playing Rezzors They just sound a little more complex on play style with all the summoning and corps counters/tokens. I just want straight forward attacks without much thought in doing it, sounds like I'm a Guild person at heart. now my next problem at the moment is that I cannot find the M2e starter box for the Otegas "Latigo posse" are they going to be released on the Malifaux home site this month, I believe I read somewhere that new stuff was being released on the 10th of this month.

  6. Thanks Dgraz, you have given great write ups and advice the past few day, I have made up my mind I'm going to get 2.0 Marcus and Ortega's and my girlfriend will get her Rezzor crew. She's all about fluff and Seamus caught her eye with the Jack the ripper theme, while I'm drawn to Marcus being the beast master of archanic enhanced beast of malifaux, and the Ortega's being famous monster hunters of malifaux. So that should keep me pretty tied up on painting for awhile ;p

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  7. You can run an Ortega starter box at 50ss...that's 6 models with full upgrades.......most other starters can't do that. Many crews can run 8-9 models easily at 50ss.

    sounds like you have some time in playing the Ortega's, what would you say are some pros and con's to them? do they play better than their 1.5 versions? and do you think all the new 2.0 crew boxes are balanced now?

  8. I'd have to say yes. The Ortegas generally run with less models than a lot of other crews, I think it's important to thin the enemy crew a bit at first so you aren't being horribly out-activated every turn.

    They run less models than other crews? so if I play the starter box will I have to sit a model out or can I have the whole family from the box set on the table?

  9. It's not just meant to die. It's a disruptor, mostly. By throwing it in combat with enemy masters/henchmen, it prevents them from shooting, using soulstones, and can tie them up with a decent of Ml 5. If they ignore it, cool , it will just follow them around or give them burning, continuing to disrupt. If they kill it, they're wasting AP and they get burning afterwards, forcing them to take damage (potentially lots of damage if Sonnia or Samael are in range, and they should be) or waste more AP getting rid of it.

    One thing I've thought of doing and tried a couple of times is giving the Flame Everburning and hitting it with a Witchling on the first turn. Now it has burning for the rest of the game and won't take any damage. With Incorporeal, it can then run off to do it's disruption stuff wherever it wants, and then Sonna can blast off/shoot into combat through walls without having to target the enemy first. I've only done it twice, I think, and the second time really made my opponent waste a lot of AP across multiple models that they could have spent on getting VPs, even though they managed to kill it without taking burning (McMourning pushing around).


    Now that is a bad ass tactic for the Purifying flame, I will have to try that out

  10. Sonnia was my first love in 1.5, I just never started a crew in Malifaux, now with 2.0 I'm torn between Marcus and Sonnia because they have always been the crews that appealed to me the most in this game, My girlfriend has gone with Seamus on the Rezzors so I'm looking for either a melee or shooty army to go after Seamus with, and no I'm not interested in playing lady j , I don't hate her she's a bad ass and all just don't want to play her or her crew.

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